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Everything posted by Archie

  1. I might be interested... Will this fit a 93-97?
  2. pdqgp, A good article for you... http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2007/apr/24/usa.comment
  3. Who's the LT1 tuning guru on here? I searched and couldn't find anything...
  4. If next week Bush delcared marshal law and turned the U.S. into a police state, your views would change. Don't think fascism could happen? Read a history book, the military has and will be used to control the public at some point... Wouldn't you like to have a fighting chance? Or will you just fall in line and become a slave? A clause in the patriot act states (in laymans terms) that the president can declare marshal law for something as minute as "a threat to America's infrastructure".
  5. I believe the vote was only 5-4, so I guarantee we will see this in the SC again. SPLN - I like your statement of "security from the tyranny of an empire", whether it be foreign or domestic. I think this may be the most important reason we have this freedom.
  6. If you couldn't get somebody to bite on craigslist, then you might want to reconsider your asking price. CL is a sesspool of degenerates wanting to buy shit (myself included). I know it costs a little dough, but I'd consider throwing her on ebay...
  7. I'll probably roll out there... I'll either be in the dreamboat or the shipwreck.
  8. I've had a little luck with selling less desirable vehicles by just throwing a for sale sign on them and parking on a busy street.
  9. Craigslist etiquette does not exist. Everything I've sold/bough/traded has usually entailed some drunken/stoned phone calls, lowballing, trying to trade absolute junk for something nice, and just overall ignorance. I really only trust buying stuff from CR, Slomo, and LS1tech. In other words, just blow them up.
  10. I hear your LT is pretty quick... Hopefully you didn't get that window tint just to hide your bottle . If yours is stock, mines got a little miss to it
  11. I'd like to pick up that headlight bracket with the lights... You still located in Westerville?
  12. I'm game... I just end up getting drunk every friday instead of going up to sonic.
  13. Damn, sounds like its still in better shape then mine...
  14. Shes sounds like a crazy bitch, but I bet the puss would of been good... Remember - If it smells good, looks good, tastes good, and feels good.... It's all good.
  15. So a bunch of nerds on a VW website have wasted millions of people's time?? That's all I got out of it... The guy didn't seem to do much damage to the towing/boot company other than to annoy some deuchebag GM and bash him on the internet...
  16. Oh, I have 918's... Thought they were rated to .600"... maybe I should stick to my LT1.
  17. Rich kid spending mommy's money.... Cavin?? Fuck it, I'll throw the egg. I haven't been up to sonic since those tools kicked us out for the corvette show, been too busy trying to find some good puss.
  18. Would this lift be too much for .600 springs?
  19. How's your appearance? If you have a big gut slung out over your belt, a big greasy head of hair, and you smell like a big billygoats ass, no one will hire you...
  20. In theory, part of the process is accelerated using a "catalyst" - which is essencially creating some sort of harmonic frequency within the electrolysis process. In the end it doesn't matter. If cars "run on water" were mass produced, large corporations will create the sense of scarcity to control prices of water, and in the next century you can sit on columbusracing and bitch about water prices.
  21. LT1s, unlike 5.0s, don't need turbo kits to be fast...
  22. Dr. Rick, you have saved me some time explaining this to some of the fools on this board that post in countless threads that current gas price hikes are due to low supply. Our country is brimming with oil, we only have a limited means to refine it. Do some research, an oil refinery hasn't been built in this country since the 70s. Therefore, we depend on foreign supply which is traded globally in the dollar. The fed keeps printing money to bail out corrupt investment banks, the airlines, ect.
  23. D-RAME!! I heard last weekend you split some dudes head, beat up 5 of his boys, shanked a cop, shot up the club, and fucked 6 bitches with your 12 inch dick.
  24. Archie


    Sadly, I have proof that Metro Mike may not be as gay as once thought... :nws: http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f214/apietra/Bachelor%20Party/DSC00172.jpg Link NWS images, toolbox. -SpaceGhost
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