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Everything posted by Archie

  1. How dare you use your mind reading superpowers to reveal my inner most fantasies!!!
  2. Well in that case, I think I do. That being said, mrhobbz, don't worry about meeting me somewhere... I'll find you.
  3. Your hollow threats don't impress me, I'm not hiding... name the time and the place. Mods: I like how this little swingnuts gets to shell out threats, blatently, and other people on this board get banned for absolutely the most bullshit reasons. I have NEVER threatend anyone on this board with violence. I merely state my opinion on shit, which most of the time just wakes up all the real cowards to run their mouths.
  4. Actually I was one of the people not racing. I've never been behind bars, I'm too smart for that bullshit. Its easy not to trust cops when you know your rights...
  5. Sorry I've smudged your fairytale view of the police. My opinions come from somebody whos been beat by cops, arrested without probable cause, has witnessed cops blatently disregarding my legal rights as an american, detained without cause or bail, illegally searched... must I go on. I don't appreciate this bullshit when I get that fat chunk of doughnut money taken out of my check. They should be going after the murderers, rapists, drug dealers (which is a whole other rant), crackheads, and so on... Your a good mechanic and a nice guy, I don't want to get into an e-battle with you about the modern day black shirts. I don't believe I deserved being called a "fucking idiot".
  6. You're a fucking bitch. You show your fucking ignorance in every god damn thread on this site. V6 Camaro, fag, deuchebag, pathetic loser... I'm wasting braincells thinking about the general concensus of you on this board. You can be considered as a failed abortion. Back on subject, NexFedram and I barely escaped this "police state" like raid. For all who were there it was pretty fucked up. From what I saw, some cocksucker (probably mrhobbz's boyfriend) on a bike, went right up to the cops as we left saying "aww shyt, there dey go up to 71 ta street race!!1!". The rest is history. Some people I saw (red VW, white C5), turned around in Burger King on 36/37, and never made it to the check point. It doesn't help that all the west side trash saved their money all week to buy gas to drive to Westerville, just to be perfect cop magnets. I mean did anybody see that fucking van? I lol'd when the genoa cop at the checkpoint said "We are conducting an investigation to inflitrate an underground drag racing ring on 71." There's no such thing as a "cool cop". They are all mindless thugs who are trained to abuse their legal power to "serve" the taxpayers. Maybe once we get out of this "have everything, do nothing" society, people will wake up and take the power back. The End.
  7. god damn that's sexy...
  8. Lol. You'd think the cop would have cuffed the guy right when he said that. Knowing Blenden township, they were probably more concerned with someone going 30 MPH in a 25.
  9. Fat chicks have wet pussies, don't hate. DEATHCUP BWRAAAA!!!
  10. Thats what you get for having a small penis truck, a small penis car, and a wife that doesn't work...
  11. Like mirrors? I appreciate that you did not expose your ugly mug in your signature, it is hidden by the pillar. I thought I might sound like an asshole, then I found this on Metro Mikes page... http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f214/apietra/uglypreston.jpg
  12. Severance is a cocksucker, he might as well be wearing a swastika band on is arm... BTW, I think he still mowes his lawin in a speedo during the summer months
  13. Maybe he got a hard on for a younger person driving a vette, they usually don't waste their time with Camaros...
  14. 300 WSMs could be considered expensive as fuck for what you're trying to do. I have a model 70 that shoots those, I've only used it for hog/deer hunting...
  15. "Before I slide I`ma leave you this jewel Even mechanics walk around with they tools, It`s the Militia"
  16. True but that is why we are paying more per barrel of oil. $1 USD is worthless outside of the united states, for example, buying oil from foreign producers. Inflation devalues OUR fiat money.
  17. +rep for the truth behind high gas prices...
  18. I'm just going to be vindictive for the sake of the arguement... I've had one personal experience where I threw an offer out for a "rough" looking car, my post was deleted for lowballing, then I actually got the car for less than the said lowball offer. So maybe unnecessarily deleting posts isn't such a bad thing after all.
  19. I'll be back in town tomorrow around 5 or 6, PM me your number and I'll come pick it up if you are free...
  20. Then me and d-rame would go to the bar and knocked out a few more bitches.
  21. Yeah you called me too, I was on my way to work. Monte punches like a girl so he couldn't D-Rame a mofo... You should have called me to roll up there, I would have wipped that bitch with the gun, and probably even you and your boys. They I would of busted that cops head just for mean muggin me.
  22. I don't believe that post was out of line... Sometimes peoples asking prices need to be legitimately criticized because they are unreasonable. Not to bust anybody out, but some asking prices are high on here especially for junk like a taurus or a tempo...
  23. I'm interested... If you still have it by this weekend I'll pick it up. Maybe we could do some trade'n there Bob.
  24. Says the broke-ass trying to do a LS1 swap into a V6 Camaro...
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