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Everything posted by Archie

  1. A couple of times I've had spark plugs back out on me... All those vacuum lines ftl.
  2. A good point on both of these issues is the fact that the government gets what they pay for... One of the most powerful militaries in the world? $$$$$ Bailing out corrupt sub prime lenders? $$$$ The list of the "important" stuff is far too long. On the bottom of the list is education, immigration (which is a whole other can of worms to pop open), healthcare issues, national debt, infrastructure (roads/bridges). The government & the elite want people to be uneducated, unhealthy, unemployed, and unimportant so that they can just cry to the government for help and become slaves. This is the endgame they want: A global government lead by a minority of "elite" people to rule and majority of poor peasant slaves, similar to the feudal system. I may be seen as paranoid, but all I see is more and more control... Look at this whole streetracing crusade the cops/media are going on. And I see too many idiots saying stupid shit like "Yay cool, department of homeland security, they're awesome" and "cops are cool, they have to beat and tase you, it's for your own good".
  3. Obama will cause people like you and me to eventually stop working all together and join the beggars. Why only work for 50% of your money when you can just live off the government for free!!! I could do that... just lay around collecting a check, drinking, and fucking (your kids would get free health care).
  4. Sorry I've done my research... The guy doesn't know the first thing about being president. I'm just trying to vote for someone who won't make me puke everytime I look at all the tax and worthless bullshit that is taken out of my check every week.
  5. Lol, I'd believe it. Obama is a piece of shit.
  6. Harbor-freight has never failed me, regardless of all the slanderous reviews...
  7. SERS, lol. Ahhh, State Employees... People who are too lazy and ignorant to get "real" jobs.
  8. Damn, I didn't know you were selling the Z... Shoulda let me know, maybe we could do some tradin there Bob.
  9. Doc, you are correct once again. You look at every prosperous time in any country, it was when the government had the power to print money... Right now the FED has the power, do the math...
  10. I've been saying this for months... the engineered destruction of the U.S. economy. So many "paranoid" and mocked economists have warned the public for years that the stability of a mortgage-backed securities market can be deeply impacted by a future of mortgage defaults.
  11. Archie

    turbohatch NWS

    Lol. Nice one doc...
  12. Hal/Scotty I think you lack any sort of legal knowledge to argue the side you are taking so I'll break it down into something you might grasp better. What both of you are suggesting to be lawful, has already proven to not work both in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Lets just play through a senario and see what you guys agree/disagree with... Martial law has been delcared in Westerville for months and a private security force hired by the government has been initiating curfews, checkpoints, and seizures. They stop by Hal/Scottys house: Man thats a nice house buddy, food smells good too... How 'bout we stop in for something to eat? Oh whats that? We can't? Private Property? Trespassing? Constitution? LOL (TAZE, handcuff) Man this is some good shit, mind if we get a little puss off your old lady? Oh whats that? This is a "state of emergency", we are the cops!! (Puss is ravaged) Holy fuck, thats a nice car in the driveway. How fast is she? I think I'll take it for a spin... Why do you keep talking about common law, private property, and the constitution? You surrendered all your rights to me for a false sense of security, stupid!! Man, I must be an idiot. Why the fuck would we need to preserve our Constitutional rights? Thank god there are still some truely intelligent people left in society that help allow everyone to live in a somewhat free society.
  13. God damn that cam is massive...
  14. +1, I'd go spray unless you REALLY want a turbo...
  15. Everytime I beast Cheryl and dump an awful load in her, the endorphins released cause her to buy Cavin a new car.
  16. I'm not partial to Mustangs, but if I were to buy one this would be it.
  17. Just lock this fucking thread. I'm done.
  18. Lol, you have failed so epically you can't even offer a good rebuttal. It's like playing beer pong with a bunch of fat girls with down syndrome.
  19. Lets be thankful to your generation for causing all these problems. "Tard"
  20. The DHS can be only compared to the SS (Hitler's special security), don't think so? The Patriot Act dissolved the following American constitutional protections: Free expression of opinion Freedom of the press Right of assembly and association Right to privacy of postal and electronic communications Protection against unlawful searches and seizures Individual property rights States' right of self-government Presidential decrees make it possible for military forces to be used to monitor and control the civilian population, in violation of the "posse comitatus" act. The Reichstag Fire Syndrome (The Reichstag Fire was Germany's 9/11) occurs whenever a democracy is destroyed by creating a law-and-order crisis and offering as a "solution" the abdication of civil liberties and state's rights to a powerful but unaccountable central dictator. And essencially set up the DHS to be created... Our founding fathers tried to protect us, but we are too ignorant to keep our freedom. I guess in the end its up to everyone to do their own research. I do mine in history rather than .gov websites.
  21. Don't need to read anymore propaganda. What exactly is the DHS doing to secure anything? Securing their bloated budget by wasting money? Promote a false sense of fear in the public, OMG Terrorists? Setting up checkpoints to harrass law abiding citizens? FEMA, give me a fucking break... Hurricane Katrina is my answer to that joke. We can go ahead and quit talking about Al-Qaeda, there is public record of the U.S. funding this organization - lets just quit acting like this enemy we've created is an acutal threat to our society.
  22. This is what kills me, people are actually lazy and ignorant enough to think like this... Let me remind you that YOU HAVE (among many other liberties): The right to vote. The right to free speech. The right to bear arms. When people think like you do and forget this is when we become "average joes". We don't need a Department of Homeland Security, we don't need the War on Terror, we don't need half the beaurocracy and bullshit that corrupt politicians have enslaved us in. The most power force in the U.S. is a well informed public. If people would stop worrying about the Superbowl and start giving a fuck what happend in this country, we would be so much better off.
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