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Everything posted by Murse

  1. :masturboy: or he cleaned the shit out of it once he got there
  2. i have clearly noticed that but not to the degree that stewart pointed out. i love the comment "Ron Paul is the man America needs but does not deserve" and WTF with that last news cast? are you kidding me? god i hope that he becomes the GOP nominee.
  3. I want to know how he gets his hands on all this?!? It's not cheap either. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?feature=m-feedu&v=zn3KCSm3ui4 Lulz I guess I should have checked the thread first!!
  4. the 400x speed i guess, if your shooting HD with like a 16+ MP camera at 1080P at 120+ FPS maybe. but if im dropping 1G on a CF card, more than likely its a production Co. and it wont be just one card min. of 2, and more than likely not just one camera either. i think im just going to buy a RED Scarlet-X and skip the CF card and go with a cheaper SSD drive
  5. i remember when i had a 128mb SD card and that was the shit. i could transfer music everywhere!! now i could barely get a song onto one and hobos throw them out cuz they arnt worth anything! next time i go to microcenter ill be looking for them in the checkout bins. i haddent bought SD cards in along time, but i just got the GoPro Hero2 and so i had to go get one, i still cant believe i got a 16gb class 10 microcenter branded one for $15. its amazing how technology grows!
  6. holy crap i thought i wouldnt ever need more than a few 64 gb cards now this? http://gizmodo.com/5873821/heres-the-biggest-cf-card-ever-made just thought id share!
  7. haha no i grew up around film and photography. hell there is all the stuff to have my own dark room up in the attic, besides the chemicals. my mom did ALL the film developing when she was at Icon and dad has been doing photography since HS but not as much for the now.
  8. hey gabe how much are you wanting to drop on this? ive got a Blade 450 3D that i might be willing to part with, i need the money and dont know if/when ill ever get her back up and running. i also have Phoenix V3 too. its the RTF so it came with the Dx6i. but i will say it needs some parts to get up in the air. i have some, but after flying her into my father back in october or so, i havent even touched it. and i have 6 3s lipos too
  9. one day i plan on getting a large tractor like that, one that i can plow, till, load, etc. but i need a little more land than i have now to make it worth while!
  10. it wasnt that long ago that they stopped producing the chemicals for kodachrome :(now they are gone forever. i guess ill have to stock up on some 35mm just to have for old times sake.
  11. @skinner why weights? I'm not going to be going at any speed to where an out of balance wheel is going to wear bad just because of being out of balance? Or are you stating weight in general just cuz it will need weight to get traction?
  12. I agree completely up until being sprinkled with days like today. I like when we get an extremely snowy day(s) then a few days of sunshine, but still cold that way it's not slushy crap but a snow covered heaven!
  13. I think I'm one of the few that looks forward to snow. Not only for snowboarding, pulling sledders behind the quad, etc. but I love driving in it!! I guess maybe its from growing up in Michigan but I can't wait for snow. My Traxxas Summit is ready to pull the neices and nephew on saucers in the snow too. Now I've just got to get my snowboard refinished and waxed and I'll be set!
  14. Yup i plan to do 270 myself! Screw the city of Columbus! Naaa I'll prolly just do our drive and maybe the neighbors too. I love being out in the snow, so plowing on the tractor is a blast!
  15. So I finally finished getting the mower ready and the quad ready for this winter! The Trailblazer got a richened up carb and battery charge. The Deere got the chains and plow put on! http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/slammedcrx/5d1231df.jpg http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/slammedcrx/dba8a9fe.jpg Now bring it snow!! :fuckyeah:
  16. I like! I've been listening to skrillexs newest album ALOT lately (Bangarang)
  17. Didn't think of that, hmmmm, that kinda sways me to the tiles! Thanks man, now if the next garage is larger all I gotta do is buy a few more tiles!
  18. That shit looks amazing man!
  19. That was very well done!! Kudos to whoever did that!!
  20. Murse


    on Netflix on iPhone? Side note: netflix sux ass, I will surely be canceling!
  21. No I got it, just wanted to spell it out for some!
  22. "Obama says, "I want to clarify that my Administration" Meaning it won't happen within the next yr, since he's not getting reelected. "will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens." Meaning when it does happen there will be a finite time, but it may be 20 years it may be more. "Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation." Traditions and values? Wtf its a GD constitutional right.
  23. Riiiiiiiight??? I'm sure that would never happen, cuz bama has followed through with all his promises
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