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Everything posted by Murse

  1. Canon is speculated to be releasing a 5d mark 3 here soon as well! This may be a good year for dslr's
  2. damn great shots i love the second one, are you using a ND filter? and that first one, just my opinion but i would chop it just above the bridge, but its still a great shot!!
  3. thats awesome! congrats to him! if i ever change careers, its to firefighting. regardless of the outcome your always a hero, as apposed to LEO's your seen as the "bad guy".
  4. Murse


    Well good thing is they can reproduce!
  5. Haha until recently you couldn't get anything after 1959, so they are probably already rust buckets!
  6. He was probably stunned that the tazer didn't work or faze him. So he wasn't ready to pull out his sidearm
  7. think of it as saving us taxpayer money! now we dont have to pay to keep his worthless ass in jail. and the second he turned around with that utility bar to swing at the officer. his partner did the right thing by opening fire. im not saying that 10 shots were too much, but he did the right thing.
  8. i agree it does, but the last 2 had some funny parts. i will still watch because fred armisen is one of my favorite comedians.
  9. The very first episode is the best. The first season is available on Netflix! I give my uncle a hard time cuz he lives in Portland and is a self proclaimed hipster, so many lulz are had!
  10. Thanks everyone! I think we're going to DIY duracoat it. I'll post up some pics once we get it and I get it finished.
  11. Just saw this and thought I would share. I know it's slowed down but I would have thought it would have been smoother, without the pause.
  12. Here is last month http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/slammedcrx/0c894f38.jpg
  13. Really? Maybe it's more but that's what it's been at the last 2 times it's been throttled. I can't find the last screen shot but here is the previous one http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/slammedcrx/45fdeee8.jpg
  14. 10+gb a month average. I still have yet to track down the culprit. I'll be jailbreaking as soon as I get home. I believe there is a cydia app that shows what app is using data, but I can remember
  15. Isn't apple getting ready to release 5.1? All I want the jailbreak for MyWi. But so far I've been throttled 2 months in a row for being in the top 5% and haven't even been able to teather. So maybe I should wait......
  16. Weathergeek pro $4.99 for us with iphones :fuuuu:
  17. Gotta admit that looks like fun, if given the opportunity I would try it!
  18. Watching now! And I can't stand Romney, I have never liked him from the getgo.
  19. Fuck I'm missing the debate! Is this the CNN debate? And reason is because he is too far right to get votes from those that are fence sitters. They want someone that can appeal to the masses and not just one side. It's too bad politics has gotten so bad, I mean what is it 70-80% or do disapproval rating on congress. And these are the people that run our country. I'm not expecting Paul to do too well in SC because he hasn't been campaigning there.
  20. Yeah the look she likes is everything but the slide pink. Here is the exact one she wants. http://www.slickguns.com/sites/default/files/Kahr_P380_Pink_01.jpg I did see that episode. It I missed what they used. I think after checking out the duracoat link that mahle posted I will end up doing that. I'm just afraid that it doesn't get cleaned perfectly, a small speck of oil is on it, it's ruined (like when painting a car) and would have to all be redone. Prep work is key. And if I can pay a pro that I know is gonna do it right the first time I might be better off.
  21. :lolguy: let us know when the owner gets it back up
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