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Everything posted by Murse

  1. It was tough to just press down with only one hand on the gun, otherwise you had to pull the slide back just slightly to release it. It was also just a little too far forward on the slide. Now I know I could go in there and dremel and polish the release and it wouldn't be too much of an issue. Or maybe a skinnier grip under the beaver tail. But if I remember correctly the m&p doesnt have an extension for it either
  2. In regard to the ruger, they haven't been making a decent semi-auto hand gun for long enough to trust them. I Don't doubt that the sr9c is a great gun but if you look at the brand and look at the others in question, there is no doubt your buying a gun from a company that has a good history of making great guns, not a few years of making a good gun
  3. The slide release sucked ass! And It wasn't just that one specific one, I've messed with 3 and they were all the same. So just off that it was a no go. I want it to be comfortable.
  4. yeah i was thinking a second episode had been released
  5. my mom has mine next to my dads, ill have to ask her to take a pic and upload it
  6. ipod nano? it will even clip to your shirt while working out
  7. @87gt thanks for the read, i hadnt read that, quite impressive. if i dont end up choosing one for my carry i will have one for if SHTF. @motozachl it will ultimatly come donw to which one i can shoot best. no i havent heard or checked into CZ. ill look into that. any personal expierence?
  8. thanks eric, yeah it will ultimately come down to whatever feels best shooting but if 2 feel great i need a pro con ! also looking for info on things to watch for if buying used. because some of those that would be the only way i could get it, atleast sooner than later.
  9. Springfield XDM 40 compact http://i39.tinypic.com/dmxxdw.jpg Sig P250 http://i42.tinypic.com/34jel47.jpg Sig P229 http://i39.tinypic.com/2qjm3nk.jpg Glock 23 http://i42.tinypic.com/23wwvc.jpg Beretta storm http://i41.tinypic.com/2cmx9b4.jpg also the grip http://i42.tinypic.com/260vbl0.jpg
  10. alright guys so im looking at getting a carry pistol. im trying to keep it under $500 too but i know some are more than that. heres what ive narrowed it down to based on hand fitment and such: Springfield XDM 40 compact. (perfect with the extended mag) Sig P250 (need to see how it feels with extended mag, ok without tho) Sig P229 (my brother in law carries,equinox with wider grips, feels nice ive shot it plenty of times) Glock 23 (ive shot but dont remember much, this is what my other brother in law carries) also throwing around the Beretta storm (it felt nice and comfortable) bonus to the Sigs is that you can get aftermarket grips. and i theme all my stuff to black and white, and hogues checkered aluminum is pretty slick looking. so i could in turn theme my sidearm as well! also they have a combo to where you can get the fullsize and compact together, since its the firing mechanism that has the serial it can be swapped. glock and sig both have .22 conversion kits for those guns which is a bonus as well. whatever i get will be a compact and fire .40. mainly because both brother in laws shoot .40 and we can all buy in bulk to get a discount online. i was undecided between 9mm and .40 but that kinda swayed the decision. my number one choice right now is the XDM. so im really hoping its a dream to shoot as well. i know i need to go shoot them all, which we are doing next week, but i would like to know what everyone opinion of them is. anyone have any first hand experience with all or any of them? know of any other pros and cons to any specific ones? tia Josh
  11. clicked link thinking it was a new one :fuuuu: but i think hitler won that one !
  12. Murse

    Man Candles

    are those the same candles that were on "Shark Tank"
  13. 1)Ron Paul :fuckyeah: 2)Jon Huntsman 3)Rick Perry
  14. What do you plan on doing with this?
  15. My dad just picked one up from microcenter
  16. When I wrecked mine the other guys insurance co had me go to the title agency and convert it to salvage, then fax them a copy to prove it. After that they sent me a check. Now it's just up to me to finish fixing it and get it inspected so I can get the title updated to a rebuild title. The paperwork for the inspection is $50 just fyi
  17. overall detail. its being printed as xmas cards so she doesnt want it to look too black
  18. trish i love both of yours, expecially this last one! but for the client the first had too much contrast. if it was for me i would have gone with either of them. my client is using them for christmas cards and so just a simple b/w with the red bow that had some detail is what she wanted. i really appreciate both of your help with this. along with the tips and additional ideas. Josh
  19. +1 to pick and pull! They picked up 3 from me all at the same time.
  20. here is before i channel mixed it http://i41.tinypic.com/14bqkw0.jpg
  21. i was thinking that too but i literally layered the background and used photo filter erased what i wanted and thats what i got. i did mix it a little because the top of the bow looked pink
  22. alright fellas, i did a shoot his morning for some family friends of mine, but i cant get this to look right. i cant pinpoint it but something doesnt seem right. she wanted just the bow on the wreath to be in color, which i did but any additional help would be greatly appreciated. one thing i forgot was my grey card so i was using auto white balance. i also had a gold reflector. if that helps with editing!!! oh and i couldnt find my 200mm so i was using my 24-105mm. ive got the RAW and PSD file i can email if someone has a second to help! heres what ive got so far (just remember this is converted to jpg so quality isnt the best) http://i41.tinypic.com/nrvxi.jpg
  23. I would have never guessed it was her unless I was told so.
  24. http://m.straight.fleshbot.com/5866685/lindsay-lohans-playboy-shoot-leaks-online/gallery/
  25. yup now she has to sell her body for crack! lifes rough
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