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Everything posted by Murse

  1. I just watched this lecture by Lawrence Lessig at Google on one of the problems with politics today. With all this PIPA and SOPA going on it kinda gives you a glimpse as to what is really going on. If you have an hour it is well worth it. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=Ik1AK56FtVc
  2. I agree! The things we do to keep our wives happy I know it's just a color but if she can feel even a little bit more comfortable with it, it's worth it. I want her to also be able to enjoy shooting it too. Imagine being the perp that gets shot by a girl, and with a pink gun.:lolguy:
  3. @justcause thanks, all I saw was one, but it's a revolver. I'm looking at semi auto pistol. And staying away from darringers. @mahle That's what I was thinking, but is is something that I can do? I don't want any flaking and want it to look good. It's more than likely going to be in a purse so it needs to be durable. If its easy to do than I might.
  4. So I've gotten my wife into wanting to carry, but she "has to have" a pink gun. The 2 top gums I'm looking at for here are the bodyguard 380 and P238. But who around here can customize it for me. The one she wants is the Kahr p380 but that was a limited edition. And she will never know the difference if it's not that gun
  5. It's snowfall in total inches. So it's saying we'll get between 3-4 according to the chart. It goesnt mean that will be the accumulation tho
  6. Hey Jeff what's the total snowfall for Thursday Friday look like?
  7. Can't wait for the season to restart!!
  8. That's why I put them on the glass, easy to remove with a razor blade!
  9. What would the cost of food per week cost for one of those little guys? Is it crickets? Or pellet type?
  10. I fully support Ron Paul even if he doesn't make the GOP nomination. I will do my part to get him elected because that is who I think should become president. In regards to the smoking is not a crime, I smoke cigars and a twitter follower had sent that to me. Just because I'm a nurse doesn't mean I support all the damn smoking bans, I think it should be up to the owner of the establishment to decide if they want to allow smokers. And I left my car at Starbucks canal yesterday and it was parked under a tele line. Damn birds!:fuuuu: And it's been to cold to wash it all off without the water freezing
  11. Hmmm I like the size of that HD camera! And I'm looking for an in between for my iPhone and 5D Mark II, but not as small as my GoPro Hero2. What are your thoughts on the Sony CX160?? Do you like it? How does it do in lowlight?
  12. I don't think that Colbert will campaign beyond south Carolina. Main reason he's doing it is because he hails from there, it's more of a publicity stunt than anything. Oh well we'll see where it goes from there.
  13. Ronpaul2012.com I ordered Wednesday afternoon and they arrived yesterday. I want to get the beanie, so my next order will include that as well
  14. Those diablo blancos are awesome looking. Ever since you posted the Ambilobe panther chameleon I've wanted one. Just don't have the time right now.
  15. Lock screen http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/slammedcrx/d0d4836b.jpg Wallpaper (I like simple, but not plain) http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/slammedcrx/a4ca80f7.jpg
  16. So now I just have to get the other one onto my wifes car! http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/slammedcrx/1c161c1d.jpg
  17. So in regards to the first vid, is it now cool to leave the tire stickers on. Kinda like leaving the tags on your clothes and the stickers on your hat. And why not leave the window sticker on too?
  18. I've been seriously thinking of getting the Owle Bubo. But just haven't made the leap yet
  19. I love that picture of the two of them. Damn makes me want another dog! But I've got 2 and right now that's enough
  20. He should have had window nets on that!
  21. Tim are you able to adjust your ISO settings on your iPhone? Sitting at my wife's shop! Taken with an iPhone 4S http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/slammedcrx/b22d8d59.jpg
  22. That is more than likely the prediction for today's overall accumulation. The 3" one is overall for this storm system when all said and done
  23. Holy shit I haven't seen his episodes is soo long, the Will Ferrell one was awesome.
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