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Everything posted by dakotart

  1. I believe the problem is the fuel pump relay. The car will usually start, run for 2-3 seconds and then die. Farther attempts the car barley starts and dies immediately. I can turn the key, without starting several times and get it to start for 2-3 seconds. Randomly, the car will start with no problem and not die. the above problem seams to be random. I checked in my haynes manual and it stays that the fuel pump relay for a fuel injected 1991 CRX, is under the drivers side dash next to the fuse panel. The relay is supposed to have 7 or 8 pins (i can't remember but its not the standard 4 pin relay) I cannot find this relay. So, Does anyone know if I'm looking in the wrong place? Does anyone have a picture of the relay? Advanced auto, autozone, and NAPA don't have a listing for the relay. they all asked me to bring in the old one and they can cross reference. Thanks in advance for any help -Rich
  2. As far as I'm aware, you are required to take the hunter safety course regardless of ago. Yes you can sometimes get by with saying that you already had a license before, however if you have a hunting accident and they find out that you never took the course, I'd hate to see the consequences.
  3. I was always told to shoot rifled slugs out of a smooth barrel and smooth slugs out of a rifles barrel.
  4. I suggest that you go to the ODNR and pick up an ohio hunting regulations book. it has every rule and limitation that you must follow when hunting in ohio. (where you can hunt, what you can hunt, what you can hunt with, etc.) I'm mostly a deer hunter. I've taken 3 deer in the last 2 years with my crossbow out at Ohio Power (east of Zanesville). I've seen deer when I had my muzzleloader or 12ga with slugs, but was not permitted by Ohio laws to shoot. i.e. I already shot a buck that year.
  5. I just bought one of these yesterday http://www.mactools.com/Mac/Mac+Products/Catalog/Automotive+Specialty/Shop+Equipment/Air+Compressors/ACP6580V
  6. I'll be there. we are having our national Dakota Meet on Thursday and Friday and then we will be at Technicolor paints on the loop with about 30 other Dakotas. I also think that your numbers are a little over estimated. I've only heard of 40 K cars and 1.5 million people. even though, its an awesome show that i've gone to for the past 3-4 years. :D:D:D:D
  7. I'm not looking to spend much. my i860 has been on my desk for about 1.5 years because my company was paying me to have a phone. PM me with how much you want for it.
  8. I broke the antenna off of my i860 and need another phone. Does anyone have one for sale cheap?
  9. that might be the case. I know that I was getting 2-3 recruiters a week calling me after I updated my resume on Monster
  10. There are some out there. I have a friend at Ohio health who said they have been hiring like mad. I also just got an IT Support Technician III position at AEP.
  11. Here you go! Note* Right click save as. Picture 1 4708KB Picture 2 4540KB Picture 3 5351KB Picture 4 4230KB
  12. I had the WB set to Auto. I think that photoshop or my nikon software will allow me to change the WB. F stop was at its maximum (around 3.5-4) and the shutter was controlled manually.
  13. I was in Groveport. the storm appeared to be moving toward the south east.
  14. not too bad. especially considering that I had a couple of beers.
  15. I was standing in the front yard. this storm was perfect for taking pictures. lots of lightening and no rain!
  16. Thanks I'll pay better attention next time.
  17. These were taken last night. http://Ecksteinjr.com/pictures/lightening/1.jpg http://Ecksteinjr.com/pictures/lightening/2.jpg http://Ecksteinjr.com/pictures/lightening/3.jpg http://Ecksteinjr.com/pictures/lightening/4.jpg
  18. I have the lug nut removal sockets. I'll be in Gahanna tonight for a bit and then back in Groveport after 8:30. -Rich
  19. I'm getting somewhere around 54 mpg in my 1991 CRX (HF model) I need to do a multi-tank average since it varies from 49 to 61 per tank (probably due to the pump shutting off early)
  20. This drive is a PATA. its powering up, goes click click and then powers down. I pulled the board off and it looks like a capacitor crapped out (corrosion on 1 end of it). I have had some luck before swapping board of the same model drive and being able to get data off of the drive. I'm hoping that this is the same case. of course it was the 1 drive not in a raid. ha.
  21. my work drive died and I believe its the circuit board. does anyone have a WD800BB 80GB hard drive that they don't need? Thanks, Rich
  22. dakotart

    Rich at Mac Tools

    I'm the Rich that he is asking about. I am the IT desktop support guy at Mac Tools. I support the headquarters, distribution center, Georgetown toolbox manufacturing plant, a Sabina plant and a couple of engineers in Dallas.
  23. Its about a 2 hour drive for me. I'll come up if you need someone to do photos. I should be able to take 9-12 photos of a 1.5 second launch? The photos below were taken with my old slow camera Tire wrinkle anyone? http://www.sincityrt.com/photos/drtc2006g/IMG_5312.JPG http://www.sincityrt.com/photos/drtc2006g/IMG_5424.JPG http://www.sincityrt.com/photos/drtc2006g/IMG_5529.JPG
  24. You just got a job at MAC? at their HQ in Westerville?
  25. The MAC Edge line is awesome! I have the standard chrome sockets, deep impact, and 2 different sets of wrenches, all in metric and SAE. no more worrying about a rounded off bolt!
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