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Everything posted by alibies

  1. i stoped by a day or two ago to see whats up... you werent home...
  2. drewbie... our own redneck with a jegs catalogue...
  3. pics to alibies@gmail.com
  4. rental viper? it would brreak... oooh yeah....
  5. duncan http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v631/softlyspokenloudlyunderstood/100_0131.jpg
  6. could ya give it a good look for me? where is it at, any chance i can come look at it?
  7. can you get pics of it? Alibies@gmail.com
  8. p.s. dibs until further notice
  9. oooh let me check the finances (parents)
  10. ditto more pics... alibies@earthlink.net
  11. very interested as well, if you can email me your phone, or just get ahold of me on aim: in4mor4to email: alibies@gmail.com
  12. its cool... just checkin in see'n what happened lol
  13. hey take your time deciding, its no rush... dont want to rush you into anything. If youre ever interested in seeing the truck gimi a call... she's a bute smile.gif about your pics i got them and love the car, its extreemly nice email me if you have any interior shots, thanks! -brad
  14. last message for amped or for me?
  15. its a 1999 Dodge Ram SLT longbed V8 with stock chrome wheels http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v631/softlyspokenloudlyunderstood/AUT_3362.jpg sorry bout blur... camera is like... 5 years old... My dad bought it new, and used it in the process of building a new house. There is no damage to the truck just a few scratches in the bed that comes from loading wood. My father works in mansfield and we live in Centerburg(45 min drive daily) so the majority of the 111,000 miles on the odo are from the freeway. In the middle of last summer i took on the truck to keep down the miles. There has been no problems with the truck and it has been driven easy. The truck is SOLID. I am obsessive about keeping the exterior and interior clean, expecially the wheels. It has always been garaged. I just need a car for college. Aim:In4mor4to email:Alibies@gmail.com -Brad
  16. hey... whatever pops your clutch or revs your engine... :barf:
  17. how many miles? im interested!
  18. alibies


    i gotta friend that might be interested
  19. good luck with this car scott from what i read they are great vehicles, and will be worth a great bit someday ridenred... didnt use kbb... used nada and some shelby forum
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