I went to the Mopar Nationals evening event last Saturday night. Every year, the Mopar guys stay on Brice road and every year it gets rowdy. They have burn out boxes in the hotel parking lot, in restaurant parking lots... and last night... in the parking lot of a bank. It is really crazy stuff.
I never bring any of my cars out due to the number of drunk people and reckless driving... but I like to go watch the chaos.
Anyhow... last night... a kid pulls into the waterbox with his BRAND NEW SRT-4. It was that Copper/Orange metallic color... pretty nice looking car. I think they call it Orange Blast or something like that.
He pulls the E-brake to hold the car.... then brings up the revs and dumps the clutch.....the motor is just screaming, but the passenger side tire isn't turning. I'm thinking to myself that these things all have positraction and somthing isn't right.... it has to be the clutch slipping.
By the time I process what is happening (a few seconds) and I get moving towards the car yelling STOP STOP STOP... it's too late. The clutch and pressureplate explode into 8-10 pieces and scrapnel files out from under the car... along with sparks, oil, and antifreeze. Luckily no one got hurt.
I got to survey the damage afterward... and it wasn't pretty. A section of the pressure plate shattered the bellhousing, came out and hit the intake manifold, CRACKING IT IN HALF, then hitting the radiator and crushing it.
At a bare minimum the kid is going to need a new transmission, bellhousing, flywheel, clutch, pressure plate, linkage, intake manifold, throttle body, radiator, condenser, A/C lines, and engine wiring harness. This is the stuff that I saw that was ruined. There is probably going to be more....
Here are a few photos from a fellow LGT'er....
A couple pics:
Oh... and in the 3rd picture... you can see me on the far right... in the black shirt.