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Everything posted by Maro

  1. Good attitude... Joe... :thumbup: Nice bike!
  2. Maro

    Sneek peek!

    I missed it.....
  3. I try to right click it.. but it is only a 226KB file. Media player says Any ideas?
  4. I need to come out one night and hang out with you guys... looks like fun.
  5. Ah... fuck! Call me the repost king this week....
  6. LOL! Cecil's Cockring Emporium!
  7. Warning.. this might cause ear bleeding and loss of breath from laughing. So bad its funny... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3382491587979249836
  8. http://13gb.com/media.php?id=1739
  9. Dude... go to the Cobb website and read up... then go to http://www.nasioc.com or http://www.centralohiosubarus.com and read up..... Then... ask some questions on those boards. Running a Cobb Stg 1 or Stg 2 map is no big deal... very easily a daily driver tune... I drive my Stg 2 LGT 50 miles every day (at a minimum).
  10. You do this.... http://s64.photobucket.com/albums/h188/phil240/?action=view&current=wreck.flv
  11. Nice save and wheelie at the end !!!!
  12. LOL http://www.chilloutzone.de/files/06070302.html
  13. It is well worth the trip and $$. If you want to work with large cats (Tigers, Lions, Cougars, Leopards, etc.), there is a place in Tampa, FL called "Big Cat Rescue". I did that with my wife a few months back. Feeding a chicken to a wild Cougar is extreme.... trust me.
  14. Boy.... those make me proud of the human race....
  15. Maro

    noob to CR

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