1.) Dude... I was at the line when you were crying for your timeslips. We told you 3 seperate times that you needed to get out of your car and come get them... or wait until later. Sitting on the line with your hand out is ridiculous! And.... yeah.. you were pissing off the starter and the woman handling the timeslips.
2.) The yellow WRX runs low 13's. The best time on Friday was a 13.2x .... no kidding. You beat it when the person driving wasn't the owner.... and they were just making an easy pass. That car is NOT stock. I just took offense to your comment about "taking some Subarus". Many of the Subaru people there were drag racing for the first time....
3.) Evidently... you don't know who I am. I don't know what the hell you are talking about. I never even saw Anthony until I was leaving that night. I was talking to the woman at the ticket window about our contract covering the entry for Blitz night. Then I said Hi to Anthony and left. AFAIK, there were never any "insults made about me" from anyone. I think you have the wrong guy.....
All I can tell you is that out of all the people there... you were the only one who kept rubbing people the wrong way. Maybe you were having a bad day or something... I dunno. But the fact is that you irritated a few people... including me. Take it for what it's worth...