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Everything posted by Maro

  1. Different.... definately different
  2. I've heard that wrapping the uppipe and headers will give more hp. Not sure about the downpipe though....
  3. Maro

    CS:Source server

    Is BF2 better than the demo version (graphics and gameplay wise)? I was really disappointed by the BF2 demo....
  4. I have a spare amplifed 6.5" bazooka and slave here if you would be interested.... Not stylish or exceptional sounding... but cheap and easy.
  5. Maro

    CS:Source server

    Thanks for the offer. The problem was that the server would crash at least every day, requiring a reboot. I think it was a conflict that he was having on his maching. With the new tower being dedicated, that issue is fixed now. The only issue I have been having is the map change load time is a bit high due to the older HD I am using....
  6. Maro

    CS:Source server

    Hey all..... as some of you know, the Fightclub server we had running continued to have problems. It was a shared machine (client and server), which is what might have caused some of the problems. Anyhow , I ended up putting another machine together to be a Dedicated CS:S sever. It has been up for 3 weeks with no crashes, so I wanted to post the IP.... The IP for the new FightClub server is I will gladly give any of the CR guys admin rights so that you could play sounds or change maps, etc. Just let me know... graemlins/thumb.gif
  7. Is it on Ebay right now? There is one listed in Gahanna,OH. If so, you have it listed as an AGP card.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=40158&item=5215892892&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW
  8. Mongo like idle....
  9. That guy is a fucking tool....
  10. Looks like a solenoid valve
  11. I don't recognize anybody in those photos but Berto....
  12. I think The Stig said it best..... My $0.02 worth... take the time you need and enjoy the time you have. However, do not fool yourself into thinking it will ever be like it was. I bet everyone on here has had heartbreak at one time or another. It is a part of life, and life, after all, is about the experiences. Be strong and keep your chin up.... it will get better. graemlins/thumb.gif
  13. F'in retards. The younger generation is devoid of taste or style....
  14. I agree with Asshole. graemlins/thatfunny.gif
  15. Gino's East Pizzaria is a must do Navy Pier is great in the evening And try Ed Debevics if you get a change (Ontario Ave. if I recall correctly)
  16. Gino's East Pizzaria is a must do Navy Pier is great in the evening And try Ed Debevics if you get a change (Ontario Ave. if I recall correctly)
  17. Maro

    Man I'm old

    28... eh... I'd love to be 28 again!
  18. Driver issue would be my bet..... that will be a tough one.
  19. Good point... Then I believe that religion is a man-made ideal to control the masses and to maintain power and that blind faith = ignorance. "Faith" is often used as a tool for people to justify their actions and make them selves feel better. Back on topic... Ford can do whatever they want... it is their perogative as a company. For the AFA to call for a boycot of their products because of the decision is silly IMHO. The AFA is trying to manipulate our society to fit in with what they deem as acceptable. If you don't like the company, don't buy the cars... This movement is made out of predjudice.
  20. My buddy just got a Victory red one....
  21. I have tried and do find it interesting. Religion (of any kind) is a diverse topic. However, I can only listen to somones inane logic for so long before I have to state some of my view points. Blind faith is still blind. We have eyes to see with, ears to hear with, and mouths to speak with.... Why not use our brains to determine what we believe. I should not have to repeatedly listen to input without having an equal forum. Why is it alright to listen, but wrong to speak... if you don't agree with the majority faith?
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