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Everything posted by CobraKevin

  1. That Floyd Collins story was pretty crazy. Don't have time to read the main story right now, though.
  2. LMMFAO! Damn that's funny.
  3. Miata's are slow, even compared to the RSX-S. Those cars aren't bad, definitely a more feasable first car/high school car. I wouldn't buy one if you were looking for a car to mod and make high performance. It'd be a good daily driver, and I'd get one before a Celica GTS.
  4. CobraKevin

    Goodbye CR.

    Later, Jack. I'm pretty sure you won't be forgotten. Ok, so it ain't the best of reasons, but hey, it's memorable. Good luck, man, and try to make it back when you get the chance. Hell, a lot of people on the board don't check it regularly, so whenever you find time.
  5. I really wish I had 600+rwhp. Those rims were pretty sweet, yet I'd probably rather have chrome stock wheels. Pretty good race, and the "see ya" and flashers were pretty gay. If a Z06 could handle 19#'s and it would actually help, maybe he would be running it. 550rwhp is 550rwhp, whether he's running 8lbs or 25lbs. Losing in a race to a car with 60hp less, better aerodynamics, and better high-end gearing from a roll I don't think warrants a "gay".
  6. 2nd one is def. better. I'd do 'em both, though.
  7. Yeah, those pics posted in September were pretty terrible compared to how she looks in Van Helsing. In the preview when she says "I think that's earned him a 'dlink'", I'm just like "Damn!"
  8. 12.04 / 7.8 = 1.544 (03 Cobra) 14.39 / 9.2 = 1.565 (02 GT) 12.64 / 8.1 = 1.560 (01 Cobra) Pretty close.
  9. Yup. Repost, but funny as hell.
  10. You haven't been here long enough.
  11. CobraKevin


    Jason, when I went to Rachel's for my bro's Bachelor party (only 17 at the time) they let me in. As far as I know, you can get in if you're 18, but you have to purchase a bright yellow Rachel's shirt to inform bartenders NOT to serve you alcohol. And I had a good ole time.
  12. 1. I hate people that don't do the speed limit. Drives me completely insane. On 256 (50mph speed limit) everyday to and from work, people are constantly going 35-40 mph. I'll be doing 50-55 and be literally barreling past people like I was racing them. To top it off, these dumbasses going 40mph see a cop coming the other way and slam on their brakes like it's going to prevent them from getting a ticket. YOU WERE FUCKING DOING 10 UNDER ALREADY! What are you scared of? 2. People who are totally oblivious to their surroundings. A specific example, I was on Tussing Rd. turning left onto 256 (for those that know the area). There are two left-turn lanes, and I'm in the left of the two. This lady in a Grand Prix in the right left-turn lane is about half a car in front of me (were talking my front bumper is at her rear tire). She apparantly had no idea I was there and with no turn signal or anything just decides to shift lanes. Dane Cook has a great comedy bit about situations like this. Had I not slowed down, she would've spun out no question (which would've been sweet now that I think about it). But I have yet to use my horn because I'm too worried about getting out of the way than laying on the horn. So far it's worked pretty well. But the same thing happens on the freeway. I'll be flying down the road showing of for a friend or something doing 100+ and a person in the next lane over politely turns on his turn signal and comes on over. Ok, I probably shouldn't be doing 100+, but damn folks use your sideview mirrors. 3. People who believe a light turning green means "wait a few seconds to piss off the people behind you". Just a few on the list.
  13. I don't get it at all, but that was still one of the funniest fuckin things I've EVER heard!!! LMMFAO! "Hold on Kyle, let me finish" Goddamn. Cartman = Stiffler = Chappelle = God
  14. I was under the impression that if you bid something and the seller decides to sell it, you have to pay.
  15. Old. Probably not current statistics, but still pretty crazy.
  16. My 7.8 1/8 was 12.0 in the 1/4. A lot depends on the trap speed in the 1/8. If you're on slicks, you could run a 7.99 at +- 85mph and run the 1/4 around 12.7. On street tires, you're more apt to turning 90mph in the 1/8, and going half a second faster in the 1/4.
  17. 'Cause you know one would be too sticky to sell anyways. tongue.gif
  18. I got a ticket for a U-turn here in Picktown. Depends on the city, but most are illegal. I wouldn't bother fighting it.
  19. I'd give her a little William Hung. smile.gif
  20. Very true. But damn that wouldn't thwart my decision to hit it 10x!
  21. Same here. The first few times I watched it, it looks like he got hit in the chest and reaches up to grab his chest (like humans usually do thinking it will help). But after you posted, I watched it again and it looks like he migh have hit his forearm or something and his arm jerks towards his chest due to the reaction of it exploding and hitting him (since it happens much quicker than we can react).
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