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Posts posted by CobraKevin

  1. They ran it in the spring game. Trappasso was a 1st time all state running back in high school


    I graduated with him. As much of a dick as he is, he's quite the football player.



  2. The scariest thing to me about this entire ordeal (given the fact I don't have childen) is this:


    Quoted from the Columbus Dispatch this morning, "In the past 10 years, about 340 children have died of the heat after becoming trapped inside vehicles, according to an Associated Press analysis made in July."


    Ok. So, 34 childen a year die from extreme heat inside cars.


    Theres typically only about 3 months that could get hot enough for such occurences, but lets stretch that a bit to 8 months. Throwing in an additional 2 weeks for good measure, thats exactly 34 weeks.


    One child dies every week from this same shit. Consistently. For 10 straight years. Can we please just kill some of these retarded, irresponsible parents/childcare folk?





  3. I looked it up. The guy who played Michael is Tyler Mane, the same guy who played the big badass Trojan in the beginning of Troy (not the guy Brad Pitt killed, but the big dude with the beard who was one of Brad Pitt's Arcadians). He also was Sabertooth in the first X-Men. I liked the fact that he got big as fuck. Makes all the unbelievable acts of strength slightly more believable. Mane is 6'8" and built all to hell.



  4. Disclaimer:The Halloween "franchise" has always been my favorite of the big trio, so try as I might, there may be a small amount of bias in this review. Also, just in case anyone was NOT aware, this is a different take on the original, not a sequel


    Summary: Michael Myers is back in a complete overhaul of the original creation. In an almost prequel fashion, this rendition focuses on the childhood of Michael that led to his insane and demonic behavior. After suffering through a broken, viscious, careless, unaccepted lifestyle, young Michael resorted to violence and murder, landing him in a mental institution. More than 15 years pass before Michael is able to make his escape and return to Haddonfield for his baby sister Laurie.


    Pros: For starters, the backstory is an IMMENSE part of character development that was completely lacking in the original. This film captured the essence of Michael Myers and enlightened the audience with it. There was less gore than Zombie's other films, but more than plenty to keep it "realistic" (I think probably 80% of the characters had blood on them at some point). And yes, a number of breasteses (and rather nice ones at that).


    Cons: Traditional slasher film intelligence applies a.k.a. stupid people. Even though the film transitions from the childhood Michael to where the first film began, not everything happens the way it was portrayed in the original (if that's what some of you are expecting). The childhood portion of the film was a little long I think, though.


    Conclusion: 4.5/5.0. To put it simply, this film, had it been made first, would have eliminated the need for 7 more sequels. I feel that this was Zombie's first chance to make a quality film, and a rather challenging one to be compared to a horror classic. I think he did quite a good job, and in more ways than not I prefer this version. If you're a fan of the Halloween series, I can't fathom that you would not enjoy and appreciate the depth this movie brings to the character. If you're not necessarily a slasher film type of person or just have never seen or enjoyed any of the other Halloween films, you probably shouldn't be taking time out to see it. However, if you've never seen a Halloween movie, this would be the one to see.



  5. I've always been a big fan of the Halloween series, and while I wasn't necessarily a huge fan of House of 1000 Corpses, I was/am hoping the twisted mind of Zombie would make this Halloween an amazing remake. I'm planning on seeing it in the theatres Friday, hopefully putting a review up that night. I'm hoping our tastes just differ.



  6. Sorry about the delay, but here we go.


    Summary: Two childhood friends, Seth and Evan, are rounding out their high school years and want to go out with a bang since they're going to different colleges. Their mission objective: supply booze for a party and ultimately get laid. Given the fact they are underage, they rely on their underage retarded friend Fogle and his fake I.D. to pull through, resulting in plenty of snags along the way.


    Pros: Definitely a riot of a film. Judd Apatow, with help from writer/actor Seth Rogan, put together another great comedy in their unalligned trio (combined with 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up). Lots of random humor and I'm sure a number of gestures/one-liners that might get missed in one viewing.


    Cons: I'm not old by any means, but high school humor isn't AS funny for me as it used to be. There were a handful of moments in the film that I could tell were supposed to be punchlines, but didn't really get me or the rest of the audience going.


    Conclusion: 4.25/5.00. I think Apatow's first two creations had more adult-oriented humor, and therefore earned my preference. I personally think each film's comedic value has dulled ever-so-slightly in order of release. Don't get me wrong, it was a hysterical film. If you enjoyed the other two Apatow films, it's a no brainer you should've been in the theater by now. I think my expectations were a bit too high, however, and the style of humor wasn't quite my preference. Possibly one of those films that are more entertaining the second time around. Regardless, it still comes recommended from me.



  7. Just to illustrate how many alternate routes might be taken in a game like this, here are the two ways I got the "answer" to Harvey Kietel and Michael Caine.


    Harvey Kietel --> National Treasure --> Nicholas Cage --> Ghost Rider --> Wes Bentley (Had to look up his name, but I already knew who he was) --> American Beauty --> Kevin Spacey --> Negotiator --> Samuel L. Jackson --> Star Wars --> Liam Neeson --> Batman Begins --> Michael Caine


    Then later, I was reminded that Harvey Kietel was in Pulp Fiction (I did that last one entirely in my head), which cut out the entire first half of my previous link setup.


    Harvey Kietel --> Pulp Fiction --> Samuel L. Jackson --> Star Wars --> Liam Neeson --> Batman Begins --> Michael Caine.


    Now for your enjoyment, I came up with a few that I did work out, but I'm curious as to how you will get to them. I did all of these in my head, then my bro (03SRT-4) did them better in his head. You can use whatever you'd like.


    Martin Lawrence --> Jessica Biel.............(Me:4----My Bro:2)


    Steven Seagall --> Phillip Seymour Hoffman.......(Me:6----My Bro:3)


    Bruce Willis --> Burt Reynolds.............(Me:2----My Bro:1)


    Jean Claude Van Dam --> Haley Joel Osmet.......(Me:3----My Bro:2 using IMDB)


    Just for reference, the total links can be defined as actors in between the start and goal actors. For example, the second Kietel/Caine setup had two links - Jackson and Neeson.

  8. Carlos Alazraqui --> Happy Feet --> Nicole Kidman --> Eyes Wide Shut --> Tom Cruise --> Color of Money --> Paul Newman


    Dakota Fanning --> The Dreamer --> Kurt Russell --> Tango and Cash --> Sylvester Stallone --> Rocky --> Carl Weathers --> Predator --> Arnold Schwartzenegger --> True Lies --> Jamie Lee Curtis --> Halloween H20 --> Janet Lee



    Sammy Davis Jr. --> Cannonball Run --> Peter Fonda --> Ghost Rider --> Eva Mendez --> Hitch --> Will Smith --> Independence Day --> Randy Quaid


    Keep'em coming and just so you know we (my brother was helping me and he is 03SRT-4) only needed a few look up from IMDB to get an idea . . for example I didn't know off hand movies with Sammy Davis Jr.


    If anyone can get these actors connected in fewer links please do so and post because I am curious.

  9. Comic-con is fuckin badass. Never heard of it before heading to Cali on vacation two weeks ago, but spent a day there and I honestly can't wait to go back. Wish I was there for the Kevin Smith part though, he's the fuckin man.



  10. If they're asking for it....I have no problem giving it to them. But I do have a cut-off point.


    Oh, and I'd tag any one of those 4.


    This man speaks the truth.



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