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Posts posted by CobraKevin

  1. Two questions:


    1. What time do you guys open up? My shift is probably going to be different than originally planned on Saturday, so I'd be better off showing up before work.


    2. Can anyone elaborate on the difference between Dynapack dynos and the traditional roller dynos? Is one more accurate than the other?



  2. So Webster's website says SlowZ06 is right, dictionary.com says RangerTurbo is right. I guess it's time to turn this thread into another religious debate about who's right or wrong. :rolleyes:


    Just cool your jets about a retarded dispute that proves nothing, regardless of who "wins". Pointing out spelling mistakes on a forum message board is "about as useful at a poopy-flavored lolipop", and has absolutely nothing to do with a thread regarding a man's vehicle. Take that shit to The Kitchen if you guys want to test those wits of yours.



  3. Disclaimer: As with Spiderman 3, I did not read any comics really growing up, so my review is not concered with historical accuracy.


    Summary: The second installment of the Fantastic Four series, the crew finds themselves in another bind as an unidentified being has arrived on Earth and is wreaking havoc wherever he travels. Eventually called the Silver Surfer, this extraterrestial entity leads an omnipotent planet-eater with a voracious appetite for organic "food" towards Earth. The 4 must team up with their nemesis, Dr. Doom, to find a way to stop the Silver Surfer and the destruction soon to follow in his wake.


    Pros: Relatively good action, rather impressive special effects, plenty of comic relief, and Jessica Alba.


    Cons: Ms. Alba, while gorgeous, is far from an amazing actress (none of them are incredible, though Chris Evans aka Johnny Storm is badass), the entire wedding storyline (though somewhat important) was kinda retarded, and the ending/climax/twist was rather predictable.


    Conclusion: 3.5/5.0. Definitely a fun movie to watch. It's entertaining and comical, and no doubt great for kids. Outside of interesting special effects, though, it doesn't seem to hold a great deal of adult appeal. I would say it's worth seeing in the theatres if the general genre suits you, especially if you have children. But it's not exactly a film that you'll be talking about too much after watching it.



  4. - Ricey Wing

    - Crooked Fart Can

    - Fairly ricey GFX Kit

    - Unpainted CF hood (that can and SHOULD be painted)

    - Hood Pins


    I wouldn't be too proud of that.


    Usually I would be with you on all of this (still am on the hood pins at least), but I'm a bit more impressed overall with the look of the car than typical rice.


    The wing isn't aluminum, and therefore isn't inately gay. That wing isn't much worse than an STi or Evo and actually complements the GFX, which really isn't that bad either. It matches the car, looks rather aggressive, and definitely distiguishes the car from other Tibbies.


    The fart can is probably a little larger than necessary, even being turbocharged. But it doesn't look any different than the exhausts you find on any modded Supra.


    I do agree that the car would look better if the CF hood was painted, but to each his own.


    The overall idea behind rice is a car that looks fast, but isn't. Compared to 98% of Tiburons, this car is already a beast. Without some hard numbers, I can't comment in general how fast it might be, but I'm sure there's more tuning to be had.




    P.S. The new wheels look much better imo.

  5. The Cyril one was originally done by David Copperfield on a moving train, then by David Blain in a store window, he just added the Criss Angel through-glass technique. It's been done by a number of people which makes it less impressive (though I still think it's badass and wanna know how it's done), but that floating over a tower shit is ridiculous.



  6. Summary: The Ocean crew is at it again with yet another job, yet a bit more personal this time around. Reuben is hospitalized after a run in with his supposed soon-to-be business partner Willie Bank (Pacino) ended with empty promises. The crew assembles again to take on another powerhouse in the casino industry. The plan? Rig all the games (roulette, craps, slots, blackjack, etc.) for the biggest consumer payout in history...on opening night, nonetheless. Snags occur, as expected, and it's even necessary to enlist the financial aid of their first victim - Terry Benedict (Garcia).


    Pros: A baker's dozen of professional thieves combine efforts for the third time, coming up with the most intricate possible setups to pull a big score. Comic relief is in surplus, and not really a dull moment in the movie (that I can recall after watching it 3 days ago). Did I mention Al Pacino is in it?


    Cons: While Al Pacino is a main player in the film, he doesn't quite deliver a Devil's Advocate performance. And I guess maybe if you're the type of person who overanalyzes the possibility of such an amazing stunt working, you might just be tuckered out from the first two.


    Summary: 4.5/5.0. I really enjoyed all 3 movies. I enjoyed all the subtle and not-so-subtle comedy, I recognize and appreciate most actors in the film, and I'm constantly interested in seeing what kinds of things the writers setup...and how they beat them down.



  7. Summary: Very similar backstory as the first movie - a couple of friends (girls this time around) meet a rather friendly foreign female who leads them to a destination slightly different than they had originally planned. Things obviously begin to get awkward and eventially terrifying as one by one they're "hunted" by rich people with demented minds. This time around, however, you get the leisure of following both plot lines - that of the horrified prey and the ruthless predators.


    Pros: Boobies. Slight sensual suggestive nature between two women, rather intriguing (and painful) life-ending solutions, and sufficient gore to satisfy.


    Cons: The general storyline sort of fell flat compared to the first, the hunter portion of the story was (for me) rather confusing and a little whack, and it just seemed there was very little pushing-the-envelope for this type of film.


    Conclusion: 3.75/5.00. If you weren't a fan of the first one, I don't think this will help matters much. If you were a fan of the first, your opinion could go either way depending on what you value in a film like this. I personally enjoyed the more psychological thriller aspect that Hostel brought to the table, as well as the "Inspired by a True Story" tag it wore well. However, like other "true horror stories" (Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Exorcist), the originals usually reign supreme, maybe due to the lack of ability the sequels have of holding said tag. All in all, I am much more excited looking ahead to 1408.



  8. 1. Short-throw shifter. Steeda Tri-ax works nicely, as do a few others.


    2. 3.73 gears if it's your DD and you want to maintain any kind of mpg. 4.10's max, as Kev said.


    3. X-pipe/Cat-back. Magnaflow is my personal favorite. Good price, good power, good sound. Plenty of other options out though depending on your preference.


    Just those 4 things, you should be consistent mid-high 13's @ 102ish given average driving ability. If you want to go further, I'd complete the exhaust with some quality headers, get her a performance chip (Diablosport or Superchip), get her tuned, and slap some drag radials on there. Low 13's @ 105ish more often than not easing it off the line with little worry of rear-end issues. High-12's if you wanna risk it.


    If you plan on running any faster than that, just get a power adder now.



  9. No doubt it's a V6.


    First two things I notice about that car that scream V6:


    1. No holes cut out of the rear bumper for the dual exhaust. ALL GT's that body style had holes in the bumper. All Cobras have "Cobra" in the bumper, not "Mustang".


    2. The wheels. No GT or Cobra that body style came with those wheels from the factory.


    Also, the black striping the runs under the door...VERY rarely will you find that on a GT. Never on a Cobra.


    Granted, that guy could have went through a lot of trouble to make it look like a sleeper. But it wouldn't make much since to go through all that work just to throw a Cobra emblem on the back. :)



  10. Summary: Allison (Katherine Heigl) makes a quality living working for E! Ben (Seth Rogan) is a pothead who sits at home all the time with his buddies getting high and hammered constantly, living off a one-time settlement check of $14,000 from like 10 years ago. One fateful night, Allison decides to go with her sister to a club and get wasted and have a good time. Allison and Ben end up crossing paths, hitting things off (sorta), going home and having a one-night stand. Allison finds out Ben's a lowlife (with his great idea of an online adult website) and really doesn't feel like talking to him again. Things change when she finds out she's pregnant. Allison decides to take a leap of faith and attempt to make the relationship work, as does Ben. Things obviously don't go as planned in a textbook case of "opposites attract", making for some nothing-short-of-hilarious comedy.


    Pros: From the creators of 40-year-old Virgin, you can definitely expect a lot of laughs. Easily a movie you and the guys could spend a couple of hours laughing your asses off at, or a semi-romantic comedy the ladies should enjoy. Did I mention Katherine Heigl is gorgeous?


    Cons: Definitely some slow parts, especially towards the end, Oh, and Ms. Heigl is never nekkid. :(


    Conclusion: 4.0/5.0. While I wouldn't say it was one of the funniest movies of all time, there were a number of hysterical moments in the film. There was probably a straight 15-minute portion of film towards the end where I barely heard any laughter (in a PACKED theater), which kinda drug things on. If you liked 40-year-old Virgin, this movie is a must-see. If you never saw 40-year-old Virgin, shame on you. Go see both.



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