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Everything posted by evan9381

  1. noticed it a couple days ago on this forum too. Just figured there was an issue with where pic was hosted
  2. It has to do with maybe the funniest horrible tattoo ever. lick my taint.
  3. its fixed http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr02/2013/2/22/10/enhanced-buzz-20962-1361547630-4.jpg http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/the-worlds-worst-tattoo-has-finally-been-fixed
  4. Wouldnt it be easier just to put a waterproof box up there and leave a whole set of tools to do any possible job you could do up there?
  5. Got federal yesterday. State for the last few years have owed between $30-40 each year. This year im somehow getting like $160 back. Already spent about 1/3 f my federal on events im doing throughout the year so i dont have to think about budgeting for them at the time, and a couple goodies ive wanted.
  6. Took the words from my mouth. Fuck that climbing with nothing to catch you if you fell, except at a couple select breaks. Itd take me a 8 digit paycheck and some crazy safety harness, THEN id think about it.
  7. Signed up for the 6/8 Tour De Cure (ride for diabetes) century route today. Will be signing up for RAIN (ride across IN) this weekend. 160 miles in 1 day in the middle of july? thats gonna be killer.
  8. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/318146_10200217418352115_573547496_n.jpg
  9. Look into care credit. Ive never used them, but the doctor my mom works for uses it there. Its for medical stuff and you can get 0% for like 18 months.
  10. Morse rd store deserved it more. But my best friend is an assistant manager at the main st store overnights. i had to send him a message and laugh.
  11. http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr03/2013/1/24/12/enhanced-buzz-25237-1359049944-0.jpg http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr03/2013/1/24/13/enhanced-buzz-2811-1359052148-0.jpg http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr01/2013/1/24/14/enhanced-buzz-30675-1359056361-1.jpg http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr03/2013/1/24/12/enhanced-buzz-18414-1359048878-1.jpg
  12. slowly getting addicted to buzzfeed. some great shit there... some troll parents... http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr03/2013/1/25/15/enhanced-buzz-23927-1359146255-0.jpg http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr02/2013/1/25/17/enhanced-buzz-15543-1359151379-6.jpg http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr03/2013/1/28/10/enhanced-buzz-21580-1359385541-0.jpg http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr02/2013/1/29/12/enhanced-buzz-23775-1359481996-15.jpg http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr02/2013/1/29/13/enhanced-buzz-4415-1359485553-0.jpg
  13. did das borgen log in under your name? wtf is with these reposts?
  14. http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr02/2013/2/18/10/enhanced-buzz-10855-1361201486-3.jpg
  15. anyone doing TOSRV (or just the half) and want to join for a slower paced 50 miles? trying to see about getting a group together for the portion i'm gonna ride with my brother, then i'm gonna join some friends in Chillicothe to do the rest of the ride. He's not a cyclist, and i'll honestly be shocked if we keep a 15 average, but we're gonna get an early start (7ish) so by the time we make it to Chillicothe, my friends starting at 8-830 will be rolling in about the same time. If you want to join for the second half, you're more than welcome to, but it will be a much more lively pace (20+)
  16. i know a whole group of cycling friends doing this/primal. they've all lost weight, keep a lower HR while riding (which keeps you from burning out as easy), cholesterol is down i tried it and it lasted about 3 days. lol. its seriously like having a second job trying to cook and have meals prepared. plus the few meals i tried i wasnt fond of at all. but i did get into some foods i didnt do much of at all before (avodcado, blueberries, zucchini, brussel sprouts, etc), and try to cut out grains occasionally. the other thing i've been doing lately which i never did before, is i stop eating once im full. lol. i used to eat whatever was on my plate. i could be full, but if there was still food left, i felt like i was wasting it, so i'd finish it. and the suggestion someone made of eating more often is right. do 5-6 small meals a day and it'll boost your metabolism. your body wont "store" food because it'll learn its gonna be fed again in another 2-3 hours instead of 4-6.
  17. Now how is he supposed to argue your claim if its "unarguable"?
  18. Youre not fucking serious, are you? can you not read or do you just click links, play video, not even listen, dont read anything, then post?
  19. Appears the driver is related to the guy whos wife totalled the truck doing 15mph. That car was abviously obeying the 25mph speed limit to do that much damage.
  20. i honestly have not read a book since the summer after HS (2003), and that was to re-read a book i read in HS (catcher in the rye) i started a book about 4 years ago, got 3/4 of the way through, and never finished it. bought one about 6 months ago i thought i'd really want to read...a guy wrote it, and they say if they listened to his intelligence, 9/11 would have never happened. whole chapters of the book are blacked out on shit they wouldnt let him print...read one chapter, never picked it up since i must have ADD or just find it super boring. i've tried, i just dont find it interesting enough
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