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Everything posted by morabu

  1. after you find a model you like, you can go here and find out all the info you want/care to know about it! http://www.camcorderinfo.com/ this is where i went this spring and did all of my research before i went and bought mine. personally i would get a mini dv instead of a dvd camcorder for the simple fact of price and "most" dvd cams you CANNOT edit/record over previous video without copying the dvd to your harddrive anyway! and there are a few cams out there that record to a mini hard drive.......but you better have a WAD-O-CASH for them!!! good luck and happy hunting!! Morabu
  2. that girl's ass is all over the net, and I LIKE IT THAT WAY!!! GOTDAMN!!!
  3. i think you might be refering to a couple of applications: desktop x, and a few others i can't remember off of the top of my head! if i can think of the others i will post them as well
  4. that was very well done, my abs hurt now!
  5. oldie, but funny none-the-less!
  6. DAMN!! it would be easy to find out who stole it in the class because someone is shitting themselves right about now in class!!! LMAO!!!
  7. good shit, hope you feel a little better!
  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DUMBASS!! got nervous in front of the camera!!
  9. that's just insane, even if you have studied the pattern before starting, moving it that fast and precisley was amazing!
  10. morabu

    flash game

    cheesey game, but cool that it's all done in letters
  11. cool, let me know about the pics and such btw... i live on the westside
  12. morabu

    Chili Contest

    ^^ +1 ^^ that had me laughing hard!
  13. is this a 50" or 52" you have it linked to a 52" rca? this does not display 720p? bummer if not still have remote, nothing wrong with it at all? i am very interested in this, as i was when it 1st sold
  14. morabu


    very nice gifs trisha thx for posting
  15. my wife would love to see some pics and what models they are, delivery available? and she is asking why are you getting rid of them LOL! $200?
  16. morabu

    Movie Reviews

    thx for the opnions i've only seen skeleton key, and i personally would give a notch higher rating but i have been wanting to see the others as well however transporter i was planning on waiting for the dvd release anyway but thx!
  17. morabu

    Get Blown!

    why wouldn't it work? it is a form of hillbilly forced induction!
  18. sucked as a pron, but does a good job of getting a serious point across as pointed out above
  19. DAMN!! if i had some extra money i would commision him to do something on one of the walls in my new house!
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