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Everything posted by LJ

  1. There would be a run on the USD before that happened, much like what happened in the 70's
  2. LJ

    New job=New car

    buy the Lexus.... I am currently looking at Infiniti G35 X Sedans
  3. rofl, inflation at 2.2 million percent
  4. Yes. because leaving in groups from public places to race is very very secretive
  5. Problem is, if even 2 cars out of the group were racing, they are going to most likely at least get them with intent.
  6. I dunno if it was anyone on here that said any of these things, but if there was an undercover cop walking around the lot, they could prove intent. My friends and I stopped in and got slushies and walked around on the way home. Some of the things I heard people saying in the open, if a cop was there, could definitely prove intent.
  7. ROFL BTW, I bet you were shitting bricks between Feb and April
  8. THe 1.8T has a 12 gallon tank, fill up once every 1 1/2 weeks and get about 28 MPG= $42.00 for 10 gallons The Lexus has a 16 gallon tank and gets like 18 MPG, fill it up once a week 14*4.09= 57.26 1456+2977= $4433/year on gas... linc5.0 is paying approx. $26000/year on gas.
  9. Actually the price of fireworks was up because a giant plant exploded earlier this year in China, and also with their economy on the up and up they can't find anyone who wants to work there.
  10. U.s.a.!!! U.s.a.!!! U.s.a.!!! U.s.a.!!! U.s.a.!!! U.s.a.!!! U.s.a.!!!
  11. Not only that, but the price of fireworks doubled this year
  12. How much market experience do you have? Speculation DOES just happen. It happens because it can happen. Oil trading is futures trading, so it is ALL speculation. There is no reason to hold the USD right now, but the world economy is loving the devaluation of the dollar and our exports and tourism show that.
  13. We have already gone over this. Yes, but the devalued USD is only supporting around $115-$120/bbl, the rest is purely speculation
  14. No, that is still correlating. I trade, traders don't work that simple. There is inflation, but that does not directly devalue fiat money. Fiat money has it's own intrinsic value as $1 USD will always be worth $1 USD in the United States.
  15. The U.S. gov't policies have a correlating effect on the value of the dollar, not a causal. The causal effect would be forex traders selling USD
  16. Meh, that took us to about $115 or so... the rest is speculation
  17. The profit margin isn't going to change... http://finance.yahoo.com/q/is?s=XOM&annual 07 profit margin 10% 06 Profit Margin 10.4% 05 Profit Margin 9.7% 3 year average 10% Quarter Ending Sept 30 2007 9.2% Quarter ending Dec 31 2007 9.9% Quarter ending Mar 31 2008 9.3% 3 quarter average 9.5%
  18. The $ amount has increased, but margin is the important number, and that has not increased.
  19. Because when the gov't steps in it defeats the purpose of a free market economy. What would happen is that the gov't would create a gasoline subsidy. When this happens that creates a unlimited demand for gasoline. Then to counter that, they ration gas. So basically what happens is we see prices of $5/gallon and only allowed to get 20 gallons of gas per week per family. Do you really want that? Also, you do realize the gas companies are paying corporate taxes and creating jobs? Gas companies also make around 9.5% of the price of a gallon of gas, so about $.095 per $1 of gas sold. If you owned your own company and I as the government stepped in and said "sir, you are making too much money, you are ordered to reduce your profit for $.09 per $1 to $.04 per gallon" how would you feel about that?
  20. #1 the President has nothing to do with it. #2 the oil companies have nothing to do with the price of oil, it is traded on an open market #3 the profits of the oil companies have not increased in margin. As the cost of goods sold increases, the price must increase. Therefore the number goes up, but they are still spending more to create the product. Follow? #4 it is an open market and you really do not want the gov't to step in.
  21. A good horse will cost you about $3k Putting the horse in a stable will be about $500/month + probably a $50-100/month food surcharge. Building your own barn will cost you about $25k (proper stalls are expensive) BTW, hay is about $5/bale right now and 1 horse will probably eat around 2 bales per week, so $5*104= another $520. I can go on and on. Horses only start to become cost effective when you have multiple horses. How do I know this? Grew up on a 40 acre horse farm and my parents and sister still have 14 horses on the property.
  22. mmmmm McRib. I think a few years ago that was my whole diet for the month of december
  23. DOT http://a346.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/40/l_279f57b48a021c91ca047317b9236811.jpg
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