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Everything posted by LJ

  1. http://msnbcmedia1.msn.com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/061231/061231_holmes_vmed_2p.widec.jpg will be the best WR in the North this season http://www.sfgate.com/blogs/images/sfgate/sportsevents/2006/09/01/20050826_jhp_ss8_248320x447.jpg is already the best RB in the North http://i.a.cnn.net/si/2006/writers/nunyo_demasio/01/30/polamalu/p1_polamalu.jpg is the best SS in the NFL
  2. Never had 1 issue with Insight. I priced around and still got the best deal with them
  3. I think the cable companies are right
  4. Because BTN is making too much money off of it, their pricing is outrageous ESPN - 2.91 YES - 2.15 NFL Network - .75 NBA TV - .35 Disney Channel - .79 TNT - .89 USA - .49 CNN - .44 Nickelodeon - .41 BTN needs to be in the .40-.75 range before it will get picked up I'm guessing
  5. That isn't confirmed, you can bet your ass that an OSU vs Big Ten School game will be on the BTN... And FOX does not get Big Ten games This is how the choosing goes BTN gets 3 weeks of choosing tier 2 games 3 weeks of choosing tier 3 games 6 weeks of choosing tier 4 games Tier 2 would be an ESPN, ESPN2 or ABC regional Tier 3 would be like ESPNU Tier 4 would be like an absolute regional game, like Indiana vs Northwestern http://www.the-ozone.net/football/2007/BTNspin.htm
  6. what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul
  7. LJ

    Ohio State Fans

    Worst joke ever and inaccurate, but whatever OSU All time bowls= 18-20 UF All time bowls= 16-18 National Championships OSU- 7 UF- 2 Conference Titles OSU- 31 UF- 7 Heisman Winners OSU- 7 UF- 2 All Time Wins OSU- 787-301-52 (.723) UF- 618-368-40 (.622) So just because they had 1 great season doesn't make them one of the big dogs
  8. LJ

    Ohio State Fans

    I have tickets to all the home games, hopefully they make Wisky a night game
  9. LJ

    Ohio State Fans

    Get ready, only 11 more days!!! O-H Who all has season tickets?
  10. No need, you can touch the bottom in just about all parts of the lake except 1 end
  11. We sold the apartment complex about 1 1/2 years ago... I work for the DoD and I do internal controls and testing What are you credentials to say what I am saying is wrong? And I haven't really been arguing anything to do with the DoD spending, I have been explaining it. Gov't accounting is a lot different than how the rest of the country does accounting
  12. OMG you got me there, its not like I am not in the middle of moving or anything and just typed it out really fast. I can assure you I know what I am talking about
  13. The Pentegon and Congress control war spending for the most part. So I can't really comment on that, as I do not deal with it daily as I do with the DoD spending
  14. I am not even going to address this because what you said makes absolutely no sense... smarter than me, interesting... If you want to know what the DoD is spending, all the reports are out on the web
  15. #1, I work with these numbers every day, I can see every dime that is spent when the Ad Hoc's come out. #2, everything i have posted you can find on the web, Congress publishes the Appropriations every year when they are signed into law. I have not given any information that you cannot find on a DoD or White House web page
  16. Actually it is in the consumer's hand, not the govt's, that is how capitalism works. The American culture keeps pushing for faster and cheaper. Well labor isn't cheap enough here to make the items that want to be sold faster and cheaper, so the American retailers stop buying from those American producers and buy from the foreign, then the American producer no longer has business and they have to shut down, leaving only the overseas producer. And yes it is a Wal Mart issue because they talk companies into contracts then undercut them and then they go out of business. Wal Mart is the death of the small American business, mark my words. American producers need to wake up and up their quality standards and the American people need to be willing to spend a little more on it. It is all supply and demand. The American people demand a cheaper product and the foreign countries can supply it. Tax breaks are going to do nothing when foreign workers work for 1/4 of the wage of an American worker
  17. The blame is on companies like Wal-Mart who drive American companies out of business to save a buck, not the U.S. gov't
  18. Whoa whoa whoa, the DoD budget is not the Iraq budget... people are getting this confused, this budget runs every aspect of the DoD, salaries, research, new technologies, feeding the troops, but this is not the money allocated to Iraq. Also, our DoD budget isn't even the highest in the world against homeland GDP. You keep saying use the money in other ways, and you really aren't getting the point, that money cannot be used in other ways, you cut budgeting and we fall behind, we lose soldiers, thousands of DoD employees lose their job. They have already implimented BRAC, which has caused many base closures over the years and consolidations in order to save money. The city of Whitehall wouldn't be here if it wasn't for DoD money. DSCC and their tenants combine for around 7000 employees, all paying city of Whitehall income taxes. The Columbus fought and fought for DSCC to not get Brac'd because of the hit our economy would have taken. Like I said, defense budgeting will not decrease until there is a surplus. And I don't get what you mean by "it may be part of your world, but not mine". You are taking a statement of fact and blinding yourself to it to fit your opinions
  19. that is why all defense agencies are Lean6, they can't cut back the appropriations until there is a surplus. Plus in civilian positions, in order to advance in a lot of Defense Agencies, you have to become greenbelt certified, in which you have to save $30,000 (monthly on average) on a day to day process There is plenty made here and DLA tries to buy as many American made products I agree with you there, but that is a totally seperate issue than what is being discussed here
  20. Appropriations are appropriations, nothing is going to get pulled from the defense budget to pay for something else. Plus, a large amount of those funds go directly back into our economy, think about the billions of dollars in payroll that goes to our soldiers, or all that procurement money that buys goods made here in the U.S. BTW, the U.S. gov't spends more money on three things, all having to do with healthcare
  21. That's classified And BTW, clearance level doesn't matter unless you are handling specific contracts or disbursing funds, neither of which I do. I monitor defense agencies making sure that they don't spend money on things that they are not supposed to and that their accounts stay in balance.
  22. And BTW, all Defense Agencies are Lean6
  23. That doesn't include war spending, that is just the regular appropriations per year for the DoD, Iraq is a separate budget. Milpers accounts for $110 billion O&M is like $150 billion So just paying the soldiers (over 1.4 million active) and keeping EVERYTHING running costs $250 billion dollars a year... Now RDT&E, which would go towards keeping your brother safe is about $70 Billion, So technology, paying the soldiers, and keeping everything in operating order (and feeding the soldiers!) is about 65-70% of DoD spending The budget does not even include revolving funds and reimbursables
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