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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Also, I believe Lifestyle has given exclusive rights to Insight too
  2. I am not kissing their ass. I like their service, and we get no other perks besides 3 digital gateways. Shit, I even pay for my Road Runner. You say my parent's, I think you mean my father and I. The tenants complain about everything, why would they not complain to us about the cable service our complex offers? We do a survey 2 times a year, because we have thought about switching to WOW over Insight, but everyone seems to be happy with Insight.
  3. No, I am just giving my opinion here. I know countless people who are very happy with Insight. The only outages I have expierienced with Insight are lines going down.
  4. My parent's have had Insight for 20 years, back when it was Coaxial even, and out apartments use Insight. My parent's have been happy with it, and we never hear any complaints from our 140 tenants
  5. I have never had a problem with my Insight Road Runner
  6. Insight offers all the same channels that Time Warner does. I have never had a problem with them, although it could be due to the fact that I get their digital cable package for free. Yes... Legally
  7. LJ

    New law?

    I asked my cousin's grandpa who worked with CPD for 30+ years and now trains officers. He said that if a dog is present and catches whiff of a scent of drugs, it is not a search. The dog has to be actively searching. If the dog is just standing there and picks up the scent, it is legal in all ways
  8. It is Insight cable. I think they pretty much buy their cable service off of Time Warner then sell it back to the customer
  9. LJ

    New law?

    ANything that seems suspicious is probable cause for a car search. A young person with $400 cash on them, depending on the area of town you are in, could be very suspicious
  10. LJ

    New law?

    No it's not. That was still probable cause.
  11. LJ

    New law?

    If a police dog is brought to your car, and reacts to a scent from the outside of your car, that is probable cause to search anyways.
  12. I have a house that you can lease option, check my thread in the garage sale
  13. LJ

    Moving Sale

    pics of cherry chest please
  14. LJ

    Moving Sale

    link doesnt work
  15. not only is he just a rookie, but this is only his 6th year playing QB. Give him time. For only playing the position for 6 years, he is amazing
  16. I would probably go with two helpings of water. Maybe two helpings of water, and a supply of countrytime lemonade mix for when get a sweet tooth
  17. Steeler fans wouldn't be celebrating the loss...
  18. That's pretty sad when they have to celebrate someone else losing, rather than their own team winning
  19. LJ

    Eagles Rule

    When was the last time the Browns were in any type of Championship game.....
  20. LJ

    The City Is Ours

    Your vocalist needs to learn how to scream. If you listen to hardcore bands where they scream, you can actually understand what they are screaming, they aren't just going, raaaaawr raaawr
  21. LJ

    Custom Home for sale

    right now.... no time is the best time to sell a house. Thanks though
  22. LJ

    Custom Home for sale

    we autioned it today, and the winning bid was only $185,000 so we rejected it
  23. Click here for details Special price right now. Only $239,900 if you go through me. You can contact either the realtor through that webpage, or contact me through PM on here, or post. This house is very nice. I have worked on it, and the interior is very nice. I also witnessed the house being built. If you are interested feel free to contact me with your questions, or for a possible showing! Edit: I will also do a Lease Option for $1795/month
  24. I guess we are supposed to get more today, but all I see is sun!!
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