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Everything posted by LJ

  1. that's cool man, I am dating Lindsey K. She DUD work there too
  2. The Howard Johnson is on the beach http://www.hojo.com/HowardJohnson/control/Booking/search_results?brand_code=HJ&p_country=US&p_state=FL&p_city=Panama+City+Beach
  3. We have a few people in the room that are over 21. Even if you just have 1 person over 21, they cant do shit. It could all be theirs. Plus all you would have to do is keep it inside like a trash bag. They can't search your personal things
  4. I would personally keep the porsche
  5. LJ

    Finally 50cent will die.

    Where would you rank Deltron 3030? Mos Def? http://www.hieroglyphics.com nough said
  6. we will be there the 18th through the 25th. We are staying at the HoJo right on the beach. I am actually goin with 5 chicks, so it should be a REALLY good time.
  7. I'm so pissed, we leave on thurs afternoon for Panama City. The day with the best excuse to get plastered, and I am going to miss it
  8. yeah, I like the setup of the Coliseum. There are just never any people there whenever I go. now I have a question while we are on the subject. I have a date wed night, and she wants to go dancing, where should we go? We are both under 21
  9. my brother in law is a programmer for a private contractor for the gov't. He programs the program's for the flight simulators at Wright Pat, and wrote one of the control programs for one of the unmanned spy planes. He has worked with Systronics and General Dynamics I believe, think there would be a chance of him getting anything? He and my sister want to move back to Columbus
  10. Can you still punch a hole in a subwoofer and get a new one no questions asked?
  11. Anyone know what font I need to download to do Greek Letters? Is it just like a Greek font?
  12. LJ


    I'd help but our school's account only lets 10 people on per time. You just sit there in que for like 3 hours till you get on, and half the time it barely works
  13. LJ

    Turn Signal Colors

    http://onlinedocs.andersonpublishing.com/oh/lpExt.dll?f=templates&fn=main-h.htm&cp=PORC For all your equipment questions
  14. LJ


    testing my new name
  15. LJ


    I dunno?? I'll get right on that.... or you could've just called me tongue.gif
  16. I'd say at least getting them to cover your deductable. I'd settle for nothing less
  17. You guys keep talking about this low rate of insurance, what is your liability? The liability part makes up most of your cost
  18. LJ

    Gay penguins

    An endangered species none the less
  19. LJ

    Gay penguins

    I thought it was funny when a CNN reporter said they the penguins are going to move to Massachusets so they can get married
  20. Sorry, the stock wheels look better
  21. Illinois vs Kentucky in the NC game. Unless of course they are bracketed together before that
  22. LJ


    supposedly you are only supposed to do in the area of 2-4 shots because of the high volume of alcohol, you will just get drunk and the hallucination effects won't be noticeable. Just what I have heard. There is website somewhere out there that tells all abou Absinthe, such as how to drink it, where to buy it, what the best brand is, etc
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