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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Too bad the snow already moved through and we just got a dusting here in New Albany
  2. My friend grew up near Rochester. He said that 3 inches of snow was like a early Nov. type snowfall
  3. LJ

    I need Macro Econ help

    I got ahold of someone in my class, I got it
  4. LJ

    I need Macro Econ help

    thanks, but more or less I need a formula for it
  5. I can't get ahold of anybody. Does anyone know how to calculate real wage rate using the CPI, Inflation Rate, base year, and nominal wage?
  6. http://www.foodmarket.com/images/badlands.jpg
  7. That is part of it, but it doesn't make a difference. It just depends on if you rely on yourself to make the gains, and work hard, and use supplements as they are meant to be used (you know, supplemental) or if you rely on them for their gains. Most people use supplements, at least protein and glutamine. Creatine is also a really good one if you use it right.
  8. Tell that to my buddy who has been using supplements since he started lifting, who could break you in half. He is about 5'8 210 lbs, ripped, and he benches somewhere over 400 lbs.
  9. LJ

    good movies

    I have heard that is good, but I have always been drunk when trying to watch it, and can never pay attention
  10. Just make sure the credit check you get does not run as an inquiry, as it lowers your score
  11. A couple of my friends who do bodybuilding like that N02 stuff or whatever
  12. I think it would be better to walk into world's gym and ask the guy's working out there for advice rather than the people at GNC
  13. Bullshit again, the weightlifter's #1 extra vitamin to take would be glutamine, which repairs the muscles in a more effcient manner.
  14. LJ

    good movies

    I'm sorry you didn't understand it
  15. graemlins/jerkit.gif Shit, we need to cut all red meat out of our diets and have our bodys stop making ATP then!!!! please don't make statements like this that are so stupid. If the side effects of Steroids are Flatulence and Dehydration, then your statement is correct, otherwise, please, be quiet
  16. LJ

    good movies

    I like Guy Ritchie movies (Snatch, Lock stock) Other movies such as Donnie Darko or the Virgin Suicides
  17. get a Bonsai Kitten www.bonsaikitten.com
  18. Nah think about it.... it was warm and rainy for a couple days, then the temp drops hardcore...
  19. that's why my 1500sq ft condo only cost 109,000. The windows in the place suck. I get within 5 feet and Ican feel the cold air
  20. They are fine,you just have humidity in your house. My father and I just talked about this today. My windows are brand new, and I have the same thing. Trust me, he knows,he has been building houses for over 30 years.
  21. I am just afraid it took out some other things with it
  22. I had no gears when it blew. No reverse, no nothing. I will tell my dad about that shop Ant.
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