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Everything posted by LJ

  1. As I was driving back from my parent's today, I was just driving down the road when I heard a really loud bang. I thought I hit a large clump of snow. I tried to give it gas, and all it did was rev. I was able to coast into a business parking lot, where I put the thing in park, and it started making this really loud banging noises. My dad had it towed to Jack Maxton, but they are probably gonna rape us on the cost of getting it fixed. Well, for now I am driving my parent's 2004 Chevy Silverado 2500 HD. Lucky me I guess, but my day is still ruined
  2. So what would be good for a meal of homemade spaghetti?
  3. LJ

    The OC...

    definitely wouldn't have watched it then
  4. LJ

    The OC...

    wtf is Tilt? Sorry, I don't watch much primetime TV
  5. I heard that by word of mouth a little earlier
  6. Is your Celica silver? I think I have seen it around Otterbein
  7. LJ

    The OC...

    It was a lot better last year
  8. LJ

    I heard...

    That they are evacuating the Neil Ave area, along with parts of OSU campus, and Batelle. That at 5:30 the Army Corps of Engineers are going to open the Delaware dam
  9. LJ

    Good Job?

    Look into being a dietary aide at a nursing home. It usually pays well, and has decent evening hours. I did it for 2 years and actually enjoyed it
  10. LJ

    Lowlife Scum!!!

    I know people who have used their meal swipes at the end of a quarter to buy him food
  11. LJ

    Lowlife Scum!!!

  12. LJ

    Lowlife Scum!!!

    Man, they will ask you for a quarter or something, and you don't have any change, they just keep following you, I've had them wait outside of stores for me and shit. They had an article in the newspaper last year saying they were cracking down on it, seems like it is worse to me
  13. LJ

    I'm hungover

    a double cheeseburger from Wendy's and a giant water is my fave cure
  14. LJ

    Lowlife Scum!!!

    The ones around like... the Newport aren't bad, the dude that raps is pretty cool. This is the worst one I have seen down there, and I have had them chase me before and stuff
  15. LJ

    Lowlife Scum!!!

    Today I was driving south on Neil Ave. and I was stopped at a red light. Across the intersection from me, a foreign homeless person walks out to the truck stopped at the red light. As the person walks up, they put their hand up looking for a handout. The woman in the truck shakes her head no, as she does this, the homeless person procedes to start spitting on this woman's truck. Then the homeless person walks around the front of the truck and punches it as they walk by. Then the homeless person gets the corner and starts flicking the woman in the truck off, and throwing dirt at her. Now WTF is wrong with people today. Just because they are an illegal alien peice of shit, why do they think that we have to support them by giving them hand outs, and then they get pissed when we dont! graemlins/nonono.gif
  16. New Jersey is a long shitty drive. I would try to find the one in Kentucky first
  17. Same thing in Jersey. You could be doing 100 in the right lane, but if you pass someone that is in the left lane, the person in the left lane is gonna get pulled over. True story
  18. Jim's > Geno's > Pat's Yes, I went on a cheesesteak tour in Philly, lol
  19. LJ

    Sarah Powers on TV?

    I know of a Max Power....
  20. LJ

    Redneck Engineering

    Damn, I want more info on that thing!
  21. Damn, I want more info on that thing!
  22. LJ

    Way to go dad,

    As soon as I get out of Westerville, all the roads around here are CPD, which you never see. Plus I was fine, I never said how long it took me to drink 14
  23. LJ

    Way to go dad,

    Nah, I had to drive home
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