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Everything posted by LJ

  1. 101.1 I still say all of the radio stations in columbus are trash. cd 101 is about one of the FEW stations that plays stuff other than what is the most popular songs at the time.
  2. that thing is sweet. What kinda power it putting down?
  3. +1, same with OAR. What a boring concert that will be. OAR has NO stage energy whatsoever
  4. what's a warrentee? Anyways, the law states they have to prove something you did caused the part to break for them to not honor the warranty
  5. Yep, we still need to run em in a "video game"
  6. I want Incubus: Make Yourself Kenny Wayne Shepard Band: Trouble Is... PM me $10 right?
  7. Didn't we meet at the Thrift Store one friday night?
  8. LJ


    I saw a black Lambo cruise past my place today. Must have been looking at investment opportunities.
  9. LJ

    Blue lights

    My dad accidently brooke the tires loose on his vert today in front of a Sunbury cop. He just pointed at us and yelled something to my dad. Too bad if he had given my dad a ticket for something stupid like that, Sunbury would be looking for a new place to get their firearms qualifying done every year :-D
  10. graemlins/slap.gifgraemlins/slap.gifgraemlins/slap.gif and glad you are alive
  11. LJ


    Down south where trucks speeds aren't regulated they go WAY too fast. Traveling down 65 on my way to Alabama on spring break, when we were driving through Alabama, those fuckers would go flying past you, AS YOU ARE GOING 85 MPH. It's one thing for a car to crash into you at that speed, but a huge semi. Sorry, life over. The speeds of semi's are regulated for a reason, not any political bullshit. They are regulated for our safety
  12. OT: WHere do you live in New Albany? I live in New Albany Park off of Central College.
  13. LJ


    Small claims is key. Or find a hard ass lawyer to make a few phone calls to him.
  14. LJ

    I hate rain!

    My damn dog won't go out and take a piss because he is a big pansy. I have to stay up until the storm passes so I can take him out to piss so he doesn't piss all over my house. Damn pansy dog
  15. LJ

    WTB: New Shotgun

    What time does it run? I have to go to some family thing with the g/f.
  16. LJ

    WTB: New Shotgun

    It's an old Mossberg. My dad wants to keep it for the "look good old gun collection". THe firing pin is off, the pump action is locked up, and the barrell is pretty marred up on the inside.
  17. I need a new pump shotgun. My 25 yr old one finally fell apart. Let me know what you have, and a price with it. Thanks. Oh ya, 12 guage.
  18. That really sucks man. If ya need any help putting the drywall back up, let me know. I have drywall expierience, but not ceiling.
  19. LJ


    I'd do Tommy Hilfiger's buck-toothed daughter before them
  20. LJ


    Nah not really. Maybe just to say "i fucked the two ugly girls that guys seem to drool over for some reason" They don't have a face, def have no body.
  21. LJ


    Too bad they are ugly
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