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Everything posted by LJ

  1. hahahahahaha what a moron
  2. LJ


    Hahahaha, there is some moron on that board talking about a draft.
  3. LJ

    Don't buy gas?

    Then your opinion means nothing. It will continue to mean nothing till you take action.
  4. I just got back from seeing this movie. I thought it was pretty good. My girlfriend cried. Achilles was arrogant like he should be.
  5. LJ

    Don't buy gas?

    No vote, No care. You don't vote, your opinion will not affect me, nor anyone else. You want people to listen to you? Get off your ass, stop complaining and go vote. Your opinion won't be taken seriously until YOU take action. You know Hitler was put into power by 1 vote, just ONE vote. If you don't like Bush or Kerry, go vote for Nader.
  6. LJ

    New charger

    I kinda like it
  7. LJ

    Don't buy gas?

    LOL, please stop reading the "Liberal Times Journal"
  8. LJ

    Don't buy gas?

  9. LJ

    Don't buy gas?

    Isn't everyone smart enough to realize doing this will do nothing EXCEPT delay you from getting gas 1 day. If you don't buy it 1 day, you just have to buy it the next. It will not affect the oil industry, nor will they care about it.
  10. LJ

    Ok I really need a job

    Ok, I'm not going to the Primerica meeting. Iwishiwascool, I send you my resume last night, hit me back when you hear something. Pecador, lemme know what your friend says about the telemarketing place.
  11. LJ

    Ok I really need a job

    I got a call from a place called Primerica today. THey want me to come in at noon for a pre-interview. I dunno if I want to waste me time with it. I think it is somewhere where they contract the work out to you or something. She wouldn't tell me the payscale on the phone, nor would she give me job hours. Should I go?
  12. LJ

    Ok I really need a job

    Hmm so I could choose to do the call center? I really don't like the sound of the door to door (just not my thing) and the booths might not be too bad. Sorry for seeming so skeptical, but I have been getting lots of calls for those pyramid scheme type companies. I am going to send you my Resume though.
  13. LJ

    Ok I really need a job

    So I would either make calls to current or past customers, or go set up a booth somewhere? Hmm sounds decent if I can get 40 hours a week, and decent working hours
  14. LJ

    Ok I really need a job

    What kind of construction do they do? And what kind of hours do they run?
  15. LJ

    Ok I really need a job

    Hmm ya, I could do that, as long as I'm not telemarketing on weekends or during dinner, because then I couldn't live with myself, lol. PM me the info you can get from her. Thanks!
  16. My roomate's brother has a full drumset I think he wants to sell Let me get ahold of him and I will let you know
  17. It is almost summer, and I have no job lined up, and a lot of things to pay for this summer. Everything I apply for has already been filled when I apply, or I send an app on Monster.com and it turns out to be like a pyramid scheme. I have 4 years work expierience in customer service, and in manufacturing. I would like to work in a call center, or you know what, about anything that will pay me at least $8 and give me 40 hours a week with regular hours (not working from noon to 9 or anything) If anyone knows of anything let me know. I can email my resume on request.
  18. LJ


  19. Hey Joe, is WOW available in the New Albany area, where the new Lifestyle community is. Off of Central College road. I bought a condo there, and I think I want to go with the WOW package for $55 over the Insight stuff. That is, if it is available.
  20. LJ


  21. LJ

    Dead bird

    Geese don't shit in the air, so unless they are climbing on your car and shitting... Wait, why the fuck am I defending geese... graemlins/slap.gif
  22. That guy in Maryland is building one, and some guy from Ohio replied he wants to start building one
  23. LJ

    Dead bird

    LOL. We had a 2 story family room in my parents house, which also had giant windows up pretty high. Brids used to fly into that thing all the time and fall to the ground dead.
  24. NOt gonna be able to make it tonight, too much history homework, sorry Anthony
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