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Everything posted by LJ

  1. LJ

    Mon. May 31st

    Damn, you guys were meeting at 9. Don't wanna rush over there and then try to find the place, then try to find everyone.
  2. LJ

    Free: Koi

    Are they edible?
  3. I am going to have to agree on this one. Why would I pay to go to a titty bar if I can see it for free at home?
  4. LJ

    poe poe

    John Kerry would say they are wasting gas, and need to buy a Jet and a giant SUV like he has.
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3298443.stm
  6. Can she get me a job in the call center?
  7. "And in the morning, I'm making WAFFLES"
  8. A lot of columbus cops give out B.S. tickets so they can get the overtime for going to court when people fight them
  9. LJ

    Newbie Here

    http://rollinlow.net/jules.gif oh and, welcome
  10. LJ

    More politics

    Kerry is a socialist, nough said. He is the BIGGER of two evils.
  11. WHY THE FUCK?! Why the hell would you post a response to a thread 9 days old, about an event that was 2 weekends ago!
  12. SOrry but Kerry is a socialist. That just doesn't fly. He wants everything the same for everyone. You could say more than wishy washy. He talks about gas saving this and that, yet he has a but of SUV's and a jet. He talks about taxing the people who make more money, yet he married a woman who inherited a couple million (Billion?) dollars. He votes for or against something, then a couple weeks later, he stance on the subject is completely different. He brags about the medals he earned in the military, yet when he came back from 'Nam he completely turned hippy and was against everything. Yet now he talks about how he proudly served the U.S. and earned all these medals and is a war hero. Bullshit.
  13. The mis-information in that was amazing. First off, the current president takes the economy of the President before him. When Clinton was leaving office, the economy was already in a downturn. Clinton just rode out 8 years of a good economy with NO CRISIS. Clinton did not have a 9/11 happen! 2. The war in Iraq is part of the war on Terror, it is the U.S. going on the offensive. Saddam was a psycho. Plus, with the U.S. being able to have bases and such in a portion of the world that is so unstable is a big plus. It is a good idea. 3. Korea's nukes could maybe, MAYBE hit Japan. They are nothing to worry about. 4. One of your Democrats is the one that proposed the bill
  14. I couldn't imagine where we would be with Gore graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  15. http://rollinlow.net/Lion.jpg Rawr [ 23. May 2004, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: Keyword ]
  16. Exactly, and to the guy that posted the thread, just because the website is named congress does NOT mean it is official, the ONLY official congress website is .gov. I could make www.senate.org, and it would be a college student's website and have nothing to do with the government. And BTW atmosphere, your reading comprehension needs some help. Both of those bills you posted from the REAL congress website, were the mandatory service bills, not the draft.
  17. .org != .gov Don't believe it.
  18. LJ


    We did a petition last year and got close to 600 sigs, sent it in, and sonic said they had no interest in putting one in columbus. But, I will jeep trying because I love the place!!! I don't know if they franchise either.
  19. Eh? What's that all aboot
  20. Exactly. She most likely works off of comission. If you buy a house, you are her meal ticket. She cannot just sit there and wait and wait for you. Just like if I were to look at a house, I can't tell the realtor "just hold it for me, I might make an offer." Real Estate is a cut throat business. She is just doing her job man, sounds like maybe you have the problem.
  21. LJ


    None for me
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