I would agree. My wife works for Sutherland Global doing U-Verse Support from home. I sometimes hear the calls, and most people seem to be generally frustrated with the service. Those who are heavy Internet users, generally don't watch a lot of TV. And those who are heavy TV users don't generally use high bandwidth applications.
Once you combine the two though, heavy TV user and heavy Internet/Application users, then U-Verse begins to show why it sucks.
In general how I (a TWC Employee) feel about all the services out there:
Verizon FiOS - Best Method of delivery - FTTH is amazing. They did RFOG (RF over Glass) though, which puts them somewhat ahead of Cable MSO's, but not really.
ATT U-Verse - Best backend. The fact that EVERY aspect of U-Verse is IP, is awesome. It is the future. Had they gotten out of VDSL and twisted pair, and went to pure ethernet and FTTH, nothing could beat it.
Cable MSO's - Playing catchup. I don't think most Cable MSO's thought ATT or Verizon would be successful, but they were wrong. I know at TWC with our rollout of Docsis 3.0 we are also rolling our MOCA (whole home DVR) and will soon be rolling out a DOCSIS Set-Top Gateway (think U-Verse, but Cable Company).