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Everything posted by kshymkiw83

  1. Motherfucker.....Beat me to them as well
  2. I don't find Hand Thing funny at all.
  3. One of the best videos in this whole thread
  4. Would like to see the pics - but appears your webhost is down right now
  5. That isn't true. You can still get Viruses from opening mail attachments, etc...
  6. Having driven through tons of rural Ohio in my lifetime. One thing I always did, slow down in those little towns. That is how they generate revenue. I would always go right at or 1-2 MPH under the posted speed in those places. Cops got nothing better to do.
  7. Yes, but not in 2014, where the OP said "Good luck Olympics in 2014"
  8. be VERY VERY careful with land contracts
  9. Nice Pictures. Come back and bring us your money anytime! And if you are interested in taking a job up here - we still have one open We pay $30k towards your relocation I love looking at peoples pictures of this place. I see you guys hiked Flat Top. Surprised we didn't see you guys up there - we hiked it that weekend too.
  10. Wes - you got fucking lucky with your weekend up here. This is some of the best weather we have had in the past 2 years Enjoy it!
  11. ohiohondas for local shit...I think they still exist
  12. Is honda-tech still around and any good?
  13. Just some friendly suggestions I get to see this place every day, and have traveled all over the North part of the state, just got back from Nome/Kotzebue trips for work. Alaska isn't going anywhere - I would slow down some and enjoy things. You can always come back - this time fly directly into Anchorage I think Flat Top has a good view of the Inlet/Anchorage. I think trail wise though Hatcher's Pass has much better trails. Which if you end up in Hatcher's Pass, take the road all the way to Willow - it is a sweet drive through the mountains ( http://goo.gl/maps/oPc3g ) Then once in Willow you can go North to Talkeetna/Denali area, or back South to Wasilla/Anchorage. If you have to drop people off at 8ish at Ted Stevens, I wouldn't even start the drive to Denali that night. It is a solid 5 hour drive...and this isn't the L48. Gas Stations aren't open 24 hours a day, in fact almost nothing is. Once you get passed Talkeetna, which there is a Holiday Station at the turn off, there isn't many other stops for gas. Driving from Denali->Homer is ~8-10 hours of driving. 5 to Anchorage - then Homer is 200 ish miles from Anchorage. This state is massive Slow down and enjoy your time here - Gas is now $4/gallon and rising, so if driving a bunch be prepared for fillups in the 50-75 dollar range. The roads here suck, potholes everywhere. Once you get out of Anchorage - have Cash/Visa/Mastercard Amex and Discover aren't accepted most places outside of Anchorage. Watch out for Wildlife - don't pet Moose (they kick you), be cautious of Bears while hiking/exploring. So many people come up here and die every year, it is sad. I will respond to your PM with my number.
  14. LOL, American's thinking they can hit all this in a weekend. Denali is about a solid 4-5 hour drive from Anchorage. The road just opened last weekend, it is still snowing up there. Seward->Anchorage (This isn't a really "fun" route). You basically decide - do you want to take the Seward North to Anchorage, or the Sterling south to Homer. I think the South router to Homer is much nicer, but your vacation, your choices. Places I would stop/see on the Seward-> Anchorage Route: * I would take the side trip to Whittier. Drive through a cool 2.5 miles tunnel, and eat at Varly's Sweetwater Cafe (fish and chips/peel and eat shrimp). Whittier is only 10 miles off the Seward Highway. You will see Portage Glacier/Portage Lake (Most Blue Lake I have ever seen) * If you want massive quantity of food, that is Cajun like, the Double Musky Inn, in Girdwood is okay. * While in Girdwood, you could always visit Alyeska, I believe they leave the restaurant open year round there. Alyeska is a Ski Resort in the winter. * Indian Valley Meats, in Indian...has some KILLER meats (Reindeer, Elk, etc...) * Beluga Point - Just a pull off on the side of the highway, but that is where you can see the whales. * Flat Top is a few hour hike - I am not sure what everyone's obsession is with Flat Top quite honestly * Your drive from Seward to Anchorage you will be in the Chugach National Forest http://www.fs.usda.gov/chugach/ That is the website - and they have lots to see/do in there. Anchorage Specific things to see/do: * Eat at Moose's Tooth...Pizza Place that brews their own beer. * Midnight Sun Brewery *Snow City for breakfast * Humpy's downtown *Arctic Road Runner (Burgers, CASH ONLY!) The fucking ATM robs you inside. * Earthquake Park * Rent a Bike and ride the Tony Knowles Costal Trail http://dnr.alaska.gov/parks/aktrails/ats/anc/knowlsct.htm * Lucky Wishbone (Fried Chicken Place) GET THERE EARLY! * Simon and Seaforts (Nice place that overlooks Cook Inlet) Wasilla Area/Mat Su Valley * Palmer Hayflats Game Refuge * Hatchers Pass (Tails/Mountains/Hiking) * Denali Brewing Company (Talkeetna) * MaHayes Jetboat tours (Talkeetna) * Zipline Tours (Talkeetna) I am sure I am missing a few things - but essentially you will need to prioritize. Denali is likely an overnight trip for you. It is at least a 4 hour drive, more than likely 5 (map Anchorage,AK to Healy,AK). The only benefit you have - is it is light at 4am right now - and dark at 1130pm. If you were getting your fishing permit's I would have 5-10 other suggestions of where to fish. also I am putting this in caps for a very specific reason...PLEASE BE SAFE DRIVING THE SEWARD HIGHWAY so many people die on that damn road every year. It is a 65 road - but you will be doing 35-50 because of all the people on the sides of the road, campers, buses, etc... It is also VERY VERY VERY scenic. You will see Dahl Sheep, Moose, Bears, etc... be mindful you are in traffic. There is also road construction on the road already, be careful! I will PM you my number if you would like. We could always meet up and grab some beers/pizza/etc....
  15. All those towns are pretty small/tourist traps, except Juneau. I don't travel to SE Alaska very much. If you were going to be on the Kenai/Anchorage/Fairbanks I know of good stops all along those routes. How long will you be in Seward?
  16. There are Public Gold Panning locations in some of the Public Parks.
  17. My company is always hiring and pays relocation. The Alaska Railroad has several different trains. The one I saw today was the Anchorage to Talkeetna train, with a bus back to Anchorage. If you are seriously interested about staying - let me know how you like it. It is all good now - when the sun comes up at 5a and sets at 11p, and it is 60 degrees. Much different story in the winter, when it is -30 and the sun comes up at 11a and sets at 4p.
  18. We really just want your money The first passenger trains are this weekend. Was washing my car at the car wash and a train goes by....all these people waiving and yelling hi to me. Damn tourists
  19. Has Ohio blocked opening a state exchange? http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/02/18/its-official-the-feds-will-run-most-obamacare-exchanges/ Looks like they are forcing the Feds to do it. Good for them
  20. Moved to Alaska from OH. Is your job doing relocation for you? If so be prepared to be RAPED in taxes.
  21. There is too much volatility in Bitcoins to say if anything is going to be worth your money long term. If you buy and ASIC or a 700 dollar GPU - and Bitcoins go back down to $1, doesn't seem like it was worth it.... Bitcoin was 250USD just two weeks ago, now it is at 92USD http://bitcoincharts.com/charts/mtgoxUSD#rg30ztgSzm1g10zm2g25 <<< last 30 days of Bitcoin.
  22. What kills me. They have 2 Fiber Hoods lit in KC, out of the 50 they are supposed to light, and already worried about expanding it
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