We have had 4 snows up here already. Nothing sticking yet. Lake by my house is mostly frozen.
Nights down into the teens and single digits, highs right around freezing.
I predict we will see another 100+ Inches of snow up here
No CCW Permit at all in Alaska - car, open, concealed...we all carry. All you need is to be a resident, with an AK Drivers License, and not a felon.
Come move to AK
That isn't true anymore. Pushmail and other App's have made Android just as secure as BES/Blackberry stuff.
People just don't want to forklift expensive IT Infrastructure, they just bought 3 years ago
btw - I will pay someone to ship me some Pumking to Alaska
My wife is from a town that is like 30 minutes from the Brewery. We went there before we moved up here to AK, and had Pumking from the Tap, was amazing. I also bought the Pumking Goblets.
Pumking from Southern Tier Brewing Co. in Western NY.
Shit literally tastes like a Pumpkin Pie in a bottle.
I think the point he was trying to make was Occidental is a hard school to get into to begin with. As well, it says you need competitive GPA and LSAT Scores....assuming his grades were poor at Occidental that would disqualify him from this program.
Not that I buy into the whole School Transcripts, etc..... Just pointing out how I read it.