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Everything posted by supldys

  1. But remember you have to own it for at least 3 years after receiving the credit or you have to give money back (I think its prorated)
  2. USAA is great for everything, I quoted my car insurance and it was a lot cheaper but I havent switched yet. But for banking, they've been great
  3. as long as its for one game, i'm cool with it. Anyone have pictures of it yet? or just red X's?
  4. nothing on the ballot here in OK I think you're only voting on gambling
  5. I got mine. Those tacos are amazing
  6. Oh I thought you were going to say he made the pencil disappear, thatd be better
  7. Internet BS Video Games Finances (I balance everything and check over my investments about every other day) Study a foreign language Play guitar Find some electronic, like a spare computer, to take apart and tool around with, then put back together I try to keep it cheap since I don't have much money nowadays
  8. I killed a wolf spider out on the back porch last night. And of course it was a female so all the little babies started running everywhere. Had to get out the bug spray and spray em all down. (Something to think about if you kill one in your home, the babies cling to the females)
  9. Because they stole his delicious dinner. You know that feeling when something smells sooo good you just want to beat the shit out of an old guy for it?
  10. If you think your spiders are bad, try living in Oklahoma for a day or two. I havent seen one smaller than a quarter since I've been here. There was a huge one on my back porch a few weeks ago, about as big as the ball of my foot, I know because the legs were still sticking out when I stomped him. I've seen a few black widows and brown recluses too.
  11. Same thing happened to me last month, just spiked to 3x the normal bill, then this month went back to normal. Something's gotta be using it. Try turning all your shit off and seeing if its still spinning, oh and check for any extension cords going from your outside plugs to the neighbors house
  12. Bauserman. I don't think you could call him qualified, he's short and pretty slow, but has a helluvan arm.
  13. I agree, I wouldn't cheer for Pryor last year because I didn't think he deserved to be out there yet, Boeckman was much better. And Pryor is definitely not proving it this year, after every game I've been asking if he really is even as good as they say, and after this game I know.
  14. AJ trapasso, the only punter I've ever seen run for a touchdown. Mike Nugent = beast, theres a reason he was a captain for the buckeyes. Jeff Reed the steelers kicker, also very beast for a kicker A kicker/punter can definitely be a football player but they can also be total pusses
  15. anyone know why I have to refresh everytime I want to sell more than one building? ANyone else have this problem?
  16. Jordan Hall definitely looks promising, and not just because I like seeing the J. Hall jersey. But he only goes in 4th quarter n clean up times, so I'm not counting on him for another year or two
  17. I agree that our offense didnt do anything against wisconsin, but how could they? They were only on the field about 2 minutes in the second half haha. Our defense and special teams kept scoring, which just kept our defense on the field even longer.
  18. haha I gotta ask you the same thing. Saine gets -1 yard ten times in a row, then breaks a 15 yard run, then back to the no gains. Boom doesnt break many big runs, but gets consistent gains
  19. boom, consistent, reminds me of pittman Saine, inconsistent, reminds me of lydell ross
  20. I play on a private server because i don't play nearly enough to justify $15 a month. Like literally an hour a month, tops
  21. Do the DV's have the same problem as the TX's, where the GPU overheats and seperates from the board?
  22. supldys


    I use to get strep every year as a kid, and I still get it every couple years but no docs ever mentioned getting them out. I'd do it in a heartbeat to get rid of strep, I hate that shit
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