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Posts posted by supldys

  1. Kenny introduced me to Turboslut in the Hilliard Davidson parking lot in early 02. End of story, due to skin crawling.


    Haha i remember when she sat on his cark tailgate, so he said "if she doesn't get off I'm going to f*ck her in the ass and blast it in her face...because its the most degrading thing you can do to a woman"

    Then a few minutes later "nah, hell no, I wouldn't even do that, shes too fugly"

  2. I went and laid down some flowers and re-lit the candle. Things definitely felt different for me after visiting the site of where it happened. It felt very sad... I hope he's at peace wherever he is. :(


    I wish I didn't have to work last night. I would have loved to come out. Like Mike, I realized how long I haven't seen some of you guys. That has to change for me too.




    I went by today too and left some flowers, it really hits hard when you see it up close. The candle was out but I didn't have a lighter or anything :(

  3. This picture is pretty shitty, but who remembers the cavy? Kenny's all the way on the right http://www.imagedump.com/image.cgi?file=546931.jpg


    And I remember kenny sending me this at like 4 am on aim when we were making license plates on oplates. lc2kenny



    Chris I found the pictures he took of the Ttype but I cant seem to find the nice ones he took of the cark after he waxed it and what not. Should I just post what I have here?

    Anybody else got the cark ones?

  4. I just found out and i'll admit it, I cried, and he'd probably call me a fag for doing it.

    I haven't come out lately but I've known Kenny for about 8 years and he was one of the coolest guys I've ever known. Its shitty to think about but even though I've had alot of friends over in the desert, the only two friends I've ever lost were to motorcycle accidents.

    I hope Jesse is handling it ok, I'll be praying for him and his family and friends

    Ben or ricky or someone give me a call when you find out about the funeral, I'll definately be there

    Rest In Peace Kenny, we will miss you

  5. wow, I've been having trouble with vista on my wife's laptop for months. Nothing but errors and terrible lagging, it would hang for up to 30 mins on some stuff. I had virus scans, removed everything, reinstalled, formatted, everything!

    Windows 7 installed in about 20 minutes, updated and installed some necessaries in another 15 and now its running perfect, all drivers working and working fast.

    This thing rocks, it even got the tablet touchscreen stuff working on the first boot

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