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Posts posted by supldys

  1. I've always seen this shit, which I don't understand because when I worked at advance I wasn't an idiot, so it can't possibly be the job. Operator error

    The problem is they hire cheap labor but then don't want to train them. None of them get ASE training or proper inventory/computer system training. And even then they usually know nothing about cars.

  2. Because he's ChairForce, and he's got missles and bombs and shit.


    fixed it.


    Submarines, because there are a hell of a lot more planes at the bottom of the ocean than there are submarines in the sky.


    I'd rather go for a swim then be stuck in the can with a few hundred seamen ;)

  3. Your uncle is a god among men. It takes a certain person who's extremely gifted mentally and physically, then years of training on top of some more crazy to even want to do something like that. Those guys with the wussy bikes have to push them sometimes, doesn't sound like fun. But yeah, running it is bananas. Is he doing the 350 or the 1100?


    What's his name, I'll probably read in on it every few days so it would be cool to follow how he's doing.


    I guess people have been hitting some bad weather. Bad relative to up there in the winter which means conditions that most people would cry about and curl up into a little ball to die.


    Oh I know the bikes aren't, just being facetious.

    He's doing 350 miles, usually only the dog sled guys go 1100 because they can carry a lot more supplies.He has to pull his own sled behind him. Edit: nvm I just noticed that website is only for the guys running or biking

    He's been running marathons for years, he usually does the ultras which are 100+ miles. I know he wanted to do the iron man but found it tough to train for 120 degrees in pittsburgh where he lives, haha its much easier to train for hills, snow, and freezing temps.

    His name is Rick and is currently on his way to Bison Camp

  4. I prob should have just googled this. Seems my options are either to re-encode or use TVersity.


    I'm using encodeHD to transcode a 720p 42 min episode of Burn notice. Estimated time ~3.5 hours. Now when I do a whole movie...


    Its worth it, burn notice rocks

  5. same kind of position my g/fs dad is in. he f'ed up his shoulder, and been out of work for 2 years now. last year, they sent him a letter saying they did layoffs and he was one of the ones included. his attorney called them, did/said some shit, and they sent him a letter a few days later basically taking back what they said in the first letter.


    Wait he's been getting worker's comp for 2 years, and is exempt from layoffs due even when it has nothing to do with an injury but with the companies inability to give people work...sounds like BS to me

  6. Tip: If you bring lots of cash, you can get out of any trouble you may get into.


    I went to cancun two years ago and never had any problems myself. My brothers friend (who was completely shitfaced) got his money and shoes stolen by a taxi driver and dropped off at a walmart in the middle of no where.


    I bet the walmarts are exactly same too

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