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Posts posted by supldys

  1. My ps2 did that more and more after a few years. I took it apart and cleaned everything, worked 200x better after that.

    My xbox hasnt had any trouble yet though

  2. If anyone has listened to his CD's, you know about his "cutting in line" adventure.

    So I went to the grinders on sawmill rd tonight, when I walked in there was a, what I would call, dirtball couple. Normally I would have kept this in my head, but they pissed me off. They were at the end looking at the menu, and I'm polite and know they were there first so I waited a minute. They were still discussing but I was ready, and you have to order at the other end so I started to walk. At that point they began moving, kind of blocking my way too. So I thought to myself "hey thats cool, if you're ready go ahead, you were here first." Was waiting behind them then they stopped again, and continued discussing. At that point I knew these people were not "committed to the line, they're werent standing in a way that said 'hey I'm a part of this community, I'm going on a journey with you to pay for my shit.'"

    So I said screw it, started to move again, and they went to block my way again, so guess what I did? I just went around into the "eating area" and walked inbetween the tables.

    So I took Danes advice, and didn't look back. I could see in my periph they noticed and gave me a look, but I didnt look back. Ordered my food and got out.

    Unfortunately no "I'll fucking kill you ending" that would spice this story up, but just not too often I run into a "cutsies" moment.

    Kinda the same thing at BP directly after, was about to walk in, and a guy was coming out, so I waited since he already had his hand on the door, but he didnt open it. So I went to open the other door, but he started opening his so I waited again. And he stopped again, so I thought to myself "fuck you, Im going to open this other door and I dont care if you get hit with it."

    He moved and walked out at the same time, but I just dont understand how people can be that absolutely oblivious to the world around them, no wonder accidents happen.

    /end rant



  3. Geez, I WISH those definitions were true. I'm not rich, preppy, a fratboy, nor does my daddy drive a BMW or a Mercedes.

    My dad used to work three jobs just so I could live and go to school in dublin. Whatever this "money" thing they're talking about in those definitions; I have no idea what it is nor did I ever see it growing up.

    You know what having rich people around did for me? When you think back to school and you were learning word processing on Apple IIe's; we were learning to program in C++ on brand new computers. This is a bad thing?? Posting these just sounds like jealousy to me.



    biggest area but with 201 mines, seriously been playing it like this for like two years and was never able to beat it. I was considering claiming it impossible and lowering the mines, but I finally freakin beat it today. and in only 585s, I rule, everyone be jealous!!

  5. I've always liked columbus gold, topless only (at least out in view) and drinks are more expensive than my left nut, but its just a lot better than most places i've been. Plus me and my old boss took a couple of the girls out, that was freakin sweet :D

    Never been to pure platinum so I dunno, Im too broke to go to any of those places now. Maybe someone will get me a giftcard for christmas or soemthing :p

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