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Posts posted by supldys

  1. OSU ROTC is having a 12-hour silent run today around the oval. Just got back from about an hour and a half, i'll probably go back for more before it's over. Always feels good to run with the colors.

    Thank you to the veterans, I'll be there one day.

    Air Power!

  2. I dont mind the decorations being up early, I dont really pay attention to it. Its just all the F-ing people that fall for the shit thats get to me. "oh theres a sale I gotta get there!" and so traffic gets backed up for hours because all these people have to go now and I'll im trying to do is get to school/work, nothing different.
  3. cigs are worse than pot on the body due to the additives and radioactive element and other various poisons present in cigarette tobacco


    wow, you amaze me. Marijuana affects your body in ways it shouldnt be. You'll probably get a buzz if you inhale ammonia for a while too, theres no additives or radioactive elements in that, dosent mean its good for you.


    But hell, let denver be the city that legalizes it, and move all the potheads there. A new reason to call it the "mile high" city. Be nice to walk on campus without two dumbasses blazing it up in the oval. Just wont ever travel to denver.

  4. "People will flock to Denver to use marijuana" - I hope so, then let them all get arrested. Buying and smoking are still illegal, even if posession isnt.


    The thing that confuses the hell out of me, people want marijuana legalized, but yet every other day theres another push at cigarettes. "Oh I dont want to smell like cigarettes when I leave a bar, but I'd love to reek of weed when I leave and get into my car."


    The only way I would vote to legalize marijuana, is if it was only allowed in private areas, and if there was drug testing for welfare/workers comp claims/insurance claims/unemployment and whatever other possible institutions could have the chance of taking more money out of my paycheck for some dumbasses activities. Most employers will still not want someone to toke up, so if you cant get a job because thats what you want to do, not society's obligation to care for you anymore.

  5. was there another person in the truck? That guy was a fucking retard, and I guarantee he was no vietnam vet, just a crack head.

    If it was me, as soon as I told the guy to put the gun down, and he didnt, then Im gonna shoot him. I dont know what police rules are but for my safety thats how I'd do it.

    Sucks the good guys have to die though, not how its supposed to be

  6. http://www.artistdirect.com/Images/artd/amg/music/bio/1762506_earlynovember_200x200.jpg



    Gwar > *

    I'm suprised they got that place cleaned up in under a week. :p


    Dude that top pic...I think their combined weight is 200lbs, and half of that is their damn hair.

    On a side note, I gotta check out this gwar stuff haha

  7. awesome dog!

    I've wanted a german shepard for awhile. Not only are they badass, they're a dog that might actually be able to keep up with me running (as long as they dont get that hip aids), plus german commands are the shiznit and what better dog to teach them to?

    Just I barely have time for myself, let alone a dog, so I'll just have to wait

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