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Posts posted by supldys

  1. speak for yourself anthony, that olds ran a wicked 18.13. I could have died tongue.gif


    and then, anyone remember this crazy sob that blew it up :D

  2. saw my first one on bethel rd today. Was black, and didn't appear to be an R/T or anything like that, just a base model.

    Definitely looks...interesting. somewhat like the new magnum.

    I think some of the old concepts looked a lot better than the final product

  3. much like the germans of the 1930's, if the only information you had to go on was this maniac's opinion, you'd believe everything hitler said and do it.

    But because this is the USA and it is not the 30's, we realize this guy is bending what little history he knows to create a interesting story that is entirely false.

  4. I gave you rev on frantz road yesterday, thought the mustang was a little crazy on the looks haha. Until I heard the whine of that supercharger, then I almost nutted, I hadnt seen this post so I had no idea haha.
  5. Originally posted by Hoblick:

    umm i rode wiht a plug in my rear for a long time... did wheelies on it all day.. even did burnouts.. jsut plug it and go.

    haha you crazy mang. Well I saved the tire so if you want to plug it and have it, its all yours.

    I would plug my suzuki, but I dont think I could trust a plug on one of these tires.

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