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Posts posted by supldys

  1. ugh, I guess I'll bite it and go buy a damn rear stand. I swear, I try so damn hard to be lazy!

    You had to change your back tire already? did you put the same 207 back on or did you do something else? What do you guys recommend, I've always been a Dunlop guy, and I've always hated pirelli haha.

    I have the service manual for the bike on CD, and after reading it, i'm realizing that it's probably when you have to remove the sprocket that they were talking about increased belt wear from incorrect removal/installation. The wheel just looks too damn easy to pull off.

  2. but if anyone has a suggestion on where to take it for the new tire I'm all ears. AD farrows has pissed me off beyond belief over prior service so I will never go back, and that includes their sister dealership centennial.

    I dont have the tools to get this sucker off, and I know if the wheel isn't removed correctly it can screw up the belt wear so I dont want bubba's brother changing a tire for me.

  3. Got a god damn nail in my god damn tire today, in dublin no less!

    On my way to the atm and all of a sudden I hear *click*click*click* as Im riding. I pull over and there it is, seriously like a 6" nail.

    Im at the atm so I run in to do my business and the F#$king thing was out of service.

    Nail wasnt leaking too much air so I creeped it home, of course my fuel light came on even though Im only at 120 miles on this tank. SO it probably came on more or less just to piss me off further.


    I'm so fucking pissed off right now, because tomorrow's sunday so I won't be able to get a new tire put on Im sure, and I was planning on riding all day because it's supposed to be nice tomorrow, son of a bitch!

  4. anybody on here use one?

    I ride to and from school and work on my bike so it'd be nice to have a little extra storage.

    Only problem is, 99.9% of the bags out there are magnetic, my "tank" is actually my plastic air box.

    The only one I've been able to find so far thats not magnetic and I can take off easily with is:



    My only other request is that it not be too big. I like being able to see my gauges smile.gif So pretty much just something about bookbag height.

    any other ideas?


    Yes I thought about a tailbag too, but I occasionally run into girls that want to go for a ride, and then its either dump the girl or my stuff...so she better be damn cute

  5. Originally posted by martindc1:

    That "thing" reminds me of those poor excuses of futuristic cars from Robocop.

    what?? didnt he drive like a ford taurus in those movies?

    And I recall a couple vans, and a pimped out pink cadillac. But I dont remember any future cars

  6. I was down at zaleski this past weekend. If you do the day trail it can be pretty ugly, since thats where everyone goes. But if you go to campsite L, I think I was the only person to hike there since I went last winter, the trail is much better.
  7. you can make it look like an undercover cop car, with the spotlight and such. A friend of mine even put a cage between the front and back seats. You just cant put anything that actually says police.

    You can have red and blue lights, you just cant use em, but Im sure any cop will give you shit for having them.

  8. Oh I cant wait for a ew one to come out!!

    For some reason people seem shocked that I like these movies but they have a hard time understand why I like these movies, so I will clarify for anyone that has missed my explanation before:


    You see this:


    but I see this:


    likewise, you see this:


    but I see this:


    excuse my photoshop skills, I threw that together really fast, but I hope everyone understands now that I like these movies because I find them in the comedy section at the local blockbuster :D

  9. Originally posted by 2fast4carz_zx9r:

    maybe I think that he had to take the bitching from his girlfriend so he is taking it out on everybody else..............not cool dude I think that if people are that stupid to race areound other cars then let them do it...who do you think is going to get hurt your girlfriend or the biker? I play around on the freeway also but we go out late night so there are not to many cars....The freeway is not a bad place just when, where and how they do it.....people have no business to critisize other riders....

    wow....just wow
  10. Originally posted by 390@165:

    fist sugestion, give up breakfast, alot of people claim this is the most important meal of the day, so if you do not eat it your body is forced to run off the reserves it has stored. no snacks as snacking is one of the main causes of weight gain.

    not entirely true.

    If your body has a constant intake, it wont store as much energy. By cutting out meals, your body goes into storage mode for whatever food you ate prior or will eat next.

    Snacks, adding snacks to your full three meals, yes will gain weight. But if you cut the meals down slightly, and add a small healthy snack every few hours inbetween meals will actually boost your metabolism and help you to lose weight.


    Hey, I lost 10 lbs in two weeks going through air force PT, and another 10 lbs the 3 or 4 weeks afterwards. So it is possible to lose what you want, but I'm sure if you tried to jump right into that kind of excercise we did you'd probably keel over, I almost passed out the first day and I considered myself somewhat fit at that time.

    Im at the weight I want now but still have the gut, so I do a LOT of running. With weight training once or twice a week so I dont lose my push up and sit up numbers smile.gif

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