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Everything posted by Berto

  1. yeah if i had trips i'd have to tattoo them to know the difference. congratulations man. The next generation is in your hands now....well at least 3 of them
  2. thanks all, i hope to be out and about in the RX come late March
  3. Berto

    EATS V8s ?

    The one i saw was rear wheel drive.
  4. how much 4 both monitors? my parents need two of them so if the price is reasonable i'll let them know so they can pick it up.
  5. Well I am at my wits end with the RX-7, it has an electrical problem. All of the coils and the crank angle sensor are withing spec and after switching out the ECU i'm convinced its just some for tof wiring issue, but again i'm not sure. Basically I am asking if someone might be able to just help me get this thing to run. Right now I am busy but 2 and 3rd week of March I have spring break and I'm not planning on going somewhere. So if anyone would be willing to help, i don't have money but i can buy some beer and pizza for anyone willing to lend a hand. pm me or respond here or something. I just want to drive this thing again!
  6. getting on CSR to talk shit was funny the first two times, now its just old. Its just old i almost feel bad for the CSR guys if they like body kits and subwoofers then whatever.
  7. thats too bad they didn't leave something worth driving :-/
  8. So I went to kahoots last night to get a few drinks before going out. Myself and Rigsby were approached by a chick asking for support for a cause or someshit. here is the dealif these bills pass supposedly: -not allow the girls to show nudity after 11pm -not allow the entertainers to get withing 6ft...thus removing private dances -not allow you to directly tip the entertainers -your right to go into an adult retail store after 11pm will not longer exist in ohio i got this off the little flyer, i figured a lot of you on here would think adversely about this. I don't go to strip clubs often....but when i do i want tities in my face. here is the website http://www.baceohio.net
  9. Berto

    Pool Shark

    You are a repost shark. I'm not one to call people out on reposts like this normally, but the window was right there, i had to do it.
  10. Berto

    Thursday Night

    i wish, those bitches are fly.
  11. Berto

    Thursday Night

    mcdonalds on may 13th? why don't we jsut go to max and ermas. fuck it.
  12. my girlfriend loved it, i was impressed that it was a thick cookie cake. I tried a piece and it was really good.
  13. "Yo he ALMOST HIT THE TYPE R!!!!!"
  14. i you need space heaters i have two u can borrow. electric ones so that u can use inside. let me know.
  15. thats where we sent our wheels when i worked at discount tire.
  16. if it is the solenoid sometimes you can bypass it by shorting the terminals with a screw driver.
  17. to anyone else that might be interested here are some pics http://photobucket.com/albums/c192/BertoBizkit/
  18. lame, you can't polish a turd.
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