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Everything posted by girlygirl18t

  1. call Dave 614-354-0635 or Derek 614-256-4040 Ntb downtown at 4th and Long.
  2. My cats have been leaving those guys on my back porch all summer. I thought it was just a mole. I was wondering why they were not eating them. They eat everything else they catch. They have a weird sound like a high pitch echo ish' squeak.
  3. That is too funny. I told it to a few of the guys at work.
  4. I agree with you 100% (even when they say they are going to call you back in 10 minutes and you still have not heard from them in almost a month) This means you Hoochie
  5. even when my car was faster it hooked better at trails than anywhere else
  6. Hippies It was a pest. If it had babies then they will die too. Seriously it was trial and error thing. Derek is not a normal animal killer if anything he is a hard core animal lover. I make fun of him all the time for his pack of dogs. He and his wife even take in dogs from shelters temporality just to keep them from being put down.
  7. It was pretty cool. We were pretty slow last night at work and again tonight. So I went outside to watch it. I had a pretty decent view from port Columbus but the lights from the tarmac and the hanger dimmed it a little. The funniest thing about the eclipse is that two of my coworkers asked if looking at it would hurt their eyes. UMMM NO. Duh
  8. I'm bored as hell. This has been a hella slow week at work. Seriously
  9. I make a "fort" out of blankets. My son (19 months) chases me and hides in the fort. We will just sit in the fort and read a book or play with the cat. He really likes to color too. If she likes baths then you do finger painting. Strip her down to her diaper and tape newspaper on the kitchen floor and go for it. She will put it in her mouth but it's non toxic. Stickers are always a big hit. We play blocks set up a race track for his cars. We watch a lot of sponge bob and thunder cats (I have three of the box sets). I tried to do the baby Einstein video's but he was bored with them. They move pretty slow.
  10. Derek next Monday when your over at my house for football go for the second kill. I have an annoying ground hog living under my front porch. Get Dave to help you we have a fresh box of thumb tacks. BTW we have a really really big wooden mallet. Derek the rodent slayer. LOL
  11. sweet:) est for eclipse is 4:51 am
  12. girlygirl18t


    Wow!!! You are a class act. I thought you were gay b/c you keep telling other guys to suck your dick. My misunderstanding. I guess since you are from the grovecity area you don't consider it gay to tell another guy to suck your dick. I thought someone said it was stolen from a work place. Also my misunderstanding. Ghetto... nope. I know Dan through my boyfriend (who is not gay by any means). Dan is a nice enough guy a little strange but he has never stolen from our house. As for Eric that is sooo old news, let it die, I have. If you hang out with him it explains alot about you. No need to reply. That is all.
  13. http://www.caesarcreek.com/ open year round inside and outside. Right off of 71 south just past Jeffersonville/Prime outlets. They have some cool stuff. I got a vintage radio flyer there for my son.
  14. girlygirl18t


    Lay off the Roids Yo. I never said he was going to fight you. So learn how to read dumb ass. You and your little buddie are starting a lot of shit with no proof. I find it very suspect that you have not downloaded a back up copy. Esp. since there have been numberous request to see the video of him cutting the fence. I know for a fact that Dan was sucker punched by someone in "your Crew". He does have a black eye and said it came out of no where. He is completely confused by this b.s. Obviously you and your little weightlifting fag buddies had someone else do it because you and meathead could not do it yourselves. I would not be at all suprized if this is all b.s. and that your stealing from your work and using Dan as a scape goat. (since he is on video on the property.)
  15. "watch this goat field or I'll stab you in the heart." lol
  16. I saw a brown/gold one at you wrench it.
  17. girlygirl18t

    ASR Cruise In

    BTW did you get the food thing handled yet??? Do we need to make a run to Sam's club??? just let me know what's going on. I'm off on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Just gimme a call chick
  18. girlygirl18t

    ASR Cruise In

    We will be there. I will have to leave b-4 five tho. I signed up to work overtime that night. Totally forgot it was that day. ***ducking*** don't kill me. xoxo Meg
  19. that's freaking nuts! I was outside yesterday with Carter playing on the swingset when the storm rolled in. I thought it looked erie. I liked the black and white house pic in the 2nd slide show. I was looking for legs under the house. (looked like the house out of the wizard of oz) Glad you are ok.
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