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Everything posted by girlygirl18t

  1. LOL... He already told me that he was thinking of setting me a drift on an ice chunk with a polar bear.
  2. It was Dave's turn to pick where we are going on vacation this year and he picks Alaska. I submitted to the request after he crushed and tickled me to death....sigh. (I hate cold weather) We are going to fly there in August for a few days. Has anyone ever been? Is there anything that we should do/see while we are there? We are flying in to Anchorage.
  3. They have a website. They have more things avail online than in the stores. I think you may be able to order online and do instore pick-up. Amy bought some furniture from the PIT store. Ask her about the instore selection.
  4. Amy One of the guys I work with saw you at the track the last time you were there. You met him one of the times you came up to the hanger. James..... Anyway I wanted to tell you that he was going to come up and say something to you but he was soo excited he forgot my name..... lol I thought that was funny as hell and wanted to tell you.
  5. Having a freaking great vet helps alot. Our orange cat Bitz was still a kitten when she wandered in to our neighbors backyard last year. Anyway the neighbor has two dogs that tried to play tug with her. It took two or three skin graphs and lots of visits and medicine to keep her alive. I think total it cost us $400-500 dollars. Our vet is a much older man 70-ish and he said that she was one of the most mangled animals that he had ever treated.
  6. • 1. Main Title and Mountain Visions (3:13) • 2. Nocturnal Pursuits (2:31) • 3. The Abduction of Barry (4:28) (----- maybe this one?? • 4. I Can't Believe it's Real (3:18) • 5. Climbing Devil's Tower (2:05) • 6. The Arrival of Sky Harbor (4:27) • 7. Night Siege (6:18) • 8. The Conversation (2:19) • 9. The Appearance of the Visitors (4:49) • 10. Resolution and End Title (6:51) • 11. "Theme from Close Encounters of the Third Kind" (3:09)
  7. I sleep during the day b/c I work nights. I make my bed room as dark as possible, turn on cnn for back ground noise and pass out. Sometimes I take a Tylenol PM it always knocks me out.
  8. 4-5 kids 2 possible one for sure with wife. separated in Feb. 1 with exgf who lives in Cali. 2 with missing woman. Exgf in Cali stated that Cutts Jr. ( the father) was physically abusive to her and child, threatened to take their daughter. She has restraining orders as recent as 2007. She stated that she thinks that he did it. He did it but he had help. Facts: The wife who is a nurse missed work on Friday. The new born baby girl was left on a doorstep on Monday. Clean, well fed, cared for on a Nurses' doorstep. 45mins or 45 miles away from missing woman's' home. Two year old was not harmed or taken from the home. Someone knew that the mother and child was checked on daily by her mother. No forced entry. So she knew the person or they had a key. The mattress was half off of the bed. The sheets, comforter, and cell phone were missing. Bleach was poured over the struggle area.
  9. Rewiring the window remote roll up system in my VW and not just checking the battery in the remote.
  10. yup, I'm working on it. I'll let you know what's going on
  11. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i284/meagmerriman/0c15fe10-645f-11db-b346-0013204ee05.jpg Happy Father's day Dave:)
  12. Andy, Can you send me some more pics of the car? Also more info as far as the acct milage? I pmed you my email address... Thanks
  13. Does the gift cert expire? If so then when?
  14. Hickory House Vick's pizza Mulholland Brewing Co. all three are on Main st in Reynoldsburg.
  15. Drink lots of water... It makes you have to go...which gives you an excuse to get up and move a mini break and keeps you awake.
  16. Chalk it up to an error in judgement... Hell I drove my motorcycle drunk home in the rain on the freeway. Anyway.... Call Dave about the Cobra rim. If yor are parting out the car for any reason give us a call with a list of parts and $$. We are looking for light gray leather driver and passenger seats out of a 5.0.
  17. Classic... Daves' Mom jumped about three feet in the air when Bits was murder mode and chased a chipmunk off of our back porch. Good times.
  18. Our vet is in Reynoldsburg right at the intersection of Main St. and Lancaster. I think it's called Reynoldsburg animal clinic/hospital... Anyway the # is 861-5755. It's more expensive than the spay and neuter clinic but they have always taken really good care of both of our cats. I had both of the girls fixed back in Feb and the price was $425. for both girls to get their yearly shots and fixed. We chose not to declaw them. Our neighbors dog tried to eat the younger of the two cats last year, so we want them to have some defense.(multiple skin graphs and medicine) Plus Kibbles and Bits have been on a killing spree lately. Three birds, at least four chipmunks, and six moles and counting. BTW. The cheaper places some times do not use any sedation.
  19. 1uponu it xlr8s 2mchhp uwant12 3tt3v
  20. I guess it depends on how much the deposit was vs. time and effort. When Dave and I moved out of our last apartment I cleaned everything top to bottom. I cleaned all of the vents and ceiling fans also. Our apartment complex was nutty... (exm. they yelled at you if you walked on the grass.) so I took the extra time to make it spotless and took pictures of everything. We got back everything but $80 for them to clean the spotless carpet due to the fact that we had a cat.
  21. +1 I can do a wheelie and a burn out but that's about it. when is the next time you guys are going out? If I'm in town I want to come out and check it out.
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