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Everything posted by mjeosu27

  1. What year 3.8? Split or Single port? How many miles, and how much for just the motor?
  2. Connecting rods. Everywhere.
  3. mjeosu27

    My FD is the shit

  4. Pure sport owns, hope you get some kinda "satisfaction" if your car gets hit again. Oh and Murgan, good luck tongue.gif
  5. JB weld! Done and done.
  6. Thanks for posting for me Keith (can't access CR at work.) Like he said, if the above doesn't want it, I got dibs! MJ
  7. http://www.columbusracing.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=19;t=001565
  8. Not sure, and it really depends on the setup of the car, but I think that's maybe a mid-high 12's? Some cars (read: spray) may be better after the 1/8th, where traction (or lack of being able to spray off the line) may be an issue. I dunno.
  9. Strike that, try 1,000 hits per second!
  10. He obviously canceled some bids, and now you have to be approoved before bidding. Crazy shit is, it is getting like 300,000+ hits PER HOUR! graemlins/eek2.gif
  11. I love it when the stations run out of the cheap gas. I went to a Sunoco and 93 and 94 octanes were the only types left, so at the time they had to sell them for the price of the 86 (before they got rid of it) and the 87, respectively. 94 was like 1.19 Now I wish I had brought the 55 gallon drum
  12. LIES! I'm merely a chip and a tune away from 300. *cough* RL *cough*
  13. yup. 7.5, but you'll never break it with an open differential Course, you'll never cut anything better than 2.20 60ft time either. 7.5 with a t-lok diffy snaps at 300hp. Junk.
  14. Damn Josh that exhaust is pimp! I didn't really care for how the rearend looked on the new bodystyle but tbe exhuast makes all the difference. graemlins/thumb.gif So sorry for mucking up your thread. I know shit about DSM's.
  15. By far the most gorgeous car on all of CR. graemlins/thumb.gif Damn now that's a nice rhyme. Seriously, that might be one of the best Z's I've ever seen. It's got the perfect blend of style/functionality/meaness/class. Very nicely done. [ 21. April 2004, 02:14 AM: Message edited by: MJ ]
  16. Holy shit Brandon that is funny. New away message. graemlins/thumb.gif
  17. haha you might wanna blur out the license plate reflection as well. It's pretty clear what the plate number is. FYI
  18. Look. The car that Kenny had that the "one of the previous owners went faster in" was stolen. He no longer has that car. His current T-type was purchased from a guy somewhere south, maybe Alabama? Fuck if I know. If you are talking about this current *new* car, is it just a coincidence you know him? All this shit makes my head hurt. However, Kenny has trapped higher and ran faster in the 8th then the previous owner of this t-type, and that was on less boost. Stop taking all this shit so seriously. His car would be even faster if he took the bricks off the pedals, but then he wouldn't be able to reach them. I got $50 on the t.
  19. Hey my car owned him from a roll, and I have the video to prove it. That's right, my 6 cylinder mustang showed Kenny tailight from a roll. Thus we can conclude, his car is really a low 14 second car at best. Don't be fooled by the 13.9x timeslips!
  20. If any of the above fall through, I am next in line. Thanks Sam.
  21. No complaints here.
  22. Sawzall. Fuck some shit up On a more serious note, let me know if you want an extra set of hands. I love to take stuff apart that doesn't have to put back together.
  23. When you click on the link, there is a column that says when it was updated- the time and day of the last change. That should give you an idea of if you can still get that price or not. Reading comprehension owns you.
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