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Everything posted by smokinHawk1647545499

  1. pull and pray has worked for me for 14 years.
  2. try to reconstruct your sentence to make a valid point, because what you said makes no sense nor has any validity.
  3. i'll probably show up saturday the worst day where it is to crowded.
  4. i was going to guess cancer, but aids is a close second.
  5. i have no problem with the issue of the state giving out free birth control, even if i have to pay for it in taxes as the net cost will be lower. I do have a problem in the state saying that some organization must give it out, if they do not want to as it is an infringement on religion or beliefs.
  6. the thing i am unimpressed with is no AWD on this subaru meh. would be cool for a light weight AWD car, but no.....
  7. my new piece from Deutschland
  8. it takes me 20 minutes to install or take out my jb4. plus the steering wheel controls are tits.
  9. lol haha, she doesnt happen to be an asian chick named emily does she?
  10. http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q217/ZentoZen/gay-test.jpg
  11. muscle soreness from deadlifting should be normal. just as long as its not sore from your sine poping out of place. for my legs, my hamstrings usually get the sorest from deads, sucks when i have a hamstring pull later that night in bed, talk about pain.
  12. Try Saeng from Franklin Refund service on Dublin Granville road, very happy with her. she was very aggressive like you're wanting. 614-818-1747
  13. yes that's me. what is your deadlift program like? what problems are you having?
  14. lol, then throw weight on and form wont be perfect again so whats the use. you dont really know your form till your close to your max start with two 45's on it then add weight till it gets heavy. dont hitch, keep your head up try to start your hips low but not to low something like this not quite perfect form, but close enough for a maximal pull i dont believe in doing more then 5 reps on deads, always deadlift heavy!
  15. dont watch TV go get advanced degree from college with extra time ??????? profit
  16. if your a girl.. speaking of which this lifter chick i knew and hadnt seen for a while showed up at my gym and she was jacked. Had more muscle mass and definition then me. Im guessing that, that stuff works (for chicks)
  17. An accountant friend of mine that does taxes offers free classes about book-keeping general taxes for businesses. Might be worthwhile for some of you to check out. Franklin Refund services Saeng Chaialiee 614-818-1747
  18. just my own program, deadlifting once a week every week. i squat and do hamstring curls before had, but rotate reps by week like first week ill pull 5 reps for like 4-5 sets getting increasingly heavier, then the next week 4 reps for 4-5 sets, then 3 reps, 2 reps, then singles repeat or switch the reps numbers up. i never pull more then 5 reps, and a lot of time try to go heavier and i have a rule always deadlift heavy, warmups start at 315 double overhanded. Plus i never lift with straps. I do base a lot of feel, and my energy level.
  19. well for me going from 405 to 600 took 2 years with hard work, so defiantly do able. I'm hoping to get 650 this year, and will probably take more work.
  20. well i've been lifting for 20 years, gains never came fast, just with constancy and hard work. I got up to 193 shredded this past summer but have dipped down in the weight since i had a break up with a girlfriend that throw me into a mini-depression, plus a couple of small injuries and going back to school full time while working full time. Never took the sauce, as i compete in a lot of tested federations, like i said i shy away from most supplements also, as i never had strength gains from any except creatine.
  21. with juiced being natural clean foods dont let wee-man fool anyone here, he could take all the roids in the world and still be wee-man.:fa:
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