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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. that or just goto an auto parts store, and pick some up But that is good thinking. And Ryan if you want to fight the service they did ill fight for it, no way you should ever have to pay 200 bucks to zip tie something on, that wasnt even an issue, that bullshit. I would get a hold of the manager of the serivice department and rip them a new one!
  2. Brandon

    NSX into F50

    lumberjacks are gay...true story
  3. my se-r will do a lot of things better then that turd, and if you want to make a flame post, knock yourself out, you will get owned. Believe or not the sentra se-r has 1034897234981749 more potential then a 3000gt sl.
  4. jerk off all you want, but what exactly does that car do well? Anything, i sapose it looks alright...
  5. i say we bash them, and show them who is boss. We own columbus damnit tongue.gif
  6. i would say sell it, and invest that money in somethign worth while, no offense.
  7. I should make it out that way, just got to get some work done on my car.
  8. Brandon

    Anthony again....

    Well i will say this falme me all you want, If Tressel cant play his "game" then he seems not to be able to do anything. He calls all the calls on offense mind you, and esp. against wisconsin, he seemed lost. I like the guy and dont think its time for change or some bs like that, i think the coaching staff needs revamped ( synder needs yanked, and bollman )
  9. Brandon

    Track addicts

    you luberjack faggot
  10. Brandon


    I'll bet thats what he wanted you to do Aaron!
  11. Brandon

    Anthony again....

    Well ill consider myself an athlete, i did not play football, but i did play lax at osu ( granted i played a year, and quit ). So i think that grants me enough to bitch about how bad zwick sucks, cause i guarentee i have a better or the same power to weight ratio as him, i also gaurentee i can run a faster 40, mile, 2 mile, tri-athealon, vertical. I know for one i cant throw the ball that far though, so i guess i can give him that. Now the olny plausable reason to even give Zwickstick an excuse, is that he has a horrid line to block for him. But even then running out of the shotgun for a whole game...you would think he could have done better. And the olny reason why Tressel sticks with him so much, is family ties and commitments. Luckily Zwick did do something right, in helping bring recuits to OSU, but inso doing Tressel was in his debt. Tressel also coached his brother, and is known to associate with the family directly. And i also knew that this was coming. The top gun recuiting camps alaways seemed to make excuses for why Zwick sucked it up at their camps. He had excuses made for him since day one. And he played at Massilon, whoooopie, cause he didnt do shit there, and the main reason he looked good, was due to the players around him. Zwick has never been good and never will be, its a shame he was all hyped up for nothing. ZWICK SUCKS, and mark my words he will never be anything, at best another Craig Krenzel ( granted he is much better then Zwick...which is sad )
  12. they were trafficing drugs, and that prompted the shooting. There are 3 suspects, 2 in custody, and 1 is still out there, and he WILL be found, bye the way these were mexicans ( not that is matters but kinda goes along with the drug thing )
  13. good luck, if that little things hooks, it'll get ya
  14. Brandon

    Anthony again....

    Mark do you really think Zwick is going to get any sizeable amounts better? Honestly he has been in the program for 3 YEARS and he still cant get it right, i dont care if he has a lot of game experience or not, still 3 yrs in any program, and he looks like he does....Sounds like a dud to me
  15. Brandon

    Track addicts

    Trackaddicts > Big Papa tongue.gif
  16. must be a mopar thing ( dont worrie clark i know i know )
  17. Brandon

    Anthony again....

  18. lets beat the michigan right out of him
  19. Geoff dont even bother posting, because ding ding ding NO ONE GIVES A FUCK. With that in mind go touch yourself and cry to your hamster.
  20. ya well no proublem, ill help anytime inbetween my project. Also Ryan me and clark figure its the speed sensor in the transmison, turns out all that wheel hop from no traction is shaking that sensor, and it might need tightened or replaced, but thats why they have warrenty.
  21. Uhhhh you gay or something, eat dick if so.
  22. damn man, you guys record way to much shit...heads would roll if that was my place
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