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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. hopefully the next time this occurs, my project will be done, and i wount be sidelined, but i enjoyed the time
  2. STFU geoff and go work on some car or soemthing, cause i thouhgt you were done with cr graemlins/jerkit.gif
  3. I knew once you launched it was finally that 11 sec pass, very impressive, hopefully others might follow in the footsteps you have layed down. I'll bet that the car still has more in it to, I mean it wasnt Norwalk you were racing at, but none the less, still kicks ass! [ 07. October 2004, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: B DUBS ]
  4. OKay you little bitch DICK, does that make me sound more masculine? I sapose olny faggots are allowed to use certain words, i forgot, because you seem to know these words better then i do. Now listen little bitch dick, when ever your nuts drop from your stomach, come out out to a cr meet, and talk sht to my face, then i will belittle you like the crusty ass pirate you are ( guess i have crusty ass on the mind to huh, dipshit ). NOW GO PUFF YOUR BUYFRIEND's WEENIER ( and i am the farthest from gay you'll ever find, i think i have laid a few more then you, but then again going back to you and having a bitch dick, i guess its hard to get laid. SO then your resort to the olny thing that will exepct you, queers. And even then queers make fun of your bitch dick)
  5. Tim grow some pubic hair, or at least stop waxing that shit for your boyfriend. And your a WASTE of cyberspace, so stop posting you wennie puffer
  6. i am riding up with some one, i am stuck in the middle of my project or i would take my car up.
  7. so why were those parts green and yellow to begin with???
  8. i think ill go up and watch, as its not far at all.
  9. the more people ='s the more distractions/ people in the way
  10. Geoff as in stealth monkey.... I was thinking about helping, but have fun
  11. works for me, mabye add some land mines for more enjoyment
  12. I agree either A). Be happy with what you have, and shut the fuck up or B). Do something to change your circumstances, like work harder
  13. its a nissan, whats not to like
  14. fucking work.........rrrrr
  15. i would say i can do it but...then again i am lazy and got enough shit of my own to deal with now.
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