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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. How are you not and idealist DJ? I mean I know you're a smart guy, but you are idealistic as well. To answer your question...Poverty defined by the world bank here http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTPOVERTY/EXTPA/0,,contentMDK:20202198~menuPK:435055~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:430367,00.html would do some justice for CR members. Studied this in school, I am so smrt...wait... However to look at poverty vs poor in America. There is no way to tax poverty into poor, and or poor in to middle class, ect ect ect... It doesn't work, history does a good job modeling this... However what I dislike or frankly hate is poor "mindsets"... The poor often are the fringe, the fringe of making the next step and more times then not in my idealist mentality they seem to choose not to, by choice and on occasion by restrictions. Typically low trained, low skilled workers, which is a big problem in America are disadvantaged (however the lack of workers willing to get dirty and work in America is a completely different issue, you cant find enough brick layers, framers, carpenters, tile layers ect right now, ALL jobs that pay those "college grad" wages...But you have to want to work for it). The human genome produces both ends of the spectrum so you need work with the spectrum. As wealth and technology and skills trades grow rapidly, and phase out low skilled low trained work this is where you get the dispersion. Fixing the poor is a much better solution in my opinion. Poverty is bad, it exists, and frankly it ALWAYS will... Look at Africa and India as some case studies...How much MONEY is invested for...the results they are getting. I am not saying let poverty be and ignore it, I am saying target the poor, fix them...Then move down the line so they do not become poverty.
  2. I was warming my fingers to type a similar message. There is a HUGE divide in wealth and income, they are in fact related yes, but the same not in any manner. The issue here is statisticians can make you see what they want you to see. Yes there is a significant amount of wealth at the "top" however that distribution seems like propaganda. And the sad part is there really is no "non partisan" org's out there that would not screw the data in some favor. I will say though, my wife and I are about to have a child in May, and she would like to stay home with the child. I believe that while "raising your" kid is great and we will, she will need to go back to work as a teacher. The lost income will change our wealth model significantly and not allow us to help our child's life in the long run and help create the stability of retirement and wealth over the long haul. I know many would argue that this time spent working vs being with a child is semi selfish from a monetary perspective however dropping lets say 55k a year out of income (3/4's of a year of work for teachers) over ten years is 550,000 dollars... We could easily just make do and live with out this income, however if we choose to "buckle down" and SAVE, holy shit SAVE this money we could easily in 20 years (after the ten so 30) have say... 750k to 1 million to have in a "kitty" at age 60-65... and no matter who I would argue with, would have raised our child to see success and life properly. Just my opinion I guess...
  3. I would argue that many CEO's justify their pay grade by the creation of wealth and market growth they build as leaders... You cant tell me Steve Jobs wasn't worth EVERY penny...as just one example. Or Lucas, or Mullaly, or intels CEO ect. There are out liners to all rules of thumb, think bell curve. However to say "CEOS" don't deserve this and that, I would argue you cant pay the good ones enough.
  4. Enjoy ... Cant wait to add this on at the end of the year ... its a fine though right? http://www.foxnews.com/topics/health-care-bill-gross-cost-of-exchange-subsidies-related-spending.htm Yes I know it dreaded "faux news" - bunch of crazy's over there... Bill the real problems glaring now are the fact that there IS going to be a HUGE coverage gap, its obvious... Why subsidize policy's which people do not want to generate more tax revenue to take more from middle and working class... Its just all around poor policy. It is beginning to look glaringly obvious, and will only become more so.
  5. We need age restrictions...Sorry for my brazen but how this 73 year old loony can legislate for Americans is BEYOND ME...(obviously she is not alone) No offense to people whom are older, however the deterioration and rational ability to solve problems is degraded, and the mindset for deliberating is gone. Ever get far with explaining a new idea, or explaining current trends to a 73 year old...Negative. (This is generalized yes, like anything there are small percentages that are and exception to the rule, like the top 1%) This bitch needs to go, although she opens her mouth and instant propaganda.
  6. Even NBC is dogging it... I like the grandfarther "clause", which was known to eliminate around 80% off the plans it targeted...Classy. Shocking http://investigations.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/10/28/21213547-obama-admin-knew-millions-could-not-keep-their-health-insurance?lite
  7. Bill I agree with all of this. Its cold here...
  8. I think any of the top 5 teams still wallops this Buckeye team... If that pick didnt happen on the first drive for PSU, I think it would have been completely different. Oregon is simple hard to stop, UCLA did it for 3 quarters impressively, then folded like a tin can. FSU looks like a well paid team now...Bama is still consistent and tough, and hell I would not want any part of Baylor... Oregons defense is no better then Ohio states, but they disguise EVERYTHING, they got burned a couple of times but by far it worked. I will say a good run game could hurt them though...They are light weight up front. Of the top five I just cant see the comparisons still, and most of that is due to our competition we have faced.
  9. Your calculations are what is being reported amongst the community for injector sizing. Im waiting for some folks to "flex" tune these cars lolzzzzzz... I downloaded the demo file Bill from HP tuners and voyaged around in it, so I see what you're are talking about.
  10. a HPFP upgrade wont be enough to a certain level. Start reading the forums Bill, its interesting. There was a good letter written by a factory tuner for Motech about the DI in this platform, the timing events for tuning DI are WAY technical and very interesting. Wait till you start seeing amateur tuners blowing these up right and left. These guys with the DI cars monitoring duty cycles crack me up...It couldnt be less important on a DI engine vs a PFI engine. What you have to be concerned about is fuel timing events EOI and SOI : BFDC and relative to rail pressures. However I would say generally most of the bigger shops will tune fine, there will be plenty whom are seeking to make that "easy" quick buck...With no concern for fuel impingement (that extra fuel sparying on the cylinder walls) , oil dilution, and throwing fuel out of the exhaust valve... Injectors are still and issue, pump upgrade or no upgrade, fact. However those pesky truck guys set a great foundation for the "tricky potential" to modify injectors... Rumors are swirling the HPFP isnt going to like more the 630 whp as is, and the injectors not much more then 660... However the "LT4" might hold some neat parts to fix some of these issues.
  11. In my eyes, the moral of the story with regard to the NCAA is give them the big middle finger. Deny everything and dare them to try and prove otherwise as they cant. It worked for Oregon, Texas, Miami, Auburn, Alabama ect. The NCAA has NO legal power, so give them nothing and they can not enforce anything. They are a JOKE.
  12. The A&M offense consists of Johnny football running around like he is on speed in the backfield, then he looks to the heavens, chucks the ball in the air and has zues guide it into the 6'6" Evans hands... That guy throws hail marys ever other pass play its hilarious.
  13. Remember a certain bowl game that Jimmy T was "out matched" "out gunned" against a Chip Kelly super genius offense... Then TP went and beat them as well as hitting them in the mouth with a real defense...(this defense would get hung 40 on by Oregon easily, they dont have it.) However my point is I think the Oregon playstation offense is over hyped, and only liked by the media for the replays...
  14. There shop is next to skyzone in the orange road commerce park. Saw the "diamond" logo on the door.
  15. Heard Doc wants to race the pimple.
  16. Still a good ole "American Pushrod V8" with direct injection, some variable cam timing, ect ect
  17. Thats a ton of miles - Congrats! We rode out that way yesterday as well (out towards the ride for reason route), went out to Granville and back 56 miles, nothing crazy (climbing stone quarry is always a blast though). There was another biker that crashed as well, Dan Chamberlin, t boned a car that rolled through a stop while he was going 24-25... He is okay, but in rough shape, the driver was cited. I think my dad hit 4k so far, and I with my road bike only about a month and a half now have only hit 500...But I am enjoying and getting much more acclimated to my body and its ability on the bike. As a caveat its also making me much stronger on the dirt trails which is enjoyable! If you ride this week let me know Ill try and meet up on a group ride.
  18. Saw that Josh and Stephen getting quick on the draw get those early sales. Dallas Performance just tune only is getting 35/30 out of them!
  19. Livernois, a real shop!
  20. Bill thats pretty normal - the current Vettes get a very similar pickup (not quite as much torque) but comparable. The aftermarket is on this car like donkey kong, "1st to market" lol. There are already 6 sets of headers, and intakes for this car... Got to make that margin on the buyers whom actually have money...
  21. I am not so sure... REALLY good to spend some time here. Some decent sources http://heartland.org/policy-documents/buyer-beware-failure-single-payer-health-care Long read. http://www.nationalcenter.org/NPA555_Sweden_Health_Care.html Study Sweden? Another fun article I like - Maybe debunking some of your information http://www.forbes.com/sites/aroy/2012/03/19/fareed-zakarias-puzzling-take-on-health-care-in-britain-taiwan-and-switzerland/ Quote from the forbes article “the quality of its care can shift as funding waxes and wanes.” - That is my concern, like all .Gov programs, wait till the money is not there to fund it...This can be easily proven time and again. I read this crap every night for an hour before I can sleep, not sure why but its what I do, I scour and read. I read liberal stuff to, I do need ammunition after all...They have their points I will say.
  22. Bill, let me level with you. While they may have longer life expectancy there are so many uncontrollable variables I am not sold on this being the solution, there are better cheaper alternatives then soicalized fined healthcare. But one thing is for sure their .Govs are all bankrupt, and or on a collision course for MASSIVE cuts, and SHUTDOWNS. Social single payer systems do not work in the long haul, its really easy to study this as well. Look across the pond and find out how wonderfully well these other .Govs are operating...Massive healthcare surplus's right, people happier then every, tons of jobs, tons of wealth, all peaches and roses... No, negative, wrong. It is easy. Study social medicine as it relates to .Gov and find that really its bad as it relates to a federal level. And finally when people realize there are no jobs, no income to pay for their ACA fines, no income to pay for the inflated goods and services, does healthcare even matter? More deficit spending... Creditors only continue to loan to delinquents for SO long. It is all about the money, jobs, economy first, I do not care what anyone says, it is gravity. This ACA will only defy gravity for a short period of time, then like all physics, there will be and equal and opposite reaction. The sad part is it is staring us in the face, and we, the .Gov will not even look to study the short comings, instead we plunge into greater darkness.
  23. Nah he wont do that, he will just play the "progressive" card and choose to ignore it. (But you did read it Bill, so bravo, you're now one ounce more respected ) Wait for more incentives to entice people into the fed plan; They are all rolling out. Buy Obama insurance... Get FREE Obama I-phone... Incentives to get insurance... Good god it is comical. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/oct/3/cell-phones-offered-obamacare-buyers-tennessee/ All I know is there are FAR better measures then creating fines, yes NOT TAXES, and higher rates to insure the total population. People will still smoke, eat like garbage, lack exercise (and I mean WALKING), lack the ability to take 30 minutes for a wellness check because they are the folks who are too damn lazy to even work, ect. All while I get to subsidize more of it, woo hoo, where do I sign in at the party and blow my kazoo.
  24. They passed the law upheld as a "tax" They wouldnt lie to us WOULD THEY... Their New York Fan Boy even picked up on this bullshit. http://dailycaller.com/2013/10/08/jon-stewart-accuses-kathleen-sebelius-of-lying-to-him-about-obamacare/ When in reality it is a fine...Maybe we should send it back to the courts hahahaha. Ramsey, I have been on the exchanges updating myself with this riff raff. In your case maybe it wont be too bad. The biggest issue right now is there is essentially no cross section of data to analyze that will tell you real world how this is going to pan out. Worst you do is try it I supose. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/09/25/double-down-obamacare-will-increase-avg-individual-market-insurance-premiums-by-99-for-men-62-for-women/ Thanks Obama.
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