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Posts posted by Brandon

  1. So this is all on the same level as the current allegations. Off bucknuts but it seems to have some potential sense. .


    "Urban is looking at a 3-4 game suspension, mostly because the #MeToo movement and the appearance the university must give.

    *Many members of the University have known about both her and him for quite some time.

    *They never acted on information because there was never any proof of guilt one way or the other.

    *Photos are from 2010 and there is no proof the harm was caused by him.

    *He and she are both drunks and they are both crazy. She is REALLY crazy.

    *She called 911 (66) times in 90 days.

    *She got pulled over 3 times for DUI. On each time they let her off and escorted her home.

    *Each time she began crying and stated Zach was chasing her and she was afraid. Each time Zach was at practice.

    *911 actually stopped sending squads because they stopped finding her credible. They came numerous times with 911 verifying Zach was engaged in Ohio State activities.

    *In Zach's and her court hearing the Powell police are testifying on his behalf.

    *She has come to OSU practices numerous times drunk, chasing after Zach, threatened to blow people up and other various threats.

    *She never worked and when divorced lived off of Zach's child support.

    *When Zach was fired she realized she would lose income and freaked out. She reached out to anyone. She was asking 6-figures for her story.


    Anything can still happen, but they decided to suspend Urban with pay to separate the media frenzy from the practices. Apparently there is no proof of anything. Just two crazy people who should have never been together.”


    I dont think its cut and dry, frankly she has to have some skeletons in that closet for a divorce to drag on that long with the accusations being spat. It is not me marginalizing her and what may have happened, however it is just a sigh of the current culture. Urban is no saint I am certain but he didnt beat this girl, and I highly doubt he would let this clown sink his ship IMO.


    another interesting article https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football/2018/08/94830/colorados-mike-macintyre-case-gives-precedent-for-the-current-urban-meyer-situation

  2. Unless Shelley Meyer comes out and says to the world that she never told Urban because she KNEW that he would fire Zach....he gone. Either by resignation or firing. And if he DID know about this shit, then he deserves to get canned.


    It's 2018, y'all. The only parson who can disrespect women like that and get away with it is your president.


    You are letting your emotion rule over the logic of the situation


    If you are to believe Courtney Smith and the "accusations" then here is a list of people who knew and did nothing, or not enough I guess.


    Gainesville PD

    Gainesville DA

    U of Florida

    Earle Bruce

    Urban Meyer

    Shelly Meyer

    Powell PD

    Delaware DA

    Asst Coach wives

    Her parents

    His parents


    Her attorneys

    his attorneys

    Divorce Judge


    Now that is a lot of "collusion", swamp level haha.


    I am not trying to marginalize Courtney and what she apparently is having to go through, however let the facts evolve and come out. Stop with the pitch fork emotions and lets break this down. Some of it looks damning, but much or it seems counter to the law/facts/OSU's knowledge.


    I would hope Urban is not dumb enough to try and Jerry Sandusky level bury something, if he did he deserves to go down with the ship.

  3. Kemp roofing has been recommended on here a number of times. I've gotten a quote from him and he was easy to work with and his pricing was fair.


    I've also used Brad's 'amigo' roofer a few times with good success, they do roofing, siding, and ive had him replace some trim as well. But his not the type to pull permits etc if that matters to you.


    Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk


    Greg is a great guy and does a fair amount for the CR forum.


    His company is Kemp Roofing, about as honest and fair as you can be. They do gutters as well!


    He did my old roof at my home, mothers, rentals, ect. Pricing is right in line with the "low end" but with high end installation and service. He handles all the insurance super well to.


    Try him out IMO - Telephone (614) 848-8440

    Email greg@kempohioroofing.com

  4. We just moved up into Northstar and I am mixed about the development. As long as the majority of the development stays to the south of 37 I would be pretty happy with the increased revenue to the township and property values frankly.


    Traffic infrastructure is a concern but ODOT already has and exit starting 1 mile south of 36/37 in 2019 and this plan may impact the scope of that. Oasis already submitted some requests info to ODOT and I read this morning traffic studies are underway.


    The township wants something there. Something large scale will go there in the near future that to me is the forgone conclusion. Deciphering what will be the question, I believe this Oasis deal was a shoot for the moon, then once it is scaled down will be what they wanted all along.


    I will note that the whole were breaking ground in 6 month's is a load of horse doo.

  5. I searched and found some older threads. But looking for anything new that someone might have to contribute. We are only going to Maui so please don't suggest other islands. Looking for hotels for a 3 night stay, already have 5 nights planned at Sugar Beach area. Thinking about the Kaanapali area, but open to staying anywhere else on the island.


    Also open to suggestions on things to do. I know i want to go to Haleakala and try and get to the top. Would love to go to the black sand beach sometime too. Other ideas?


    I have ridden my bike from Paia all the way to the observation tower on Haleaklea - 34 miles almost 11,000 feet.

  6. My wife and I are looking to buy a house and we noticed that some of the windows are a bit foggy which means the seal in the pane has gone out. We know this is going to come up on the inspection and we want to have a contractor come out and inspect and price windows so we can have that in mind for the remediation and once that is complete the windows can be ordered.


    Anyone know of a company they trust?


    Greg my roofing referral does windows to if you like using him! I think you have his info

  7. I'd take hanging or decapitation over a mortar or being burned alive.


    As for the abortions, who really cares about those as those aren't human lives anyway.


    The rest of the stuff is pretty brutal. It's why I ask people who complain about how bad 'murica is to actually consider what it's like to live in many other parts of the world.



  8. Trump says fuck you to our allies, pulls out of Iran deal.



    - World now understands that deals with the US are meaningless because we can back out whenever we want even if they're complying

    - Iran free to resume nuclear program

    - John Bolton closer to the war he so desperately wants



    - Oh wait, I put all the cons in the Pro column


    Kerry 2020 ....

  9. Nonsense, we should keep bringing it up to the fling in the face of the morons who blame a lack of "family values" for school shootings and still vote for human garbage like Trump.


    Ah yes, the you're a moron for having a different view point then me about "family values". I still find it impressive the divisiveness of family structures and values as relation to much of the goings on, I will stick with my approach. I know I know, science, research abstraction touchy feely. But really the data is more supporting of one side vs the other. It is kind of like teaching and incentives. Do kids get a bell curve to their teachers bonus when they care about eating more so then their math test? Must be the teachers fault. digress.


    He is a ethically crass turd bag, undeniable however.

  10. The point wasn't to discuss the numbers, the point was to illustrate that you guys keep saying its this one factor without any study or evidence to back it up in the face of many other factors.


    Industries suppressing research and knowledge don't have a good track record of doing it for altruistic reasons. The tobacco industry did it with cancer, the sugar industry did it with sugar's connection to heart disease, so what is it that the political arm of the gun industry is hiding by suppressing knowledge?


    You guys want to point to broken homes because it's easy and convinent, but honestly you can't really prove it, and that's my point. There are many people that come from broken homes and become functioning members of society, and there are some that become criminals but not murders. If it was really "the cause" those people should be the outliers but they aren't.


    Anybody who says "the reality is its this one factor" is full of shit. They don't know anymore than anybody else in this landscape because this one organization, the NRA, used the corruption of out political system to hide knowledge and keep the whole country stupid and uninformed.


    Keep in mind here what my argument is: I'm not supporting any current measure for gun control, I'm just saying the conversation needs to get a whole lot smarter about it and one of the ways it does that is through an increase in the knowledge base through research. In the Heller decision, the supreme court ruled that an outright ban will never happened and that the country has a right to gun control measures - those two issues are settled, if your argument is the NRA party line of there should never be any gun control of any kind, you have already lost that fight. But if you are at least open to reasonable gun control measures, then reasonable starts with knowledge and knowledge starts with research.


    I don't get why you guys argue so much in favor of letting someone keep you in the dark about something? It is because you are embarrassed as NRA members that you are paying them to do it?


    Industries suppressing research is alarming, and very real. Its rampant right now in the food industry as well, beyond sugar.


    How are broken homes families easy and convenient? It is a very abstract idea in relation to solving or understanding the puzzle of people whom will or would commit crime, violence, murder and so on. And again we CAN prove it, and it is being proven. It is no more or no less "provable" then climate change frankly. Are you a climate change denier?


    I think I can agree with you that we as a country should envelope more then a one size fits all approach to solving this problem, with out striping the second amendment. The NRA can do their thing, no different then any other lobbying arm, either allow them or ban them all, they cant be any more or less evil then some pharma, energy sector guys and gals. The scary thing about the NRA is they just are the face of "guns" evil fucking guns! wah.


    However they are wrong about common sense reforms with in reason. Banning assault rifles will not have any real affect to the problem in my eyes, its just and easy low hangin fruit with our the facts to back it up. Syncing federal agencies, improving the NICs system, improved mental health screening, 48-72 processing windows, and a slew of other small measure would do wonders. Nichloas Cruz should have never even had the opportunity to commit this crime frankly, 30 times the "system" failed to stop him in one form or another; not the gun laws.

  11. Fundamentally, the majority of them are diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, are on medication, are 63% white, and are 90% male. Prove to me that the lack of father figure is a more important factor than the other ones I have mentioned in cobtributing to the event. Can you? Because I'm pretty sure you need research to do that.


    I think it's sad that you think the goal of science is to disprove itself. The purpose of science is to better understand our world. The concept you are mis remembering is that we know so little about our world that it's far easier to disprove a theory than it is to prove it because you always have to be open to a possibility not considered as new things are discovered. My point is research will get us closer to more common sense legislation than what we are doing now ever will. So why not try it?


    They are diagnosed with metal disorders, sure. On medication, isn't everyone in the 21st miracle century? Ah yes white privilege, 63% of those bastards (literally).


    The percentage of race in America is approximately 61.3% of white or no-Hispanic, or 76.9% including white Hispanics and Latinos. The distribution looks about the same in mass shootings as it does in the population to me. I think that distribution lines up with the population, maybe I am not thinking correctly however I will admit. I believe though its not nearly as big of a "white dude" problem as is lead out to. But fuck I am white, so I need to check that privilege of even typing this memo on CR.


    Why is it always prove to you as well? If you are curious just go google some of the information on families structures, divorce rates, fatherless homes and the statistics of crime, murder, domestic abuse, mass shooting, mental health ect ect ect. There is science, research out there that is showing the tough inconvenient news about what family structure actually does to humans, and its deep hidden correlation to a multitude of issues. I also for some crazy reason read a fair amount of your tripe. However I then choose to go and search about it vs just cracking my knuckles and smearing back with a "show me research" high horse megaphone. Then I can form my own opinion and see if what you said maybe justified or if you're in fact just a loud mouthed idiot. Again, it is not my job to do the research, there is a plethora of university studies on crime and its relation to broken families and bastard children; just google it honestly, maybe you will learn something.


    How is it sad a theory of science is to disprove itself, honestly? Do you understand science? If we just took one study and said, sure looks great that is the winner with out another study trying to disprove that study where would we be? That is what I am alluding to, the fact that again fundamentally they goal of science is to test against or disprove itself....I am not arguing it is not worth trying, I am not arguing to abandon research and throw caution to the wind with regard to policy, in fact quite the opposite. I would also agree science is worth trying as well a research, just dont put all your eggs in that one basket.


    Also Tim, I agree the hard truth is staring most back in the mirror. The real reality is people from broken families are also good people, but they really do not want to hear it may have contributed to many of the problems we see in the country, much more so then is understood. Its far from the sole reason, chemical imbalances, genetics, ect also heavily contribute but to ignore the family structure implications is ignorant.

  12. I am not asking for the numbers killed in mass shootings, I am asking for someone to study the data on the shooter's lives, the market place, the current system, to cross compare all of it, do root cause analysis, look at commonalities, and really investigate in an impartial way.


    Collection of Data is only one part and honestly it's the easiest part. The hard part is finding dedicated researchers in this field to analyze the data, compare it to other data points, really investigate it in depth, and draw intelligent conclusions. That costs a lot of money. The federal government is the largest driver of independent research in this country, and it has a very rigid set of standards to insure independence and impartiality. To deny this issue access to that resource is to essentially to ignore any hope of truth in this area.


    They have done some correlation, and fundamentally these mass shooters are from broken families lacking a core farther figure. No joke. Having authoritative , affirmative and loving parents is hugely important; much more so then is maybe understood.


    Then pushing the "science" thing. Science is important, but its whole goal is to disprove itself. Time and again. I am not trying to be a flat earther or science denier, just playing devils advocate for the argumentative pitch out "science".

  13. Get a new CR-V. Boring, sure. Features are good in the more premium models. Comfort is good. AWD. You will literally never have to do anything to it but change the oil and tires and brakes.


    Bought a new one 10' zero percent financing (obviously paid off). The only "major" repair made was the ac compressor clutch. Everything else has been fantastic, its a very nice little car for my wife to hump around in. 157k on the clock. I am fully anticipating 250k out of it, if not more. Ive driven the new model, its improved upon for certain, quite liked it.


    But its not a very "sexy" choice.

  14. I believe if you pay one extra (full) payment a year on a 30 year amortization you can cut up to 5-8 years off the note depending on what your rate of interest is.


    Use your tax return to give you your extra note.


    Also as others mentioned, refinancing down from 23-22 years to 15 may have similar payments with todays interest and chop years aways! ARM notes are not a horrible option either to be honest, they have 15 year fixed arms at lower rates which will save you over the first 15 years, if you are savy you can either pay it down/off or re fi and accumulate savings before the adjustment takes place.

  15. Hello all


    Happy New Years to all. Thank god I didn’t loose my shirt with the Bitcoins in 2017. With the new year I’m venturing into a new territory, start another business.


    Just wondering if anyone know what’s the differences between normal businesses and industrial classification?


    Like property zoning Pham?

  16. Literally every person I know got it. No matter if they had the flu shot or not. I never get the Flu shot and this is the first time I got the Flu or something like it in maybe 7-8 years.


    Same. Never do the shot, and have not been full bore flu in 7 years.


    Got it, most I know have are getting it.



    The noro stomach bugs are pretty rough, and can be very debilitating. Imagine hoping on a cruise ship with one of those going around...wait thats all cruises lol!

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