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Posts posted by Brandon

  1. Let me say it again. The fucksticks in Washington are still spending the money that you don't think they know how to spend, but now they're borrowing it so your kids can pay it back. What a great dad.


    Like borrowing from Social security is a new thing, since Kennedy that has been happening.


    Do something unique for your kids and show them that SS is not a retirement plan. It is awful the government defrauded us with a defunct program, but that was FDR's plan all along.


    Additionally all that spending, much of which I will agree with you is ridiculous (800 billion in defense is a bit much, although what % off that is generating the economy?), it is just a stimulus to keep our economy equation growing, it is calculated to grow with a deficit, not the other way. Not saying I agree to that but that is the way it works.

  2. Who gives a shit about the national debt, honestly. You cant effect it, the less energy you spend worrying or complaining about it the better you are. It is not going away, and is not going down. I will say the "model" has some pretty odd assumptions I do not believe this will be as big of a burden as thought in the long run, by any stretch. But hate on, because the rich get richer, and over 80% of the rest of America. . .


    Our government spending is so large that over a billion dollars can be rounding errors. As in whoops I goofed, poof billion. So when you really want to affect change we need to talk 100's of billions, otherwise its not going to move the needle, even a little. But its a cute talking point that you cut spending for the un for 285 million, thats NOTHING, seriously, nothing. Real change has to have real pain.



    I am with Kirk, worry about yourself. The cuts are good for me, and I know for a fact I will reinvest my savings to boost jobs (as and employer) and or invest in goods.

  3. Let it play out a little. I think its a bit knee jerk like everything in this hyper sensitive planet. I am still willing to bet there will be no effects moving forward.


    End of the day, some regulation is okay, too little can be bad and too much can be equally as bad.

  4. Right...we'll just go on to the other ISP if one starts blocking certain sites :rolleyes:


    How many choices do you have where you live? 1? 2? 3?


    Certain things need regulated, get over it.


    Choices are a municipal problem,Local governments and their public utilities are notorious for charging broadband companies exorbitant prices for access to publicly owned “rights of way,” without which they cannot erect the infrastructure necessary for Internet service. These municipal monopolies are among the chief reasons that many places have little or no competition among ISPs. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Kansas City, Austin, and Provo all hammered out favorable agreements with Google Fiber and several other cities have followed suit. Kansas City partially credits the arrangement for the city’s ascendancy as a tech hub. (HQ2? ahah) Meanwhile, other ISPs have increased their offerings to compete: Verizon and AT&T both recently announced plans to offer higher-speed Internet hookups for customers in select areas.


    Regulation is cool, if you like innovation to go and die. Broadband invest dropped 3.6 billion from 14-16, as a prime example, reports suggesting a loss of 45 billion in further years.


    The FCC also has the power to prevent ISPs from charging websites at rates they deem to be unfair and ends "paid priority." This is bad economics. Netflix consumes a huge amount of peak traffic bandwidth. That costs ISPs money. Pornography sites consume a huge amount of bandwidth. That costs ISPs money. Were an ISP to push YouPorn to pay fees for its higher bandwidth, consumers of the ISP who did not use YouPorn would be the beneficiaries — they wouldn’t be subsidizing YouPorn. “To use one of those dreaded analogies, if you are constantly driving huge trucks, full of big deliveries of pornography, along a road, why shouldn’t you have to pay more for the road’s upkeep?”


    Meanwhile, other ISPs could calculate that they want to absorb the costs of YouPorn in order to carry YouPorn, since YouPorn could refuse to pay the fees to the first ISP. That would be an advantage for the second ISP. In other words, market choices take place, and those can provide options to consumers.


    With net neutrality, under the guise of free for all, they also were able to essentially control and coerce the ISP market and and the content they provided. Which would never happen right, the government creating social behavior.


    The FCC still have the ability to enforce "paid priority" laws which is what all this hub bub is about, so they still have this in place to. Good.


    Left leaning thinkers hate crony capitalism, yet that is exactly what net neutrality was. Instead, the FCC should be encouraging de-regulation in order bring in more competition, which is the real check against corporate abuse IMO.


    If there is to be a standard for consumer protection with regard to ISPs, then perhaps it would better for Congress to pass a clear statute that maintains light regulation on the ISP market while returning the Federal Trade Commission to its role of being the enforcer.

  5. I am really not worried in the slightest. Ajit was and Obama admin appointee, and just upgraded through the Trump admin. But blame Trump.


    People vote with dollars. The "fast lanes - toll roads" already exist, google and the rest of the giants love their own they created...They wanted the neutrality for their own benefit, as it promoted a large barrier to enter the market, gee wiz.


    People are so worried about "greed" they will let the government control everything, as they see fit; its mind blowing. I am leaning on the side of this is a good thing in reality, and no one will no any different 6 months from now. If your ISP starts pulling shenanigans people will move their dollars (well maybe the real issue is state and local Telecom districting that needs killed to allow more open competition). Innovation will continue to progress with out a government handbrake. Now if I am wrong, well so be it. I will always take the chance on free market capitalism, the worst outcomes it produces are still a better alternative.

  6. You can invest any amount of money and its coverts to a percent of a coin.


    Unlike the stock market trading is 24/7. Buy and sell anytime


    Coinbase is one of the most popular sites and is very easy to navigate. You have the option to purchase 3 coins Bitcoin , Ethereum ,and litecoin.


    Coin base is a safe bet, they are pretty conservative and when their system drops that is a good sign!


    Peter Theil is in on this big time, Paypal is testing the water slowly due to their relationships with the big banks. It is interesting. There are a lot of legal happenings right now, its very fluid.


    Have many of you tried arbitrage? Eg: Coinbase has bit coin for 15k then okcoin has bitcoin for 16k, and trading between the platforms to collect? The concern is obviously the timing of the trade.


    The futures should take some volatility out of trading.

  7. Hooked mine up a few days ago and installed a whole home humidifier, then tied that into it as well. Overall, not a bad install. Ecobees website was very helpful for a non-HVAC guy like myself. And having a humidifier for the whole house had been amazing so far.


    Which whole home humidifer did you get?


    Ive purchase a honey well unit...Need to install it though, curious on your thoughts on install as well.


    I snagged a ecobbee 4 this go around. I had a nest at my old house and their algorithm sucks balls. It was a battle sometimes to convince the unit I was really home and not away. Maybe it is better now (I got a unit when they first released). I know they use your wi fi triangulation to verify your coming and goings.

  8. For sure, I think they had a great opportunity to make it something unique. Unfortunately the owner had no automotive background (to my knowledge)and thinks it can be ran like a Verizon store. He made lots of promises to his employees and followed through with very few of them. I do not see him keeping it long term. I think its got to be a money pit the way its operating currently.


    Shawn did own a lot of Verizon stores... and was pretty successful at that.

  9. I normally just take my phone plug it in to charger and try to stay away from it once I get home. Just disconnect for a period of time, its very refreshing. Play with my two boys and work/clean around the house and be active in my family, I find its best for me. Once they get to bed 7-8 ish I normally will try and then sneak into the office and do some work again until 9 ish and hit the hay; back at it 5am. 8-10 hours a week I train (gym and cycling), so some evening I sneak in on my trainer for 60-90 minutes and zone out.
  10. Predicting top ten after this weekend









    Ohio st

    Notre damn


    Your first five are fairly legit, I can buy those. Wisconsin wins out they will be in the playoff, which means beating OSU...OSU has something like a 99.6 percent chance of making the B1G championship game on espn, they just have to beat IL.


    The committee will dump GA behind Auburn, they value the head to head match ups IMO. Georgia has not done anything impressive and got exposed by a iffy 2 loss Auburn team. Their ND victory looks worse after the convicts ran rick roll on them. I also still believe the U is not very impressive, and will fall apart some how, but let them have their fun for now.


    Its really a toss up for the 6-10 spots, they could fall in any order, but I think it should be Auburn, Georgia, OSU, Notre Dame, USC.

  11. You realize bama has one of the best offenses in the country. Better then oklojoma and Penn st and each one put up 40 on the buckeyes. Yes. Obama would put up points easily


    "You realize" OSU just beat the #1 ranked defense in the country, and held Saquan to 21 carries and 44 yards... 36 on one play. Not too bad. But PSU was overrated and hasn't played anyone we know we know. OSU TRIED to give the game away, 528 yards to 268, tried really hard.


    Wait then I look at the Bama's schedule and...they have zero wins over CURRENT top 25 teams. They are number one, no one is knocking them, but there are teams who can play them, believe that.


    "joklahoma" was a bad loss but so was Virginia Tech the year we won the national championship beating the tide on the way to it.


    I get the devils advocate play, but just make some sense.

  12. And they get between $1million and $2million per year for the naming rights for "Mapfre Stadium". So just selling the name pays for the land and extras.


    I believe the Crew also have the concession rights and that may actually be a sore spot for them because without attendance, concession doesn't generate as much revenue (or at all). If they haven't been making money on concessions, then trying to force the city to build the stadium for them makes more sense because the costs would transfer to the City and if it hasn't been making money, then it's one more loss to move off the books.


    I agree.


    I know the concessions have volunteer workers in them to raise funds for their "team, charity ect" but I have to imagine they are making money on them frankly with that labor model.


    I know Heartland Bank financed the video board after it caught on fire, that was a 1.XX million investment. Otherwise I am not aware of much capital investment into the property/stadium since AP bought it.


    He is going to ditch Cbus. Sadly.

  13. The Crew have a sweet heart deal on the lease for the current stadium as well, $75,000 a year...That is literal theft. I heard some goobers saying well he has to pay on the lease until 2023 or what ever...That amount of money has no effect on a potential deal, its rounding error.
  14. I agree PSU looked devastating...I knew scUM's offense would lay and egg, but figured their D would keep it closer.


    PSU has some play makers beyond Barkley. Mcsorely must have just chuck it up 5-6 times and let his players go up and grab it, and they did...Which is mildly alarming given what OU and IU did to our secondary. Barkley I think we can contain, but that passing attack has me nervous, PSU's O line looked very good in that game.


    The only catch is how good is scUM really? IU into overtime, lost to MSU...Granted not much can be said when OSU let OU come into a night game and play us off our own field. And since that point OU has not looked nearly as good.


    Notre Dame looks mildly like a contender again...kind of interesting.

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