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Posts posted by Brandon

  1. Of all the things, a freak bicycle accident...unbelievable.


    Really sad...




    I would not call it a freak bicycle accident. I would call it a driver not paying attention and hitting a bicyclist killing them, and it happens all too often.


    The irony however is most people likely thought there would be and engine on the two wheel'd "death machine"

  2. The reason it's closing down is JLL owns the property (Casto manages it locally) and they felt that the CoreLife Eatery (http://eatatcore.com/) would be a better demographic fit instead of Johnny Rockets and Cup O'Joe.








    Yes to all of this. Cup of Joe's lease I believe was expiring and no option was going to be renewed which is why there is action now.


    Core life eatery will flunk out of there, my guess is 12 months...Underwhelmed the two times I have been to the Polaris location...High labor costs, large investment footprint, slow throughput, not enough 12 dollar salads to make it work IMO.

  3. The refs are terrible, consistent theme.


    Bull shit penalty on "goalie interference" with Andre completely out of the crease and indirect contact...Joke. Takes the tying goal away. Leads to a pen goal...pivotal moment dictated by BAD a bad call. Torts had his right to be livid.


    Bob being and avg. goalie in the playoffs has hurt, no front line hurts, but the team still has something for next year.

  4. This bothers me...... It is an excuse for losing before you even hit the ice to play the game. So what if we meet them in Rd 1 or in the ECF...we still have to play and beat them.


    The CBJ controlled their own destiny and seeding since they clinched....had they played well they could have won the Presidents trophy too....


    Forget for a moment about the series. I am not arguing the outcome thus far.


    What I am saying is the merit of the regular season is deteriorated by the dumbest possible method for playoff seeding.

  5. The Pens will win the cup.


    The jackets are still a good team, but no front line to match the pens, thats where its clearly obviously lacking. Cam is no Malkin, No crosby, Dubi is no Kessel...


    The real issue I have is how the NHL structures the playoffs, its a joke relative to season success. The Jackets should not have to play the pens in a first round, thats my main beef in this whole ordeal.

  6. Looked at that but was not sure how accurate it was or not


    I have looked and can not tell what sub model is is of the caad8 either is what sucks because in the bike value it shows almost 30 different variations and the only other sticker on the bike says cannondale caad8 en14781 and google all pops up as 105 but I can not confirm


    find out what parts are on it, like the crankset, ect. can pretty much narrow it down for you.


    Example Shimano ultegra crankset ect, or if you have any pics of the bike.

  7. It fell to one bad period really in the second.


    CBJ got arrogant from the 1st period domination...all but scoring of course 16-3 shots...Then come the second period they let off the gas a little and the Pens rope a doped them perfectly.


    Andre will cough up some goals, just be patient. The series will go the distance.

  8. I haven't done the math yet, but here's how I would look at the ROI for a SolarCity tile roof:


    1) Determine if a higher-end roof for your house is desirable based on the following criteria:

    - Location in the state/region/country for solar power.

    - Real-estate market - value of housing

    - Size/quality of house


    2) If your home is in a market that justifies the investment, compare solar roof tiles as a 50-year replacement for other alternative roofing material options: spanish tile, slate, rubber/synthetic shingle alternatives.


    3) Look at possible power generation based on area of roof, and power consumption needs to operate the home. Calculate breakeven.


    4) Determine current/proposed tax incentives or utility give-backs for smart power grid participation.


    I'd say that the current presidential administration is not going to be too accomodating of tax credits for green energy initiatives, but it still doesn't negate the benefit of a high-quality roofing solution for any house...it just pushes the ROI out further.


    I agree with your analysis and thought along the same lines.


    It reminds me kind of like a ponzi scheme...


    Yes invest now, it will pay off in the long run.


    Then your 15 years down the line and it didnt pan out as predicted and there is no ROI just and outlay with little to no ROI (granted you have a roof so I guess that is nice).


    I am just not all warm and fuzzy on this one. But I could be wrong .

  9. So BE is around 7-8 years, does it take another 7-8 years to get 10% ROI? What does BE look like when the FED decides to bail on the tax credit?


    For me the money is invested elsewhere more efficiently, other then "feeling good" with solar power.



    Are these systems desirable and add 1:1 value to homes? Seems to me it is still a "feel" good setup.

  10. Took a customer car down there maybe 7-8 years ago, hit 195mph in the mile and it was sketchy (super snake). Granted I was willing to do it again...With kids now I would pass.


    I remember watching the Porsche spin out at 200, truck flip at like 80 mph slowing from 170, all kinds of destruction. I can see why the UGR and others guy bowed out so to speak.

  11. 8s and retaining daily driveability is fairly easy with the platform, as long as you use the right companies and components.




    If the clutches see excessive heat (cause by too much spin, or clutch slip) the car will go into a protection mode. It will require a restart to clear the protection. This can be disabled in tune for most tuners, although it's not a good idea.




    I honestly don't know enough about that particular Huracan, BUT I know all the 2R and X package Gallardos are running around with a dogbox. The car sure looks like a street car, but I can assure you it's an illusion.





    Being a fanboy isn't my intention either, which is how it probably came off. lol


    Just trying to clear up common misconceptions.


    I believe that car had a dogbox as well as larger turbos (78-80mm), from my "tellings". Street car is always a slippery slope with all of these cars. I am sure it drives like a race car, requires maintenance like a race car, but "looks" street car. Dollar for Dollar you can not seem to beat the GTR at this point.


    Thanks for the information on the transmission, makes perfect sense.

  12. Wagner (or anyone) can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is the first car to run a 6 second pass in a factory chassis (ie. not front or back halved) utilizing (modified) OEM engine and transmissions configurations. I understand the motor and trans are heavily modified, but they aren't swapped from another platform.


    It would be the equivalent of a C7 Vette running a 6 with an LT4 and and an 8L90




    Shep's car is seriously amazing. The guy refuses to compromise ANY streetability in exchange for ET. He is 2 hundredths of a second away from what he ran in a full blown methanol racecar. His car is literally the most streetable 7 second capable car I've ever seen.




    What was the Huracan better at?


    UGR lost the standing half mile record this weekend to a GT-R as well (Alpha Logic 248.x MPH)


    The reason the lambos fared so well in the roll race, was that all the heavy hitter GT-Rs were saving their cars for the 6 second 1/4 mile attempts.


    Ah fair enough, I thought it was the white car (shep) that had and issue, they all start to blend together.


    Question why do so many GTR's that were racing have to stop mid track and shut their cars off and restart after a bad launch? Some kind of ECU reduced engine power mode? Happened at least to a dozen of them while I was watching. And you can definitely tell these guys are pushing pushing pushing, which is exciting, but many of them broke, collateral damage to testing the limits.


    Those 6 second GTR's (well one) are flat out race cars, striped down race cars, comparing those to that yellow Huracan is silly. That car was a street car full interior. And that Huracan was toying with the competition in the roll race event, it had and "easy 220-230 in it" (according to Kevin at the event). Did they take that car to the standing mile deal?


    Downplaying GTR greatness is not my intention, just perspective from the event/reality. Ironically the R35 is a car I am shopping for right now!

  13. Yes shep is "7 sec gtr"

    Watch some of the 1320 video upload compilations they are about 8-10 minutes of good coverage


    That makes sense then.


    He had some kind of failure down there, I am sure it will get posted up what happened, but big smoke (oil) at the top end on one of his passes.

  14. This is real news




    Fucking zero less however much 3 GTR motors and the labor to swap them out at the track cost.


    Dont get me wrong- being the first to accomplish anything is a feat-but its suck a money game its definitely hard to get pumped up about it.


    I think Shep ruining consistent 7.7's in a full weight, AC, power window, full exhaust GTR is more impressive. Maybe Im getting old?



    Does Shep have a " 7 sec gtr" plate?


    I noticed a white GT-R while I was there with Ohio tags with a plate something to that effect. Whomever's car it was they bailed out on the second day, due to failure of some kind. The car put out a ton of smoke on the top end of a pass it made. In fact several GTR's blew up down there in similar fashion, granted all were fairly fast.


    The AMS folks going 6's is pretty cool; especially with the fire, and engines'. Is it earth shattering, no, but it shows me they have a solid fan base to say the least. It is fun to see the boundary being crossed over and over. ETS looked as if they might be first but 3 trans' later no dice...


    The GTR guys were certainly well prepared with spares, I will give them that lol. Unlike say the Underground Yellow Huracan which flat out was hands down better then the rest, it is the new bench mark.

  15. Most supplements are really... I take a pre-workout, some BCAA's and everyone in a while I will throw a protein shake in to hold me over between training and dinner. I don't take them thinking they will make me buff like most people do though.




    Most of the supplements become expensive urine.

  16. Moving to the Big Walnut area, aka welcome..


    Haha, yeah I am familiar with the area, ride out there a lot, and do not live really all that far now (right by GlenRoss).


    We wanted a slightly larger home, and for the amount of money I made on this home deal, and the fact I do not think our current home would ever be worth much more it was a no brainer.




    http://www.gotbins.com tell him Andrew sent you.


    What is your last name? I am happy to name drop if it helps. I will see what they charge vs pods.


    TimTaylor75 What are you doing during the interim for housing?


    We are moving out into a home off Glick and Jerome for 6 months while we wait the finish of the new home; but I do not want to move "all" our belongings really just the bare minimum frankly.


    Zx2guy19 Dude, go find a storage unit at an apartment complex. I found a place downtown that was renting a 10x10 for $130. I got a 10x20 garage at a local apartment complex for $65 a month.


    I have thought about this, I will see what I can find this weekend around sunbury/galena.

  17. He's pretty awesome so far.


    I tried not caging him the first day when I went to work as I have never caged one of my dogs and don't like to do it...and it failed LOL. I put him in my kitchen and 'secured' the exit with a strong dog gate...that he went right through after I left. He did a little damage but nothing terrible. Went and bought a crate that night and he actually will just walk himself into and laydown even when I'm home. I'm still not a fan of it.


    He is great when I am home and won't leave my room when it's time for bed. He's not eating as much as he should but I think it is still due to him adjusting.


    I brought him to work today for some socializing and so far he has been awesome. Vet appointment is today at 2:30 so hoping he checks out!






  18. We sold our home. Moving out the 31st


    New home will not be completed until September.


    What is everyone doing for storage these days? Taking into account our new home is up near NorthStar (10 minutes north of Polaris).


    I looked into pods,looking at like $190 a month (is this reasonable?) or so from the looks of it. I really like this method of storage as I would like to pack once and unpack once.


    I have never had to use a storage solution but we have a fair amount I need to hold for 4-6 months, looking for some advice.

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