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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Now i have to go buy one, I have been putting it off.
  2. We are setting up a in a booth with TechAFX stop by and say hi. Mark's car assuming nothing breaks tomorrow at the track will be there racing as well. Regards
  3. I sent you a PM regarding pricing for your application. Regards
  4. 8.31 at 161-164 mph. I think it is in reach how ever we have to get out of the hole a good bit better, which is definitely possible considering the car has made maybe 10-12 passes to get to this point.
  5. How the hell did he live through that... CRAZY
  6. Power steering pumps are junk, window trim normally leaks, cabin heat
  7. Yes if someone with more mod power wants to make the thread or polls that's awesome, how ever I will take care of the organizing, prizes and collection!
  8. I have posted information about an outing in the meetings and event section, I just need some feed back on dates and lay outs. Course is Glen Ross, and cost is 50-60 including cart and 10 dollar gift card.
  9. Top secret and will require classified clearance! Why don't you stop by and ill get you lunch
  10. Rays car is not a home made turbo kit, I know your buddies with Ron and he did a good job with it which is why you bring it to reference. Rays car also is a proven set up to a certain level, solid axle auto trans am, nothing to take away from the car it is very nice, and i think it is pretty cool. However even Ray ate up a motor the first go round, this happens... It is racing, we ate up one last year on the old set up, we learned we have moved on. Let it be , I know we can all knit pick Regards
  11. I agree. But the public sector is full of people who frankly are over paid and under perform, not everywhere but there are little to no incentives in the public sector for greater performance. So to keep expanding the social programs and bring back the tax rates seems counter productive. Also how about the new stiumuls bill which saved the teachers, where does that money come from this? Other social programs, kiss food stamps good bye (which is fine) public housing, and a few other programs. NObama stole from the very people he promised to help, which is traditional. I mean we cant keep robbing Peter to pay Paul...
  12. Even better, since social security is also bankrupt they are trying to buy out big labor pension funds to save it...Ala the teachers pension funds, ill bet this stimulus deal had some sort of detail regarding pensions...Because the pension funds were PRIVATELY managed properly for profit, its amazing what the private market can do....
  13. NObama will just give us another stimulus supplemented by China. LMAO Whats funny is once they have already learned that over in Europe you can only tax to a point where there is no more to tax...NObama doesn't believe this to be the case as his increase in taxes are going to be EPIC. When your GDP is at 85% of your debt load you are near bankrupt, by 2012 we will be over 100% of GDP to debt, and at that point ladies and gentlemen we are officially bankrupt. This is unprecedented as economists are uncertain what will happen, I predict Greece, Spain and other European countries which are over 100% GDP to debt load, look how wonderful their people are living...No amount of Taxes is going to save all the socialized programs, the only way is PAINFUL cut backs and growth in private sector, which is the exact opposite direction NObama is moving this country.
  14. Well I had no idea we had so many golfers on the forum, so I decided to use a few connections and get the community here set up! Here is what i am thinking, and I need to finalize a few details which is what i need you the members help with, for those interested. The outing will be at Glen Ross Golf Club of Cheshire Rd just south of Delaware and rt. 23. Info here http://www.glenrossgc.com/index.php The format I am still open for, and really depends on how many people want to get involved. We can do every man for him self, and I will have prizes ect (longest putt, closest to the pin, long drive, ect ect ect) This is going to be mainly if we get a low number of people commited. We can do 2 man team, similar lay out, or a 4 person scramble? So what lay out would you prefer (this is going to vary as well because we need 50 people for a 4 person scramble and 40 for 2 man teams minimum, and maximum of 100 people.) Cost is going to be all about the same, we are doing this a a non-profit event to have a good time and win some prizes. Finally a date here are the options currently Saturday, September 5th Sunday, September 6th Saturday, September 11th (less than 100 golfers) Sunday, September 12th Saturday, September 18th Sunday, September 19th Saturday, September 25th (straight tee times) Sunday, September 26th (straight tee times) (if a mod wants to make this a poll, that would be cool) Approximate cost will be 50-60 dollars a person including cart and tees Lets get a general consensus over the next 3-5 days and this way I have time to organize door prizes ect. Thanks
  15. Well he spells Marc with a C so, make your own assumptions. And spell it back words, and you get CRAM , like he does with his BF.
  16. I drive that everyday, and have noticed an increase in enforcement...Maybe they don't like me going 70 mph in the mornings.
  17. Well I am in contact with the owner of the course to get CR set up on a favorable rate and such. What I would need to know is what kind of outing we want this to be, scramble, team, just general outing. Let me know that please
  18. Not sure if it was posted, but NBC posted a formal apology about this being a farce... Next time Ben
  19. Please have her give me a call at the shop, I will give her the CR discount labor rate, she will get an excellent deal and we will warranty the work completed which is her best bet. 614-444-5884 is the shop line, i will also be glad to hand out my cell for her to contact via PM. Regards
  20. I know I could get a group outing at Shamrock or Glen Ross
  21. I don't get the spacer on the turbo to manifold connection?
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