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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. I know all about the car, and I am not trying to fuddle Ramsey's thread. I will use my knowledge, and your ignorance to my advantage. I am not trying again discredit any abilities of Randy. If you choose to educate me, please learn to do so in intellectual manner, and with facts, not your typical ramble. Ramsey car is close...Real close! I like it -Brandon
  2. Dyno Brian, does a good job. Randy, does a good job, but lets clear up some confusion. He DOES NOT tune JEGS (aka the cougligns, I know about the twin turbo car...I know all about it ) cars. Rob and Don Lasota do a good job as well, when they are available! So as to not let this be contextually incorrect, I am not trying to down any abilities, just clear up that Randy Barch does not tune Jegs cars. -Brandon
  3. The LCDs have horrible reponse time, and rapid movement, that my main complanit, and their contrast ratios are low. I do like the less reflection, but if you have a tube now, its will only be better Eric. You can go buy a new 42" 720P plasma for 600 dollars from panasonic. Thats your best bet, the only way to use 1080p is blue ray...NO cable broadcasts will support it, and they wont for a LONG time, hell they all arent HD yet. Plasma will last easily over 10-15 years of normal use. As that point new products will be out and cheaper! Buy for the current market conditions, not the new innovations, your paying the japansese ecnonmic pricing model, aka the mark up! -Brandon
  4. We got that covered to Eric H can knock that out Had a few diesels make 750 wheel plus on our dyno, and like 1400 ft/lbs (that particular one we did not tune). INSANE
  5. Well Anthony said part B was true. And the car makes what it makes, race him, and see what happens.
  6. Quick questions, First sorry to hear about the problems with the car, shitty Where you are the car show on Saturday? What all do you have done now to the car?
  7. o rly? what are the classes?
  8. If you can give us a call, and ask for Eric and he can give you a very *economical* quote. We have done both , chrome pro and the hondata units. -Brandon
  9. Pete, car looks good (still want to see it in person )! Thanks for stopping by the shop yesterday as well! -Brandon
  10. Mike Norris is a very good small shop. The car if maintained should be in good condition. Browse the corvette forum for cars, people let some CRAZY deals go on there.
  11. Also Brian the future is in German/ European cars in terms of a tap that is not run dry. Waiting for the release of some flasher for vw/audi/porsche ect and there will be a new wave of tunes.
  12. Alex I will be out there, this is Brandon
  13. With the pulls on the dyno this morning, traction is going to be a night mare out of the hole. We have some boost dialing in that needs done, and some more chassis set up I have a feeling. But we dont have a whole lot of time for testing until norwalk an super chevy.
  14. Just the device we have been looking at! Nate I sent you a PM
  15. Good work, hope it turns out well. -Brandon
  16. I think I will bring out a couple cars!
  17. I am in the short sale market right now, and this is what I keep hearing... people dragging their feet. Good luck Joe, sounds like you got a good partner with your wife -Brandon
  18. I am bias to Corvettes, like Dave maybe to 03-04's. The thing that mostly drives me towards the vette is overall driving performance, I believe the vette is a little more tuned for corning, and overall feel, with a little less brute power then the cobras. The corba is a little heavy of a car for my liking, but again thats my bias. I work around both, and they do differnt tasks well. I would say the vette, for overall performance, and you can make 440 wheel easily, and Ill bet that hangs with all the 500 wheel 03-04s out there. -Brandon (and good luck, if you want to take a ride in a vette with around those levels of power stop down at the shop and we would be obliged to set you up with a demo ride)
  19. Vote Republican in 2012! And democrats getting rid of big labor (aka the union) is a pipe dream, absolute pipe dream. The UAW will have an even bigger stake in GM now, after the bankruptcy, not the opposite... Its very sad.
  20. The fastest trailblazer in Columbus is in route now!
  21. We stock the 3" in black, they are 7 a piece, and I have one 4" here as well in black. We sell samco hoses
  22. So you want mitsu style 42 lb injectors? Or the equivalent? I stock 42 domestic injectors here at the shop.
  23. Unfortunately that's the final color we have yet to have in here!
  24. Its the converter flashing, possibly combining with a little bottle pressure. Really good power curve though, in all analysis.
  25. Custom decked cylinder heads and new exhaust valves, and a moderate cam, (im not sure the cam the customer picked out I think its a lethal cam from ragin racing) but it should make above 550 wheel NA after all is said and done, also adding our P&P throttle body, and intake, and some custom exhaust work. Its a nice project! I will try to get it up dated as we add parts -Brandon
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